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Media in category "Government"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 448 total.
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20 02 2020 Assinatura do Protocolo de Intenções entre o Ministério da defesa e BNDES.jpg 3,506 × 2,337; 3.83 MB
2015 08 20 Wildland Fire Governance with Agency-WFEC Removed (2) (2).jpg 1,200 × 1,025; 357 KB
2016 10 11 OWF Organization Chart WoNames Final.pdf 2,550 × 1,650; 149 KB
2018 Military Expenditures by Country-ar.png 722 × 592; 73 KB
2020 Total US Government Spending Breakdown.png 890 × 502; 26 KB
5-glifo-tlahuac1.gif 240 × 170; 21 KB
A2Council-2020-04-19.ogg 2 h 4 min 48 s; 68.37 MB
A2Council-Caucus-2020-05-17.ogg 2 h 6 min 26 s; 72.09 MB
African collection - Museo de las Americas - San Juan, Puerto Rico - DSC06902.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 4.73 MB
Al Shimasiyah Line view.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 238 KB
Alagoas em Dados e Informações logo.png 210 × 224; 18 KB
AlcaldesVzla20212025.png 1,920 × 1,659; 757 KB
Amador Rodriguez Lozano.jpg 1,200 × 1,500; 652 KB
Ambassador Roy R Rubottom, Jr.png 212 × 222; 93 KB
American Flag at VA Headquarters - Veterans Affairs - Washington D.C..jpg 9,458 × 6,126; 30.09 MB
Aminmahmoud.jpg 600 × 600; 105 KB
Andrés Hidalgo Leiva.jpg 5,130 × 3,420; 3.54 MB
Anwar Alam.jpg 720 × 1,100; 458 KB
Apprehensions list - NISS Ethiopia.png 696 × 460; 432 KB
Arie Septia Adinata.jpg 453 × 483; 30 KB
Arrival TMHGG IMG-1264.jpg 2,881 × 3,120; 2.2 MB
Arrival TMHPM.jpg 3,883 × 1,862; 1.67 MB
Arturo Bours Griffith.jpg 1,280 × 853; 75 KB
Asamblea Municipal en San Juan Achiutla, Oaxaca, México, 2018.jpg 640 × 480; 129 KB
Atf form 4473-firearms transaction record 5300 9revised 0.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 6 pages; 341 KB
ATF form 4590.png 5,100 × 6,600; 862 KB
Ayuntamiento-de-merida.png 1,024 × 1,024; 601 KB
Backside of Babcock - panoramio.jpg 2,304 × 1,728; 681 KB
BanderaVilcabamba.jpg 4,979 × 3,203; 662 KB
Bashir Ahmad.png 432 × 216; 193 KB
Benyamin Arisoy.jpg 452 × 678; 27 KB
Birtukan Ayano Dadi.jpg 1,662 × 1,418; 250 KB
Blendi Gonxhja.jpg 1,400 × 1,600; 290 KB
Borough Hall From West Side.jpg 550 × 412; 70 KB
BPSO LOGO.jpg 4,091 × 4,091; 575 KB
BrasaoOcidentL.png 1,017 × 977; 67 KB
Brcc Annex-building.jpg 500 × 400; 53 KB
Brcc bowling-center.jpg 500 × 400; 56 KB
Brcc Gymnasium.jpg 500 × 400; 62 KB
Brcc-water-park.jpg 500 × 400; 86 KB
Bryan-newland.jpg 480 × 467; 69 KB
Canberra Road to Government House-1 (5514525962).jpg 1,940 × 1,340; 705 KB
Carlos Ignacio Cuervo Valencia.jpg 1,917 × 2,593; 1.8 MB
CarlosPodesta1we.jpg 302 × 302; 17 KB
Charles Scharf in 2020.png 313 × 417; 170 KB
Charles Scharf Testifying Before the House Financial Services Committee.png 1,006 × 588; 759 KB
Cheng-Lin, Manchu Minister of State. Wellcome L0040970.jpg 2,614 × 3,432; 3.17 MB
Chief Shaw-Waw-Nas-See's Knife.jpg 1,793 × 4,000; 2.74 MB
CIJA testimony - S201 - Genetic Discrmination.png 611 × 612; 661 KB
City of Miami Commission Districts Map 2019.jpg 5,400 × 5,400; 4.73 MB
City of Red Bay Council 2016-2020 Administration.jpg 800 × 726; 234 KB
Clara Inés Chaves en el Congo.png 555 × 612; 591 KB
Clay County Seal.jpg 1,404 × 1,404; 2.03 MB
Clay Dondokambey.jpg 473 × 553; 66 KB
Composición ayuntamiento de Andújar 5 de junio de 1936.jpg 671 × 542; 66 KB
Concejo Municipal de San Julian.jpg 720 × 405; 27 KB
Congressional-Record-1-30-1985-E255.jpg 850 × 1,067; 323 KB
Continental Unions.png 1,500 × 775; 44 KB
Continental unions5.jpg 800 × 353; 54 KB
Council ruling on Wampage March 1679.jpg 3,080 × 4,620; 2.86 MB
