Category:Emergency position indicating radio beacons

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<nowiki>Radiobaliza de emergencia; vészhelyzeti helyzetjelző rádiós jelző; EPIRB; Аварийный радиобуй; Notfunkbake; Авариен радиомаяк; Nødpejlesender; Radiobaliză de localizare a catastrofelor; 非常用位置指示無線標識装置; EPIRB; תחנת משואת רדיו לאיכון מצוקה; 緊急無線電位置指示塔臺; 紧急无线电位置指示塔台; hätäpaikannusradiopoiju; EPIRB; Trasmettitore di localizzazione d'emergenza; radiobalise de localisation des sinistres; Avariipoi; Epirb; Avārijas vietu norādošā radiobāka; Avarinės padėties nustatymo radijo švyturys; ELT; EPIRB; 紧急无线电位置指示塔台; Emergency Locator Beacon Aircraft; Nødpeilesendar; Nødpeilesender; EPIRB; EPIRB; emergency position-indicating radiobeacon; Acil durum vericileri; EPIRB; EPIRB; محطة إرشاد راديوي للطوارئ محددة للمواقع; EPIRB; 應急指位無線電示標; distress radiobeacon, a tracking transmitter that is triggered during an accident; transmetteur d'un signal de détresse pour donner l'emplacement d'un navire ou d'un avion.; Funksender, deren Aussendungen Such- und Rettungsarbeiten erleichtern sollen; noodradiobaken; EPIRB; ELT; EPIRB; 携帯用位置指示無線標識; ELT; Radiobalises de localisation de sinistre; Émetteur de localisation d'urgence; EPIRB; Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon; Emergency locator transmitters; ELBA; תחנת מרא"ם; משואת רדיו לאיכון במצוקה; מרא"ם; EPIRB; PLB; 紧急定位訊号发射器; 紧急位置指示无线电信标; 应急定位发射机; 应急无线电示位信标; EPIRB; 紧急定位訊号发射器; 应急定位发射机; 应急无线电示位信标; Emergency Locator Transmitter; Personal Locator Beacon; EPIRB; Emergency Location Transmitter; EPIRS; Emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station; 緊急定位訊號發射器; 應急定位發射機; 應急無線電示位信標; 緊急位置指示無線電信標; EPIRS; EPIRB; PLB; distress radiobeacon; EPIRB; Radiobaliza emergencia; 紧急无线电位置指示塔台; 应急定位发射机; 应急无线电示位信标; 紧急定位訊号发射器; 紧急位置指示无线电信标; 緊急位置指示無線電信標; 紧急用位置指示无线电信标; 个人定位信标; Nødradiopejlesender; Nødradiofyr</nowiki>
emergency position-indicating radiobeacon 
distress radiobeacon, a tracking transmitter that is triggered during an accident
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  • ITU radio station type
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Wikidata Q420122
NL CR AUT ID: ph413843
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Media in category "Emergency position indicating radio beacons"

The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.