Category:Geometridae of Ecuador
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Media in category "Geometridae of Ecuador"
The following 107 files are in this category, out of 107 total.
A moth from Ecuador (Explored 03.09.2014) (15119052555).jpg 3,869 × 2,569; 4.12 MB
Atyria? (Geometirdae Sterrhinae Cyllopodini) (31837415997).jpg 3,088 × 2,059; 1.53 MB
Blotched Leopard (Pantherodes colubraria) (15240699496).jpg 3,331 × 2,212; 3.42 MB
Blotched Leopard (Pantherodes colubraria) (15240700196).jpg 3,933 × 2,612; 4.3 MB
Darth Vader moth (15087037810).jpg 3,325 × 2,209; 2.77 MB
Ecuador Emerald (Racheospila ecuadoriata) (14937330558).jpg 3,861 × 2,564; 2.85 MB
Epimecis anonaria (Gray-tipped Lace Moth) 2015-06-12 (1) (39454530495).jpg 2,410 × 1,602; 3.3 MB
Erateina staudingeri 57197127.jpg 1,841 × 1,598; 481 KB
Geometer moth (Ennominae) (15107680340).jpg 3,878 × 2,576; 3.42 MB
Geometrid - Flickr - gailhampshire (4).jpg 2,088 × 1,422; 764 KB
Geometrid.cross lined clay - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,840 × 1,484; 792 KB
Geometridae (14947232957).jpg 2,649 × 1,759; 1.13 MB
Geometridae (14971789419).jpg 3,328 × 2,210; 2.66 MB
Geometridae (14987369149).jpg 3,896 × 2,587; 3.21 MB
Geometridae (15008046310).jpg 3,467 × 2,301; 2.9 MB
Geometridae (15013114568).jpg 3,405 × 2,261; 2 MB
Geometridae (15022200008).jpg 3,453 × 2,292; 2.54 MB
Geometridae (15026111337).jpg 3,343 × 2,220; 3.33 MB
Geometridae (15029526058).jpg 3,182 × 2,113; 4.43 MB
Geometridae (15029527658).jpg 3,875 × 2,573; 4 MB
Geometridae (15035678429).jpg 3,237 × 2,149; 4.41 MB
Geometridae (15035884257).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.86 MB
Geometridae (15040887529).jpg 3,560 × 2,365; 3.9 MB
Geometridae (15066939899).jpg 3,448 × 2,290; 2.76 MB
Geometridae (15067094738).jpg 2,669 × 1,773; 1.64 MB
Geometridae (15071082829).jpg 2,798 × 1,858; 1.82 MB
Geometridae (15071268387).jpg 3,644 × 2,419; 2.62 MB
Geometridae (15071270157).jpg 3,777 × 2,507; 4.45 MB
Geometridae (15076955809).jpg 2,998 × 1,991; 1.56 MB
Geometridae (15091153759).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.2 MB
Geometridae (15107628439).jpg 3,578 × 2,376; 3.26 MB
Geometridae (15112627922).jpg 3,880 × 2,577; 4.07 MB
Geometridae (15151079586).jpg 3,992 × 2,651; 3.55 MB
Geometridae (15158736512).jpg 3,724 × 2,474; 4.11 MB
Geometridae (15163831805).jpg 3,898 × 2,588; 3.16 MB
Geometridae (15163832355).jpg 3,163 × 2,100; 1.9 MB
Geometridae (15163833295).jpg 2,629 × 1,746; 1.13 MB
Geometridae (15163834565).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.54 MB
Geometridae (15184900365).jpg 3,689 × 2,450; 3.17 MB
Geometridae (15203013556).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.37 MB
Geometridae (15208699265).jpg 3,533 × 2,346; 4.73 MB
Geometridae (15212399026).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.52 MB
Geometridae (15224568881).jpg 3,309 × 2,197; 4.35 MB
Geometridae (15225350855).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 3.97 MB
Geometridae (15253671065).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.08 MB
Geometridae (15257316283).jpg 3,109 × 2,064; 2.82 MB
Geometridae (15261135123).jpg 3,285 × 2,180; 2.44 MB
Geometridae (15262636014).jpg 3,604 × 2,393; 3.85 MB
Geometridae (15263705125).jpg 3,130 × 2,079; 2.44 MB
Geometridae (15277513272).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.28 MB
Geometridae (15283798545).jpg 2,914 × 1,936; 2.4 MB
Geometridae (15438111203).jpg 2,590 × 2,590; 3.49 MB
Geometridae (15693491610).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.86 MB
Geometridae (15694774329).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.09 MB
Geometridae (15695034257).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.42 MB