CountriesRecognizingSNC.png 800 × 411; 74 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5776 (15384600273).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 520 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5779 (15381973724).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 601 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5784 (15978441406).jpg 2,500 × 1,683; 488 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5787 (15816962780).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 474 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5793 (15816961830).jpg 2,500 × 1,748; 424 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5796 (15816828108).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 455 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5800 (15818471377).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 465 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5803 (16002254201).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 406 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5807 (15384593023).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 548 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5817 (16003522882).jpg 2,500 × 1,616; 570 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5824 (15381964464).jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 283 KB
CPA Media Suppression Protest IMG 5849 (16003520112).jpg 2,500 × 1,272; 323 KB
Crs eitc 2020.png 649 × 393; 90 KB
Crystal River City Hall in Crystal River, Florida.jpg 1,200 × 698; 148 KB
Cutro, Consiglio dei Ministri del 9 marzo 2023.jpg 3,984 × 1,840; 2.54 MB
Daigram for Aristotle's 66 forms of government.jpg 1,620 × 837; 141 KB
Daranak Falls in Tanay, Rizal.jpg 715 × 536; 381 KB
Dashgin Shikarov.jpg 2,048 × 1,719; 412 KB
Dataaccess.tiff 1,366 × 860; 138 KB
David Ober Official Photograph.png 667 × 1,000; 562 KB
De facto government of the Empire from 1836 to 1848.png 1,050 × 1,542; 2.77 MB
De-Regierung.ogg 1.8 s; 16 KB
Dek Pangkat IIIA Kemendagri.png 171 × 345; 62 KB
Democracy Index 2014.svg 2,754 × 1,397; 1.74 MB
Denhamsprings-seal.png 200 × 200; 74 KB
Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development.svg 512 × 512; 241 KB
Deputy Commissioners of Attock (erstwhile Campbellpur) district, Punjab, Pakistan.jpg 3,941 × 2,061; 2.1 MB
Derby City Council Logo.png 272 × 90; 4 KB
Dermawan, Sekda Prov. Aceh.png 226 × 309; 133 KB
Detailed description of the government functions0.png 9,900 × 6,000; 3.03 MB
Diagram of the Federal Government or the Great Republic of the United States of America.jpg 9,290 × 7,580; 16.36 MB
Divisions of government broad objective-0.png 7,368 × 3,936; 695 KB
DNIT Monocromático.png 1,024 × 261; 63 KB
DoL secondary rgb 300ppi.png 493 × 143; 9 KB
Douglas MacArthur II and Basil F. Macgowan.png 427 × 316; 226 KB
Dr. Moeed Yusuf NSA Pakistan.jpg 2,999 × 2,912; 1.59 MB
Dr. Victor Mena1.jpg 3,300 × 4,200; 6.03 MB
Dsp-plha.jpg 1,409 × 1,952; 310 KB
Dwbk workflow.png 6,240 × 3,321; 539 KB
E-Ouv.png 1,303 × 196; 294 KB
E-Rozgaar Logo.svg 512 × 363; 15 KB
EddySatriya.jpg 351 × 395; 29 KB
Edificio de la alcaldía municipal.jpg 4,480 × 2,224; 1.82 MB
Edificio ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas.jpg 3,016 × 4,032; 4.89 MB
Edificio principal del Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de San Julian.jpg 720 × 540; 30 KB
Edmund A Gullion.png 213 × 235; 92 KB
EFTA-logo No outline With Lines-01.png 2,045 × 1,413; 130 KB
EFTA-logo.jpg 2,045 × 1,413; 371 KB
Emblem English Bazar Municipality.jpg 192 × 128; 12 KB
Emilio Echeverri Mejía.jpg 351 × 449; 22 KB
Emperor Haile Selassie I's 1968 Speech to the United Nations.ogg 11 min 19 s; 5.28 MB
Endang Abdullah.jpg 295 × 406; 17 KB
Engineering project(GN00141).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1,017 KB
English Bazar Municipality Emblem.png 377 × 236; 166 KB
Entrance to Government House Canberra-1 (24665761368).jpg 2,581 × 1,291; 679 KB
Entrance to Government House Canberra-1 (5513928195).jpg 1,940 × 1,326; 535 KB
Entrance to Government House Canberra-1 (5660272727).jpg 1,920 × 1,320; 447 KB
Environment tthing.jpg 1,440 × 1,082; 1.27 MB
Escudo - Las Plumas.png 1,785 × 2,526; 188 KB
Escudo municipio Huamantla.png 800 × 800; 216 KB
Escudo Municipio Huamantla.png 2,892 × 3,040; 1.21 MB
Escudo Tlaxcala.png 5,530 × 6,333; 1.41 MB
EscudoTuc.jpg 349 × 195; 13 KB
EscudoVilcabamba.png 2,357 × 3,311; 1.39 MB
Essay on the government of dependencies.djvu 1,958 × 3,288, 410 pages; 13.46 MB
