Category:Drawings by Dr Tony Ayling
These illustrations by Dr Tony Ayling are from Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand by Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8. See the talk page for a copy of the relevant permissions.
Pages in category "Drawings by Dr Tony Ayling"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Drawings by Dr Tony Ayling"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 209 total.
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Alertichthys blacki (Alert Pigfish).png 500 × 278; 46 KB
Allocyttus verrucosus (Warty oreo).gif 2,373 × 1,644; 69 KB
Allothunnus fallai (Slender tuna).gif 2,467 × 796; 258 KB
Anampses elegans (Elegant wrasse).gif 2,501 × 1,910; 92 KB
Anguilla australis (Short-finned eel).gif 500 × 70; 12 KB
Antennarius nummifer (Spotfin frogfish).gif 2,241 × 1,301; 61 KB
Antimora rostrata (Blue antimora).gif 2,454 × 986; 36 KB
Antipodocottus megalops (no common name).gif 2,458 × 924; 40 KB
Apristurus macrorhynchus (Flathead catshark).gif 2,347 × 428; 12 KB
Argentina elongata (no common name).gif 2,559 × 970; 28 KB
Argyropelecus gigas (Giant hatchetfish).gif 500 × 306; 36 KB
Arhynchobatis asperrimus (Longtail skate).gif 700 × 425; 47 KB
Arothron firmamentum (Starry toado).gif 2,545 × 1,096; 42 KB
Atherinomorus lacunosus (Hardyhead silverside).gif 2,367 × 862; 34 KB
Auchenoceros punctatus (Ahuru).gif 500 × 181; 28 KB
Aulacocephalus temminckii (goldribbon soapfish).gif 2,320 × 1,013; 42 KB
Aulacocephalus.jpg 1,200 × 506; 177 KB
Auxis thazard thazard (frigate tuna).gif 2,607 × 1,026; 36 KB
Bassanago bulbiceps (Swollen-headed conger eel).gif 500 × 68; 14 KB
Bathylagus antarcticus (no common name).gif 900 × 220; 40 KB
Bathypterois longifilis (Feeler fish).gif 700 × 253; 32 KB
Bathyraja richardsoni (Richardson's ray).gif 700 × 489; 64 KB
Bathysauropsis gracilis (Black Lizardfish).gif 500 × 152; 26 KB
Bathystethus cultratus (Grey knifefish).gif 500 × 177; 28 KB
Beryx decadactylus (Alfonsino).gif 500 × 277; 46 KB
Beryx splendens (Splendid Alfonsino).gif 500 × 272; 40 KB
Bidenichthys consobrinus (Grey botula).gif 500 × 210; 32 KB
Bodianus frenchii (Foxfish).gif 2,451 × 1,029; 47 KB
Bovichtus variegatus (Thornfish).gif 700 × 343; 56 KB
Bregmaceros mcclellandi (Spotted codlet).gif 2,516 × 1,128; 37 KB
Caelorinchus bollonsi (Bollons' Rattail).gif 500 × 217; 28 KB
Caelorinchus cookianus (Cook's Rattail).gif 500 × 185; 24 KB
Caelorinchus innotabilis (Notable whiptail).gif 2,534 × 740; 23 KB
Caelorinchus kaiyomaru (Campbell whiptail).gif 1,000 × 346; 9 KB
Caelorinchus kermadecus (Kermadec rattail).gif 1,264 × 414; 12 KB
Caelorinchus matamua (Mahia whiptail).gif 2,666 × 1,118; 42 KB
Caelorinchus mirus (Gargoyle fish).gif 2,719 × 1,072; 32 KB
Caelorinchus oliverianus (Hawknose grenadier).jpg 678 × 261; 34 KB
Callorhinchus milii (Australian ghost shark).gif 500 × 195; 25 KB
Capromimus abbreviatus (Capro dory).gif 500 × 356; 32 KB
Cataetyx messieri (Hairlip brotula).gif 700 × 160; 31 KB
Centriscops humerosus (Banded Bellowsfish).gif 500 × 266; 47 KB
Centrolophus niger (Rudderfish).gif 700 × 255; 40 KB
