Category:Football tennis

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English: Football tennis, also known as futnet, is a sport originating in 1920s in Central Europe.
<nowiki>Calcio-tennis; Lábtenisz; Nogotenis; Fútbol-tenis; futbol tennis; Fussballtennis; Fußballtennis; futebol-tênis; football tennis; فوتبال تنیس; Футболтеннис; fodtennis; fútbol-tenis; サッカーテニス; krurbalo; football tennis; nohejbal; Siatkonoga; טניס כדורגל; Futboltennis; Футболтеніс; Tennis-ballon; 풋볼테니스; jalkatennis; Fútbol tenis; تنس كرة القدم; nohejbal; fotballtennis; Futnet olarak da bilinen ve futbol topuyla oynanan bir tür spor; šport hraný s loptou cez sieť na tenisu podobnému ihrisku s loptou podobnou futbalovej a sieti tenisové; ספורט ומשחק כדור שמשחקים עם כדור כדורגל על פני מגרש המחולק באמצעות רשת נמוכה לשתי מחציות; sport played with a ball over a net on a tennis-like playground, with the ball similar to the football one, and the net to the tennis one; Ballsportart; deporte jugado con una pelota sobre una red en un campo de juego similar al de tenis; a sport played with a ball over a net on a tennis-like playground, with the ball similar to the football one, and the net to the tennis one; نوعی ورزش شبیه تنیس و فوتبال; sport hraný s míčem přes síť na tenisu podobnému hřišti s míčem podobným fotbalovému a síti tenisové; Sport; Football tennis; Теннисбол; Футболтеннис; Futbol-tennis; hohiš; hohbal; pozemný volejbal; kopaný tenis; kurtbal; futbalový tenis; nožný volejbal; futbaltenis; volejbalový futbal; futbalový volejbal; futnet; hohiš; futnet</nowiki>
football tennis 
sport played with a ball over a net on a tennis-like playground, with the ball similar to the football one, and the net to the tennis one
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Wikidata Q855880
NL CR AUT ID: ph205099
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Media in category "Football tennis"

The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.