Ethiopia Gov meeting.webp 1,080 × 720; 111 KB
Evaluating Good Government.jpg 2,938 × 1,646; 722 KB
Farland and girl.png 424 × 281; 207 KB
Federal Police Ethiopia (1).jpg 1,280 × 847; 117 KB
Federal Police Ethiopia (2).jpg 1,280 × 847; 101 KB
Federal Police Ethiopia.jpg 960 × 640; 62 KB
Federal state local percent of gdp.webp 5,595 × 1,772; 117 KB
FedExcessReserves1984to2019.png 964 × 481; 32 KB
Firma de convenio IEMMP-CONEVAL.jpg 1,024 × 683; 69 KB
Fiscal-logo.png 600 × 600; 31 KB
Form of government constitutional monarchy.png 7,192 × 3,318; 1.29 MB
Form of government parliamentary.png 800 × 413; 103 KB
Francisco Moreno y Felipe Larraín.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 1.74 MB
Gad Anconcito.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.49 MB
Gad de Ancón.jpg 4,166 × 3,124; 2.09 MB
Gad Muey.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.44 MB
Gadmli.jpg 853 × 1,280; 467 KB
Gang Politics Book.png 6,000 × 7,200; 23.11 MB
Garden-Santa-Mancera.jpg 478 × 324; 30 KB
GAWAT THE BIGOT.jpg 1,179 × 652; 116 KB
GeneralTriasLogo.jpg 960 × 960; 128 KB
Gerald A Drew.png 213 × 272; 117 KB
Global Equality Fund Logo.jpg 527 × 364; 57 KB
Gonzalo Fuenzalida Figueroa.jpg 3,420 × 5,130; 5.19 MB
Gove in Xinyi.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3 MB
Government House Drinks-01 (326414087).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 4.13 MB
Government House Newcastle.jpg 1,400 × 762; 597 KB
GOVERNMENT HOUSE, coloured.jpg 744 × 472; 92 KB
Government symbol.jpg 960 × 720; 14 KB
Governo Provincial de Ícolo e Bengo.jpg 1,000 × 563; 81 KB
Governo-de-minas-gerais-2019-log.png 300 × 147; 8 KB
Governo-de-minas-gerais-2019-logo-slogan-direita-FB.png 1,884 × 360; 54 KB
Govinfo blue logo.png 1,282 × 447; 23 KB
Grnet logo.png 153 × 72; 3 KB
Guido Echeverry Piedrahita.jpg 1,181 × 1,575; 203 KB
Gulf County Seal.png 200 × 156; 59 KB
H. Pepep Saepul Hidayat, S.Ikom.png 246 × 256; 42 KB
Higher Quality Parts of NISS Organization structure.png 1,000 × 562; 404 KB
House Speaker of Ethiopia, Tagesse Chafo.jpg 960 × 640; 157 KB
How transparent is the White House? (4586670255).jpg 520 × 292; 17 KB
HUDact69-cover.png 718 × 1,127; 1.86 MB
ICTACT Logo.svg 60 × 23; 8 KB
ICTACT New Logo.svg 180 × 68; 8 KB
Ihor Klymenko MIA of Ukraine.webp 621 × 870; 32 KB
Ilhom Sattorov.jpg 556 × 837; 165 KB
Inauguración de la VII Feria de la Apicultura de la Sierra de Cádiz.jpg 1,200 × 900; 154 KB
Index of Economic Freedom 2008.png 1,350 × 625; 47 KB
INHGEOMIN.png 731 × 799; 734 KB
INSA Headquarters.jpg 1,280 × 853; 154 KB
Inspectora General de Puerto Rico.jpg 500 × 480; 23 KB
Instituto Tecnologico de la Produccion ITP red CITE.png 4,167 × 4,167; 179 KB
IntendenteMezaCaaCati.jpg 1,232 × 816; 103 KB
IntendenteMezaCaaCati2.png 540 × 540; 386 KB
Investe Recife da Prefeitura do Recife.jpg 4,160 × 2,340; 2.06 MB
Investe Recife em reunião.jpg 4,000 × 2,250; 1.71 MB
Ipswich Borough Council May 2023.png 2,560 × 1,316; 166 KB
Irrigation plant near Zacatecas (Mexico). (6985376177).jpg 1,481 × 1,302; 386 KB
JabarkhylSpeech.jpg 1,710 × 1,140; 295 KB
Jaime Rojas Catalàn - Seremi de Minería de Valparaíso.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.46 MB
Jamal El Messoudi, président du commune de Taza.jpg 599 × 737; 93 KB
JaneFurseSAPS.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 3.48 MB
JANN.img.jpg 592 × 720; 132 KB
Javier Tizado.jpg 640 × 640; 53 KB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 03 (27568114080).jpg 5,173 × 3,448; 5.02 MB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 05 (27568103880) (Bishop Nigel Stock cropped).jpg 897 × 1,087; 375 KB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 05 (27568103880).jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 5.12 MB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 07 (27811416966).jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 6.77 MB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 12 (27233689424).jpg 5,298 × 3,532; 4.08 MB
Jo Cox Birthday Memorial - 13 (27845744405).jpg 5,299 × 3,533; 4.35 MB