Geometridae (15697393818).jpg 2,923 × 1,942; 1.73 MB
Geometridae (15698869049).jpg 3,059 × 2,031; 2.02 MB
Geometridae (15699144687).jpg 2,913 × 1,935; 1.29 MB
Geometridae (15702555297).jpg 3,803 × 2,525; 5.36 MB
Geometridae (15702555827).jpg 3,173 × 2,108; 3.56 MB
Geometridae (15851155856).jpg 1,967 × 1,306; 983 KB
Geometridae (15851157116).jpg 3,021 × 2,006; 2.46 MB
Geometridae (15851161456).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.68 MB
Geometridae (15862504656).jpg 2,293 × 1,522; 1.75 MB
Geometridae (15868235670).jpg 3,208 × 2,131; 2.41 MB
Geometridae (15872007087).jpg 3,374 × 2,240; 2.89 MB
Geometridae (15872011347).jpg 3,104 × 2,061; 2.7 MB
Geometridae (15872786889).jpg 3,630 × 2,410; 4.76 MB
Geometridae (15876971495).jpg 3,538 × 2,348; 3.99 MB
Geometridae (15880789685).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 8.9 MB
Geometridae (15886331221).jpg 3,205 × 2,128; 1.91 MB
Geometridae (15887684432).jpg 3,110 × 2,065; 3.93 MB
Geometridae (16029739446).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.17 MB
Geometridae (16029741076).jpg 3,497 × 2,322; 3.91 MB
Geometridae (16053572101).jpg 1,568 × 1,042; 530 KB
Geometridae (16053575511).jpg 3,478 × 2,310; 4.24 MB
Geometridae (16059746421).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 7.2 MB
Geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire (2).jpg 1,172 × 796; 375 KB
Geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire - 2.jpg 1,752 × 1,280; 1.03 MB
Geometridae, Ecuador - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,196 × 892; 438 KB
Geometridae? (14932493348).jpg 3,170 × 2,105; 1.82 MB
Giant carpet.sp.geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 2,472 × 1,824; 1.08 MB
Grey- tipped Lace.Epimecis anonaria .Geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,716 × 1,232; 981 KB
Hygrochroma olivinaria 87703461.jpg 1,372 × 765; 352 KB
Hygrochroma olivinaria 89858821.jpg 1,269 × 712; 391 KB
I Los Cedros 0609 098 (17088018467).jpg 800 × 600; 98 KB
I Los Cedros 0609 100 (17269515556).jpg 800 × 600; 56 KB
I Los Cedros 0609 101 (17269515426).jpg 800 × 600; 49 KB
I Los Cedros 0609 112 (16675217573).jpg 800 × 600; 73 KB
Idaea sp. (15208385612).jpg 3,109 × 2,064; 2.61 MB
Idaea sp? (15254737291).jpg 3,536 × 2,348; 3.95 MB
Leaf Imitating Geometer Moth 2015-06-13 (1) (26480662828).jpg 2,656 × 1,766; 3.49 MB
Mint striped pug poss.unk.sp .geometrid - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,012 × 784; 455 KB
P1080087 - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 920 × 804; 292 KB
P1080109 - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,400 × 1,012; 466 KB
Pantherodes conglomerata (Blotched Leopard) 2015-06-06 (1) (40310987601).jpg 2,310 × 1,536; 2.87 MB
Pityeja histrionaria (Geometer moth sp) 2015-06-12 (2) (38541838110).jpg 2,286 × 1,520; 2.13 MB
Red-bordered Emerald Moth Nemoria lixaria (15872787049).jpg 3,367 × 2,236; 2.35 MB
Rhodochlora sp (Geometer moth sp) 2015-06-13 (2) (25479743297).jpg 2,328 × 1,548; 2.86 MB
Schmetterling aus Ecuador 7.JPG 2,165 × 1,440; 981 KB
Spoiled beauty.^ unk.sp. geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,280 × 916; 743 KB
Spotted Moth (Pantherodes conglomerata^) plus Pyralid moth - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,692 × 1,220; 943 KB
Spotted moth. Pantherodes sp. ( conglomerata^) - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,824 × 1,260; 856 KB
Unk.pug. geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,712 × 1,236; 1.15 MB
Woollen carpet. unk.sp. geometridae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,000 × 776; 361 KB
Xanthyris flaveolata. sub. family Sterrhinae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,776 × 1,280; 739 KB