Category:FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection
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These documents are uploaded from the "FEDLINK" collection at Refer to the batch upload project page for more detail.
This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total.
Media in category "FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 168,996 total.
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Air forces and yawing moments for three automobile models (IA airforcesyawingm13687heal).pdf 816 × 1,308, 12 pages; 1.2 MB
Air-hardening rivet steels. (IA airhardeningri1927358hers).pdf 950 × 1,441, 42 pages; 4.19 MB
Air transport of agricultural perishables (IA airtransportofag585unit).pdf 791 × 1,320, 46 pages; 3.49 MB
Alcohol from agricultural sources as a potential motor fuel (IA alcoholfromagric233hilb).pdf 1,087 × 1,495, 8 pages; 452 KB
Alcohol from agricultural sources as a potential motor fuel (IA alcoholfromagric282hilb).pdf 1,035 × 1,518, 6 pages; 463 KB
The alcohol test as a means of determining quality of milk for condenseries (IA alcoholtestasmea944dahl).pdf 770 × 1,279, 14 pages; 1.27 MB
The alcohol test in relation to milk (IA alcoholtestinrel202ayer).pdf 795 × 1,279, 36 pages; 3.04 MB
Alcohol and traffic safety (IA alcoholtrafficsa00foxb).pdf 1,216 × 1,937, 280 pages; 18.71 MB
Alcohol-water injection for spark-ignition engines (IA alcoholwaterinje240wieb).pdf 1,093 × 1,483, 34 pages; 1.75 MB
Alcohol-water injection for farm tractors (IA alcoholwaterinje349humm).pdf 1,045 × 1,487, 18 pages; 745 KB
The Alexandria Research Center (IA alexandriaresear00sout).pdf 1,358 × 1,781, 58 pages; 4.99 MB
The Alfalfa gall midge - (Asphondylia miki Wachtl.) (IA alfalfagallmidge2147webs).pdf 785 × 1,239, 10 pages; 792 KB
Alfalfa seed production - pollination studies (IA alfalfaseedprodu75pipe).pdf 716 × 1,266, 36 pages; 3.09 MB
Alfalfa - a selected bibliography of its composition, processing, and use (IA alfalfaselectedb241avak).pdf 1,104 × 1,525, 40 pages; 2.95 MB
Alfalfa varieties and areas of adaptation (IA alfalfavarieties507unit).pdf 850 × 1,354, 10 pages; 947 KB
Alfalfa varieties and areas of adaptation (IA alfalfavarieties507unit 0).pdf 868 × 1,345, 10 pages; 878 KB
Alfalfa weevil distribution and crop damage in the United States (IA alfalfaweevildis815haml).pdf 779 × 1,277, 24 pages; 1.73 MB
The alfalfa weevil - how to control it (IA alfalfaweevilhow368unit).pdf 852 × 1,318, 10 pages; 1.03 MB
The alfalfa weevil - how to control it (IA alfalfaweevilhow368unit 0).pdf 837 × 1,329, 10 pages; 1.09 MB
The alfalfa weevil - how to control it (IA alfalfaweevilhow368unit 1).pdf 858 × 1,354, 10 pages; 982 KB
The alfalfa weevil; how to control it (IA alfalfaweevilhow368unit 2).pdf 981 × 1,410, 20 pages; 2.47 MB
The alfalfa weevil - how to control it (IA alfalfaweevilhow368unse).pdf 852 × 1,322, 10 pages; 1.14 MB
The alfalfa weevil - (Phytonomus murinus) (IA alfalfaweevilphy2137webs).pdf 685 × 1,239, 18 pages; 1.23 MB
The algaroba in Hawaii (IA algarobainhawaii26wilc).pdf 906 × 1,402, 8 pages; 686 KB
The algerian durum wheats- a classified list, with descriptions (IA algeriandurumwhe07scof).pdf 862 × 1,362, 72 pages; 3.8 MB
An algorithm for computing non-isomorphic semigroups of finite order. (IA algorithmforco00cull).pdf 1,206 × 1,672, 92 pages; 3.13 MB
An algorithm for computing the alphawidth of (0,1) matrices. (IA algorithmforcomp00stan).pdf 1,208 × 1,652, 224 pages; 7.05 MB
