Category:Gold in art
English: This is for Gold shown in arts, for art made out of Gold see Category:Gold art.
This category has the following 22 subcategories, out of 22 total.
Media in category "Gold in art"
The following 95 files are in this category, out of 95 total.
81-THE GOLD REFINERY.jpg 1,487 × 941; 632 KB
A miser looks at his hoard of gold through his spectacles, w Wellcome V0015825.jpg 2,298 × 3,324; 4.02 MB
A picture from China every day 051.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.62 MB
Acala, the Buddhist Protector (cropped).jpg 1,912 × 1,969; 1.45 MB
Acala, the Buddhist Protector cropped Garuda.jpg 707 × 450; 440 KB
Acala, the Buddhist Protector.jpg 3,163 × 3,704; 4.28 MB
Allegorie der Tulipomanie (Tulpenzwiebel mit Gold).jpg 541 × 579; 356 KB
Arhat Chudapanthaka (?) with Attendants LACMA M.77.19.9.jpg 1,720 × 2,100; 990 KB
Arhat. Tibet, probably Tsang region. Mid. 14th century. LACMA.jpg 1,720 × 2,100; 1 MB
Aurari, 1850.jpg 1,351 × 936; 151 KB
Bird from 14th-century Tibetan thangka.jpg 519 × 438; 111 KB
Black Cloak Mahakala or Bernag Chen - Google Art Project (cropped).jpg 1,484 × 2,473; 1.43 MB
Center figure detail, Acala, the Buddhist Protector (cropped).jpg 1,427 × 1,636; 914 KB
Chinese Gold Miners b.jpg 683 × 531; 378 KB
Claude Debussy, Images - 06 Poissons d'or (Marcelle Meyer, 1957).flac 3 min 40 s; 11.18 MB
Clevelandart 2009.102 (cropped).jpg 2,442 × 1,766; 4.61 MB
Clevelandart 2009.102.jpg 3,400 × 2,729; 6.48 MB
Corsetto subito nuziale Museo Antica Casa Walser.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.91 MB
Deity detail, Ganesh Nepal (cropped).jpg 215 × 346; 54 KB
DeQuille-gold-amalgamation-arastra.jpg 581 × 426; 104 KB
Dharmakīrtisāgara..JPG 682 × 768; 335 KB
Effect of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (blurred).jpeg 3,888 × 2,592; 4.09 MB
Effect of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (detail).jpeg 1,109 × 739; 416 KB
Effect of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (total).jpeg 2,730 × 2,184; 2.31 MB
Elephant from 14th-century Tibetan Thangka.jpg 537 × 285; 81 KB
End of the Road - Flickr - frankieleon.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.2 MB
Esku ikusezinaren alegoria, Midjourneyrekin sortua.png 1,280 × 853; 1.77 MB
Fire-Offering Ladle MET DP236565.jpg 4,000 × 3,002; 2.05 MB
Frau-mit-Schmuck.gif 597 × 952; 17 KB
Ganesh Nepal.jpg 991 × 500; 267 KB
Goddess Lhamo.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 345 KB
Gold (Zloty Stok).JPG 1,839 × 1,360; 908 KB
Gold atom model.jpg 2,306 × 2,621; 847 KB
Gold Coast, HeHe, Terre-Plein de la Jetée, Le Havre, 2024.jpg 4,924 × 3,275; 9.08 MB
Gold Materials.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.28 MB
Golden orb created using the Gold 6 method.jpg 800 × 600; 21 KB
Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Delhi, India (2012).jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 1.16 MB
Healing goddess Mahamayun painted in yellow.jpg 2,649 × 2,429; 2.4 MB
History of Darius the Great (1850) (14583225409).jpg 2,458 × 1,520; 1.96 MB
Horned Griffin from Tibetan thangka.jpg 361 × 899; 174 KB
Indian - Bound Collection of 20 Miniatures Depicting Village Life - Walters 35176.jpg 1,464 × 1,800; 362 KB
King Geo. "going" (moving) to open Parliament (LOC).jpg 741 × 1,024; 140 KB
Legendary Gold Si Farman.png 140 × 140; 24 KB
Man mining for gold, late 15th century Wellcome L0019169.jpg 1,032 × 1,848; 1.37 MB
Marko VUokola, documentation of the making of "Gold Thread", 1995.jpg 800 × 527; 625 KB
Meyers b7 s0475a.jpg 2,048 × 1,628; 583 KB
Meyers b7 s0495a.jpg 2,048 × 1,686; 408 KB
Monte Cassino interior 03.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.44 MB
Inf. 06 Mosè Bianchi, Paolo e Francesca, 1877c.jpg 989 × 710; 399 KB
Mosè Bianchi - Paolo e Francesca (1888 circa).jpg 836 × 603; 97 KB
Målning. Porträtt. Per Brahe d.y - Skoklosters slott - 87011.tif 3,596 × 4,870; 100.29 MB
Old Town, 110 00 Prague-Prague 1, Czech Republic - panoramio (192).jpg 3,072 × 1,728; 697 KB
Pancaraksa, AD 1653, Ranjana script Wellcome L0021448.jpg 1,788 × 1,068; 925 KB
Pancaraksa, AD 1653, Ranjana script, Mahamayun Wellcome L0035405.jpg 5,604 × 6,328; 11.91 MB
Pancaraksa, AD 1653, Ranjana script, Sitavati Wellcome L0035406.jpg 5,604 × 6,310; 12.26 MB
Peep at Washoe - Gold Hill.jpg 1,374 × 1,374; 774 KB
Plakat im 1. Weltkrieg.jpg 513 × 393; 73 KB
Poissons d'or de Debussy.jpg 1,024 × 1,392; 407 KB
Portrait of Jnanatapa (cropped).jpg 1,544 × 1,943; 3.5 MB
Portrait of Jnanatapa surrounded by lamas and mahasiddhas.jpg 2,866 × 3,561; 8.9 MB
Portrait of Two Taklung Lamas LACMA AC1994.47.1.jpg 1,744 × 2,100; 982 KB
Raven with gold ring (17120780878).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3 MB
Risorto.jpg 2,047 × 2,558; 6.16 MB
Sitavati in green below from a 1653 manuscript.jpg 242 × 273; 421 KB
Snow Lion, Portrait of Jnanatapa, circa 1350 (cropped).jpg 286 × 397; 168 KB
Star by Gisèle.png 1,500 × 1,500; 491 KB
The Indian Gold Hunters.jpg 1,243 × 791; 1.15 MB
Thousand-Armed Chenresi, a Cosmic Form of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.jpg 3,408 × 4,000; 10.22 MB
Too much gold washing.jpg 1,180 × 786; 140 KB
Two alchemists seeming to produce gold from a furnace; the a Wellcome V0025587.jpg 1,300 × 1,999; 1.77 MB
Urszula plewka schmidt kanony piekna 2.jpg 900 × 646; 899 KB
Vintage Chinese Lacquer (4591255339).jpg 4,256 × 2,832; 4.06 MB
WLA lacma Western Tibet Manuscript of the Delivery from Hell Tantra.jpg 1,024 × 768; 493 KB