Category:Font Awesome 5 regular icons
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Media in category "Font Awesome 5 regular icons"
The following 157 files are in this category, out of 157 total.
Font Awesome 5 regular address-book.svg 512 × 585; 790 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular address-card.svg 512 × 455; 890 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular angry.svg 512 × 529; 991 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-alt-circle-down.svg 512 × 512; 560 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-alt-circle-left.svg 512 × 512; 554 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-alt-circle-right.svg 512 × 512; 563 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-alt-circle-up.svg 512 × 512; 560 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-circle-up blue.svg 32 × 32; 361 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular arrow-circle-up green.svg 32 × 32; 323 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular bell-slash.svg 512 × 410; 966 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular bell.svg 512 × 585; 824 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular bookmark.svg 512 × 683; 409 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular building.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar-alt.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar-check.svg 512 × 585; 830 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar-minus.svg 512 × 585; 621 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar-plus.svg 512 × 585; 725 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar-times.svg 512 × 585; 820 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular calendar.svg 512 × 585; 524 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular caret-square-down.svg 512 × 585; 565 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular caret-square-left.svg 512 × 585; 563 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular caret-square-right.svg 512 × 585; 563 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular caret-square-up.svg 512 × 585; 562 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular chart-bar.svg 512 × 512; 888 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular check-circle.svg 512 × 512; 756 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular check-square.svg 512 × 585; 675 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular circle.svg 512 × 512; 407 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular clipboard.svg 512 × 683; 632 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular clock.svg 512 × 512; 579 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular clone.svg 512 × 512; 603 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular closed-captioning.svg 512 × 512; 915 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular comment-alt.svg 512 × 512; 537 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular comment-dots.svg 512 × 512; 908 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular comment.svg 512 × 512; 693 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular comments.svg 512 × 455; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular compass.svg 512 × 529; 768 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular copy.svg 512 × 585; 763 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular copyright.svg 512 × 512; 959 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular credit-card.svg 512 × 455; 694 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular dizzy.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular dot-circle.svg 512 × 512; 547 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular edit.svg 512 × 455; 773 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular envelope-open.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular envelope.svg 512 × 512; 749 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular eye-slash.svg 512 × 455; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular eye.svg 512 × 455; 843 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-alt.svg 512 × 683; 685 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-archive.svg 512 × 683; 951 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-audio.svg 512 × 683; 859 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-code (inverted - white).svg 512 × 683; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular file-code.svg 512 × 683; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular file-excel.svg 512 × 683; 847 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-image.svg 512 × 683; 652 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-pdf.svg 512 × 683; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular file-powerpoint.svg 512 × 683; 705 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-video.svg 512 × 683; 759 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular file-word.svg 512 × 683; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular file.svg 512 × 683; 479 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular flag.svg 512 × 512; 967 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular flushed.svg 512 × 529; 924 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular folder-open.svg 512 × 455; 602 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular folder.svg 512 × 512; 441 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular frown-open.svg 512 × 529; 716 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular frown.svg 512 × 529; 773 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular futbol.svg 512 × 529; 900 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular gem gray.svg 288 × 288; 788 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular gem.svg 512 × 455; 621 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grimace.svg 512 × 529; 897 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-alt.svg 512 × 529; 895 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-beam-sweat.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-beam.svg 512 × 529; 995 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-hearts.svg 512 × 529; 937 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-squint-tears.svg 512 × 512; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-squint.svg 512 × 529; 945 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-stars.svg 512 × 529; 1,014 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-tears.svg 512 × 410; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-tongue-squint.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-tongue-wink.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-tongue.svg 512 × 529; 981 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin-wink.svg 512 × 529; 896 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular grin.svg 512 × 529; 717 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-lizard.svg 512 × 455; 950 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-paper.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-peace.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-point-down.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-point-left.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-point-right.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-point-up.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-pointer.svg 512 × 585; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-rock.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-scissors.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hand-spock.svg 512 × 512; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular handshake.svg 512 × 410; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hdd.svg 512 × 455; 717 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular heart.svg 512 × 512; 665 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular hospital.svg 512 × 585; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular hourglass.svg 512 × 683; 722 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular id-badge.svg 512 × 683; 708 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular id-card.svg 512 × 455; 858 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular image.svg 512 × 512; 666 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular images.svg 512 × 455; 819 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular keyboard.svg 512 × 455; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular kiss-beam.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular kiss-wink-heart.svg 512 × 520; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular kiss.svg 512 × 529; 907 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular laugh-beam.svg 512 × 529; 970 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular laugh-squint.svg 512 × 529; 867 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular laugh-wink.svg 512 × 529; 890 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular laugh.svg 512 × 529; 770 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular lemon.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular life-ring.svg 512 × 512; 912 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular lightbulb.svg 512 × 745; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular list-alt.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular map.svg 512 × 455; 754 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular meh-blank.svg 512 × 529; 551 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular meh-rolling-eyes.svg 512 × 529; 1,001 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular meh.svg 512 × 529; 639 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular minus-square.svg 512 × 585; 551 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular money-bill-alt.svg 512 × 410; 840 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular moon.svg 512 × 512; 774 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular newspaper.svg 512 × 455; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular object-group.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular object-ungroup.svg 512 × 455; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular paper-plane.svg 512 × 512; 616 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular pause-circle.svg 512 × 512; 607 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular play-circle.svg 512 × 512; 519 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular plus-square.svg 512 × 585; 655 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular question-circle gray.svg 288 × 288; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular question-circle.svg 512 × 512; 1,004 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular registered.svg 512 × 512; 909 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular sad-cry.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular sad-tear.svg 512 × 529; 836 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular save.svg 512 × 585; 774 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular share-square.svg 512 × 455; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular smile-beam.svg 512 × 529; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular smile-wink.svg 512 × 529; 856 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular smile.svg 512 × 529; 764 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular snowflake.svg 512 × 585; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular square.svg 512 × 585; 447 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular star grey.svg 512 × 455; 635 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular star-half.svg 512 × 455; 457 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular star.svg 512 × 455; 623 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular sticky-note.svg 512 × 585; 518 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular stop-circle.svg 512 × 512; 512 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular sun.svg 512 × 512; 2 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular surprise.svg 512 × 529; 622 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular thumbs-down.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular thumbs-up.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Font Awesome 5 regular times-circle.svg 512 × 512; 723 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular tired.svg 512 × 529; 945 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular trash-alt.svg 512 × 585; 904 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular user-circle.svg 512 × 529; 840 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular user.svg 512 × 585; 696 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular window-close.svg 512 × 512; 778 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular window-maximize.svg 512 × 512; 415 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular window-minimize.svg 512 × 512; 343 bytes
Font Awesome 5 regular window-restore.svg 512 × 512; 493 bytes