An algorithm for generating random time delays in manual war games (IA algorithmforgene00mols).pdf 1,225 × 1,639, 230 pages; 6.4 MB
An algorithm for the solution of linear programming problems. (IA algorithmforsolu00spar).pdf 1,260 × 1,647, 52 pages; 1.77 MB
Algunas relaciones entre planta, suelo y agua en el manejo de cuencas (IA algunasrelacione910lass).pdf 825 × 1,262, 72 pages; 7.03 MB
Alinement chart for numbers of trees, diameters, basal areas (IA alinementchartfo67lund).pdf 1,172 × 1,625, 4 pages; 188 KB
The "alkali disease" of livestock in the Pecos Valley (IA alkalidiseaseofl180mars).pdf 722 × 1,279, 10 pages; 974 KB
Alkali soils of the United States. A review of literature and summary of present information (IA alkalisoilsofuni35dors).pdf 820 × 1,287, 208 pages; 18.31 MB
Alkaloid composition of nicotiana rustica strains (IA alkaloidcomposit343jeff).pdf 1,314 × 1,810, 22 pages; 847 KB
Alkaloid hunting - supplemental table of genera (IA alkaloidhuntings731will).pdf 1,125 × 1,531, 22 pages; 1.15 MB
Alkaloid studies of acceptable and discount varieties of flue-cured tobacco grown in 1957 (IA alkaloidstudieso7324senn).pdf 881 × 1,318, 36 pages; 1.88 MB
All about broilers and market poultry generally (IA allaboutbroilers01boye).pdf 691 × 927, 68 pages; 2.62 MB
All about the Hawaii Experiment Station (IA allabouthawaiiex18smit).pdf 822 × 1,300, 16 pages; 1.09 MB
The Alliance for Progress - an investment in national security. (IA allianceforprogr00camp).pdf 1,237 × 1,683, 262 pages; 12.72 MB
An all-metal poultry-cooling rack - (Public patent no. 1,020,575) (IA allmetalpoultryc115penn).pdf 712 × 1,252, 16 pages; 969 KB
Allotment management plan (IA allotmentmanagem07unit).pdf 618 × 791, 6 pages; 1.3 MB
All ready to can (IA allreadytocan1940unit).pdf 1,110 × 1,552, 6 pages; 253 KB
All ready to can (IA allreadytocan1940unit 0).pdf 1,383 × 1,795, 2 pages; 152 KB
An all-season garden (IA allseasongarden1946unit).pdf 1,116 × 1,493, 4 pages; 153 KB
The almond industry of Italy (IA almondindustryof174brya).pdf 1,085 × 1,495, 38 pages; 2.16 MB
Almond varieties in the United States (IA almondvarietiesi1282wood).pdf 814 × 1,281, 172 pages; 19.58 MB
The alpha-gamma angular correlation in the decay of radiothorium. (IA alphagammaangula00beli).pdf 641 × 889, 264 pages; 7.57 MB
The alpha-track counter. (IA alphatrackcounte00trea).pdf 1,089 × 1,602, 118 pages; 3.11 MB
Alternaria rot following chilling injury of acorn squashes (IA alternariarotfol518mcco).pdf 852 × 1,327, 24 pages; 1.97 MB
Alternate clear-strip cutting in the lodgepole pine type (IA alternateclearst01lexe).pdf 1,035 × 1,431, 32 pages; 2.17 MB
Alternating-current resistance and inductance of single-layer coils (IA alternatingcurre19731hick).pdf 929 × 1,429, 40 pages; 1.47 MB
Alternating current distribution in cylindrical conductors (IA alternatingcurre20277snow).pdf 1,058 × 1,675, 82 pages; 3.21 MB
Alternative budgeting- does PERT-COST furnish means for total manifestation?. (IA alternativebudge00spru).pdf 1,187 × 1,631, 188 pages; 6.85 MB
Alternative markets for cattle hide trim (IA alternativemarke217poat).pdf 1,152 × 1,510, 12 pages; 619 KB
Alternative plans for tax relief for individuals (IA alternativeplans1258unit).pdf 850 × 1,320, 140 pages; 6.73 MB
Alternative plans for reducing the individual income tax burden (IA alternativeplans755unit).pdf 706 × 1,262, 56 pages; 1.97 MB
Alternative proposals and their advantages and disadvantages (IA alternativepropo03unit).pdf 806 × 1,325, 4 pages; 327 KB
Altitude tests with flowers - effect of simulated air cargo flights (IA altitudetestswit224barg).pdf 1,170 × 1,562, 58 pages; 2.2 MB
