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Category:Front Range

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<nowiki>Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; Передовой хребет; Front Range; 弗兰特山; Front Range; 弗兰特岭; Cordillera Front; Front Range; フロントレンジ; Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; Front Range; 弗蘭特山; 弗兰特山; المدى الامامى; רכס פרונט; Front Range; Преден хребет; Front Range; Front Range; pogorje Južnega Skalnega gorovja v Severni Ameriki; chaîne de montagnes américaine; سلسله جبليه فى امريكا; pasmo górskie w Ameryce Północnej; Gebirgszug in den USA, Teil der Rocky Mountains; mountain range of the Southern Rocky Mountains of North America; سلسلة جبلية في كولورادو، الولايات المتحدة; Ciadëina de crëps ti Stac Unii; Catena montuosa delle montagne rocciose in Nord America; 弗蘭特嶺; フロント山脈; 弗兰特岭; 弗兰特山; 前岭; 弗兰特山脉; 前山; 弗朗特山脈; 弗朗特山脉</nowiki>
Front Range 
mountain range of the Southern Rocky Mountains of North America
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Instance of
Part of
  • Southern Rocky Mountains
Mountain range
Highest point
Elevation above sea level
  • 14,278 ft
Different from
Map39° 38′ 02.04″ N, 105° 49′ 01.2″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1470027
VIAF cluster ID: 316598205
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85052066
BabelNet ID: 03228799n
J9U ID: 987007553171105171
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English: The Front Range — located in central Colorado and southeastern Wyoming, in the western United States.
Español: Cordillera Front — de las Montañas Rocosas.


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Media in category "Front Range"

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