Category:Graves ChristianMatthias Schröder at Friedhof Ohlsdorf

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Pillow stones für Hamburg businessman and mayor Christian Matthias Schröder (1742-1821) und his wife Luise Mutzenbecher in the spacious family grave area “Christian Matthias Schröder” at Hamburg Friedhof Ohlsdorf, map U 21 (south of Nebenallee, east of chapel 2). In the same line the pillow stones for their son, Hamburg businessman and senator Christian Matthias Schröder (1778-1860) and his 1st und his 2nd wife.
The elder Schröder generations were buried at the ancient burial ground Begräbnisplatz der Nikolaikirche (part of the old Hamburg “ Dammtorfriedhöfe”) which are no longer existent. Details: Eberhard Kändler: Begräbnishain und Gruft: die Grabmale der Oberschicht auf den alten Hamburger Begräbnisplätzen. Ausgabe Nr. 17 von Arbeitshefte zur Denkmalpflege in Hamburg. Verlag Christians, 1997, ISBN 3-7672-1294-3, page 126 (with two historical pictures page 59).