Altitude tests with flowers - effect of simulated air cargo flights (IA altitudetestswit59barg).pdf 1,181 × 1,602, 32 pages; 2.04 MB
Alum in foods (IA aluminfoods103wash).pdf 735 × 1,260, 8 pages; 722 KB
Aluminum as a shipbuilding material. (IA aluminumasshipbu00ferr).pdf 1,241 × 1,631, 274 pages; 7.04 MB
Aluminum-copper-nickel alloy as a possible substitute for alpha brass for use in cartridge cases. (IA aluminumcopperni00rook).pdf 1,200 × 1,608, 76 pages; 3.34 MB
Alunite as a source of potash (IA aluniteassourceo70wagg).pdf 747 × 1,239, 6 pages; 377 KB
Alunite and kelp as potash fertilizers (IA alunitekelpaspot76skin).pdf 729 × 1,227, 12 pages; 459 KB
AMA Pacific news roundup (IA amapacificnewsro03unit).pdf 1,118 × 1,825, 2 pages; 213 KB
Amaranthaceae of Nevada (IA amaranthaceaeofn46reed).pdf 997 × 1,485, 22 pages; 899 KB
Amending section 314 (c) of the Public Health Service act; report to accompany H. R. 11414 (IA amendingsection300unit).pdf 958 × 1,347, 12 pages; 1.45 MB
Amendment no. 10 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno10toc7010unit).pdf 762 × 1,256, 4 pages; 85 KB
Amendment no. 10 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno10toc7010unit 0).pdf 1,168 × 1,539, 4 pages; 113 KB
Amendment no. 11 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno11toc7011unit).pdf 735 × 1,291, 4 pages; 101 KB
Amendment no. 11 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno11toc7011unit 0).pdf 1,168 × 1,545, 4 pages; 142 KB
Amendment no. 12 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno12toc7012unit).pdf 577 × 1,143, 6 pages; 122 KB
Amendment no. 12 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno12toc7012unit 0).pdf 1,079 × 1,468, 4 pages; 134 KB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA amendmentno1toci1161unit).pdf 783 × 1,264, 4 pages; 183 KB
Amendment no. 1 to circular no. 137 (IA amendmentno1toci1371unit).pdf 791 × 1,252, 4 pages; 230 KB
Amendment no. 1 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno1toci461unit).pdf 739 × 1,218, 2 pages; 74 KB
Amendment no. 1 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno1toci701unit).pdf 756 × 1,208, 2 pages; 96 KB
Amendment no. 2 to circular no. 137 (IA amendmentno2toci1372unit).pdf 760 × 1,279, 4 pages; 120 KB
Amendment no. 2 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno2toci462unit).pdf 758 × 1,266, 2 pages; 87 KB
Amendment no. 2 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno2toci702unit).pdf 793 × 1,300, 4 pages; 194 KB
Amendment no. 2 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno2toci702unit 0).pdf 1,141 × 1,533, 8 pages; 461 KB
Amendment no. 3 to circular no. 137 (IA amendmentno3toci1373unit).pdf 766 × 1,277, 4 pages; 147 KB
Amendment no. 3 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno3toci463unit).pdf 764 × 1,247, 4 pages; 157 KB
Amendment no. 3 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno3toci703unit).pdf 777 × 1,291, 2 pages; 99 KB
Amendment no. 4 to circular no. 137 (IA amendmentno4toci1374unit).pdf 777 × 1,283, 4 pages; 122 KB
Amendment no. 4 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno4toci464unit).pdf 756 × 1,225, 2 pages; 88 KB
Amendment no. 4 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno4toci704unit).pdf 752 × 1,295, 4 pages; 206 KB
Amendment no. 4 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno4toci704unit 0).pdf 1,179 × 1,541, 4 pages; 162 KB
Amendment no. 5 to circular no. 137 (IA amendmentno5toci1375unit).pdf 733 × 1,245, 6 pages; 124 KB
