Category:Eastern Gulf Fleet

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<nowiki>Восточный флот; الأسطول الشرقي; Eastern Fleet; 동부함대; флот Саудовской Аравии; one of the regional fleets of the R.S. Navy; 사우디 왕립해군의 함대; Gulf Fleet; Eastern Fleet Command; Saudi East Fleet; Arabian Gulf Fleet; Eastern Fleet (RSN); أسطول الخليج العربي; الاسطول الشرقي السعودي; أسطول الخليج الشرقي; اسطول البحر الشرقي; قيادة الاسطول الشرقي; 동양함대; 아라비아만 함대</nowiki>
Eastern Fleet 
one of the regional fleets of the R.S. Navy
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LocationEastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Has use
Headquarters location
Founded by
  • Abdulaziz bin Mohammed
Followed by
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Media in category "Eastern Gulf Fleet"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.