Amendment no. 5 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno5toci465unit).pdf 772 × 1,264, 2 pages; 88 KB
Amendment no. 5 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno5toci705unit).pdf 754 × 1,285, 4 pages; 164 KB
Amendment no. 5 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno5toci705unit 0).pdf 1,183 × 1,541, 4 pages; 128 KB
Amendment no. 6 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno6toci466unit).pdf 766 × 1,264, 4 pages; 168 KB
Amendment no. 6 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno6toci706unit).pdf 1,179 × 1,554, 4 pages; 162 KB
Amendment no. 7 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno7toci467unit).pdf 737 × 1,262, 2 pages; 77 KB
Amendment no. 7 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno7toci707unit).pdf 706 × 1,291, 4 pages; 112 KB
Amendment no. 7 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno7toci707unit 0).pdf 1,208 × 1,541, 4 pages; 158 KB
Amendment no. 8 to circular no. 46 (IA amendmentno8toci468unit).pdf 747 × 1,250, 2 pages; 83 KB
Amendment no. 8 to circular no. 70 (IA amendmentno8toci708unit).pdf 762 × 1,293, 6 pages; 339 KB
Amendment no. 8 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno8toci708unit 0).pdf 1,156 × 1,556, 14 pages; 719 KB
Amendment no. 9 to circular no. 70, revised (IA amendmentno9toci709unit).pdf 1,143 × 1,550, 4 pages; 151 KB
Amendment no. 9 to rules and regulations (IA amendmentno9toru709unit).pdf 643 × 1,137, 4 pages; 93 KB
Amendments to the Social Security Act, 1966 - reports, bills, debates and acts (IA amendmentstosoci00unit 2).pdf 1,381 × 1,806, 80 pages; 3.44 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA amendmenttobudge00unit).pdf 583 × 993, 6 pages; 328 KB
Amendment to Guide to hardwood log grading, revised 1965 (IA amendmenttoguide81ostr).pdf 906 × 1,397, 4 pages; 159 KB
Amendment to regulations for the enforcement of the Naval Stores Act (IA amendmenttoregul221unit).pdf 768 × 1,275, 4 pages; 117 KB
Amendment to regulations for the enforcement of the Naval Stores Act (IA amendmenttoregul223unit).pdf 772 × 1,268, 4 pages; 129 KB
Amenoōji Nushigami - shinjin, chūkō, kore waga michi (IA amenoojinushigam008800).pdf 675 × 920, 58 pages; 4.22 MB
American beet-sugar industry in 1910 and 1911 (IA americanbeetsuga260unit).pdf 758 × 1,268, 90 pages; 7.55 MB
American black flies or buffalo gnats (IA americanblackfli26mall).pdf 850 × 1,431, 88 pages; 8.23 MB
American bulbs under glass (IA americanbulbsund1462grif).pdf 789 × 1,300, 36 pages; 4.86 MB
The American Cassina plant as the source of a table beverage (IA americancassinap11unit).pdf 1,070 × 1,504, 4 pages; 268 KB
The American chameleon and its care (IA americanchameleo92usfi).pdf 1,160 × 1,568, 4 pages; 293 KB
American diets - good and bad (IA americandietsgoo1940unit).pdf 1,097 × 1,541, 6 pages; 259 KB
The American dog tick - Eastern carrier of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (IA americandogticke478bish).pdf 781 × 1,260, 28 pages; 2.51 MB
American dog ticks and spotted fever (IA americandogticks1940unit).pdf 1,097 × 1,535, 6 pages; 247 KB
American dried apples in German empire (IA americandriedapp02unit).pdf 847 × 1,408, 8 pages; 648 KB
The American economy- its future and its segments. (IA americaneconomyi19603popp).pdf 1,083 × 1,577, 124 pages; 5.93 MB
American-Egyptian cotton quality and ginning (IA americanegyptian11john).pdf 1,081 × 1,491, 24 pages; 2.43 MB
American and English ball clays. (IA americanenglis1923227sort).pdf 952 × 1,447, 34 pages; 2.7 MB
American export corn (maize) in Europe (IA americanexportco55shan).pdf 877 × 1,362, 44 pages; 4.29 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb1911unse).pdf 1,206 × 1,708, 12 pages; 1.66 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb1912unse).pdf 1,225 × 1,708, 12 pages; 1.76 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb191unse).pdf 1,158 × 1,658, 12 pages; 2.04 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb192unse).pdf 1,202 × 1,672, 12 pages; 2.14 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb193unse).pdf 1,158 × 1,720, 12 pages; 2.47 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb194unse).pdf 1,208 × 1,660, 12 pages; 2.02 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb195unse).pdf 1,172 × 1,656, 12 pages; 1.86 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb196unse).pdf 1,166 × 1,625, 12 pages; 1.95 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb197unse).pdf 1,177 × 1,683, 12 pages; 2.06 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb198unse).pdf 1,160 × 1,620, 12 pages; 1.8 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb199unse).pdf 1,197 × 1,722, 12 pages; 1.72 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb2010unse).pdf 1,260 × 1,745, 12 pages; 1.91 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb2011unse).pdf 1,210 × 1,616, 10 pages; 1.65 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb2012unse).pdf 1,220 × 1,710, 12 pages; 1.93 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb201unse).pdf 1,175 × 1,691, 12 pages; 1.88 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb202unse).pdf 1,231 × 1,708, 12 pages; 1.93 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb203unse).pdf 1,270 × 1,754, 12 pages; 1.87 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb204unse).pdf 1,206 × 1,725, 12 pages; 1.86 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb205unse).pdf 1,210 × 1,712, 12 pages; 1.73 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb206unse).pdf 1,206 × 1,718, 12 pages; 1.88 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb207unse).pdf 1,193 × 1,737, 12 pages; 1.79 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb208unse).pdf 1,252 × 1,735, 12 pages; 1.85 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb209unse).pdf 1,202 × 1,716, 12 pages; 1.66 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb2110unse).pdf 1,183 × 1,622, 12 pages; 2.16 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb211unse).pdf 1,272 × 1,750, 12 pages; 1.88 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb212unse).pdf 1,220 × 1,691, 12 pages; 1.94 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb213unse).pdf 1,277 × 1,756, 12 pages; 2 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb214unse).pdf 1,172 × 1,650, 12 pages; 1.87 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb215unse).pdf 1,164 × 1,687, 12 pages; 1.7 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb216unse).pdf 1,212 × 1,735, 12 pages; 1.9 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb217unse).pdf 1,227 × 1,683, 10 pages; 1.64 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb218unse).pdf 1,206 × 1,622, 12 pages; 1.9 MB
The American fancier and breeder (IA americanfancierb219unse).pdf 1,270 × 1,739, 12 pages; 2.2 MB
American farming - an introduction for young people (IA americanfarmingi720unit).pdf 1,316 × 870, 34 pages; 2.63 MB
American fertilizers (IA americanfertiliz143howa).pdf 810 × 1,300, 28 pages; 4.06 MB
American foulbrood (IA americanfoulbroo809whit).pdf 777 × 1,264, 56 pages; 5.43 MB
American fruit and produce auctions (IA americanfruitpro1362mill).pdf 762 × 1,275, 38 pages; 3.96 MB
American fruit and vegetable auctions (IA americanfruitveg250park).pdf 729 × 1,250, 54 pages; 5.22 MB
...American ginseng - its commercial history, protection and cultivation (IA americanginsengi16nas).pdf 797 × 1,312, 38 pages; 3.32 MB
American ginseng - its commercial history, protection and cultivation (IA americanginsengi16nash).pdf 777 × 1,241, 28 pages; 2.29 MB
American grape varieties (IA americangrapevar437dixi).pdf 791 × 1,262, 36 pages; 3.07 MB
American grown hardy plants and bulbs for 1941 - spring and summer garden (IA americangrownhar1941flow).pdf 406 × 964, 14 pages; 1.28 MB
American homemaking on exhibit (IA americanhomemaki1936unit).pdf 1,116 × 1,568, 4 pages; 193 KB
American Journal of Psychology Index Vol. 1-30 (IA americanjournalo130unse).pdf 850 × 1,333, 218 pages; 17.64 MB
American Journal of Physics 21-9 (1953) Part 2 Cumulative Index Vol. 1-20 1933-1952 (IA americanjournalo219unse).pdf 1,020 × 1,525, 206 pages; 22.38 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo22unse).pdf 1,189 × 1,983, 926 pages; 75.57 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo23unse).pdf 1,189 × 2,114, 1,006 pages; 80.74 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo24unse).pdf 1,170 × 2,095, 860 pages; 72.21 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo25unse).pdf 1,275 × 2,118, 1,192 pages; 135.98 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo26unse).pdf 1,300 × 2,095, 976 pages; 85.1 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo27unse).pdf 1,206 × 2,050, 988 pages; 77.27 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo28unse).pdf 1,210 × 2,035, 1,074 pages; 88.82 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo29unse).pdf 1,260 × 2,122, 872 pages; 99.77 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo30unse).pdf 1,233 × 2,145, 970 pages; 80.49 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo31unse).pdf 1,254 × 2,145, 836 pages; 71.35 MB
American Journal of Education (IA americanjournalo32unse).pdf 1,352 × 2,245, 1,112 pages; 98.38 MB
The American marine, "soldier of the sea" (IA americanmarineso00usma).pdf 727 × 1,277, 24 pages; 1.74 MB
American medicinal barks (IA americanmedicina139henk).pdf 741 × 1,270, 66 pages; 5.58 MB
American medicinal leaves and herbs (IA americanmedicina219henk).pdf 791 × 1,306, 56 pages; 5.9 MB
American medicinal flowers, fruits, and seeds (IA americanmedicina26henk).pdf 725 × 1,229, 22 pages; 2.86 MB
American medicinal plants of commercial importance (IA americanmedicina77siev).pdf 777 × 1,287, 78 pages; 9.54 MB
American mineral waters - the New England states (IA americanmineralw13skin).pdf 727 × 1,231, 116 pages; 8.64 MB
The American outdoors - management for beauty and use (IA americanoutdoors1000unit).pdf 1,470 × 1,183, 82 pages; 7.99 MB
American pioneers of 1940 (IA americanpioneers1940unit).pdf 1,112 × 1,545, 6 pages; 237 KB
American plum borer (IA americanplumbore261blak).pdf 779 × 1,270, 18 pages; 2.06 MB
American poultry journal (IA americanpoultryj28unse).pdf 1,204 × 1,718, 300 pages; 41.26 MB
American poultry journal (IA americanpoultryj29unse).pdf 1,166 × 1,658, 508 pages; 68.62 MB
American poultry journal (IA americanpoultryj30unse).pdf 1,054 × 1,608, 604 pages; 88.14 MB
American poultry journal (IA americanpoultryj31unse).pdf 1,022 × 1,529, 772 pages; 114.42 MB