Centrophorus squamosus (leafscale gulper shark).gif 2,368 × 582; 23 KB
Centroscymnus crepidater (Longnose velvet dogfish).gif 2,366 × 596; 15 KB
Centroscymnus owstoni (Roughskin dogfish).gif 2,314 × 528; 18 KB
Centroscymnus plunketi (Plunket shark).gif 2,489 × 721; 20 KB
Cepola haastii (Red bandfish).gif 500 × 125; 24 KB
Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Warming's lantern fish).gif 2,616 × 1,186; 39 KB
Chauliodus sloani (Sloane's viperfish).gif 700 × 235; 29 KB
Cheilodactylus nigripes (Magpie perch).gif 700 × 383; 58 KB
Coelorinchus fasciatus (Banded whiptail).gif 1,673 × 719; 22 KB
Colistium nudipinnis (New Zealand turbot).gif 2,377 × 1,406; 55 KB
Coryphaenea hippurus.gif 2,531 × 1,036; 34 KB
Coryphaenoides armatus (Abyssal grenadier).gif 800 × 305; 41 KB
Coryphaenoides murrayi (Abyssal Rattail).gif 500 × 221; 25 KB
Coryphaenoides rudis (Rudis rattail).gif 1,000 × 297; 8 KB
Coryphaenoides serrulatus (Serrulate whiptail).gif 1,310 × 523; 13 KB
Coryphaenoides subserrulatus (Longrayed whiptail).gif 2,590 × 1,089; 32 KB
Crapatalus novaezelandiae (New Zealand sand stargazer).gif 2,407 × 559; 28 KB
Cryptopsaras couesii (triplewart seadevil).gif 2,491 × 1,506; 47 KB
Cryptopsaras couesii (triplewart seadevil).png 2,344 × 1,434; 67 KB
Cubiceps caeruleus (Blue fathead).gif 2,354 × 1,133; 40 KB
Cyclothone microdon (Veiled anglemouth).gif 900 × 289; 50 KB
Cyttus traversi (King dory) juvenile.gif 421 × 456; 92 KB
Cyttus traversi (King dory).gif 679 × 452; 99 KB
Dactyloptena orientalis (Oriental flying gurnard).gif 2,420 × 1,753; 85 KB
Dalatias licha (Kitefin Shark).gif 500 × 114; 20 KB
Dasyatis brevicaudata (Short-tail stingray).gif 2,090 × 1,501; 37 KB
Deania calcea (Birdbeak dogfish).gif 2,351 × 581; 19 KB
Dermatopsis macrodon (Fleshfish).gif 500 × 146; 25 KB
Diagrama tunidos 2.jpg 803 × 459; 78 KB
Diaphus holti (no common name).gif 2,555 × 1,163; 40 KB
Diastobranchus capensis (Basketwork Eel).gif 446 × 105; 12 KB
Diplophos rebainsi (Elongate lightfish).gif 500 × 113; 18 KB
Dipturus innominatus (New Zealand smooth skate).gif 700 × 520; 67 KB
Echiodon rendahli (no common name) juvenile.gif 1,774 × 1,348; 22 KB
Echiodon rendahli (no common name).gif 2,528 × 474; 16 KB
Electrona paucirastra (no common name).gif 2,609 × 1,408; 43 KB
Emmelichthys nitidus nitidus (Redbait).gif 2,580 × 1,027; 29 KB
Engraulis australis (Australian Anchovy).gif 500 × 164; 26 KB
Epigonus lenimen (Big-eyed Cardinalfish).gif 500 × 241; 29 KB
Epigonus telescopus (Bulls-eye).gif 2,546 × 1,023; 36 KB
Eptatretus cirrhatus (New Zealand hagfish).gif 500 × 88; 15 KB
Etmopterus lucifer (Blackbelly lanternshark).gif 2,328 × 438; 20 KB
Euprotomicrus bispinatus (Pygmy shark).gif 500 × 79; 17 KB
Eustomias trewavasae (no common name).gif 2,533 × 496; 15 KB
Evistias acutirostris (Striped boarfish).gif 700 × 590; 93 KB
Fish anatomy (berycid).png 520 × 364; 72 KB
Foetorepus phasis (Bight stinkfish).gif 2,459 × 1,037; 38 KB
Gasterochisma melampus (Butterfly kingfish).gif 500 × 206; 19 KB
Geotria australis (Pounched Lamprey).gif 2,297 × 378; 13 KB
Girella hemigymnus (Half-naked hatchetfish).gif 500 × 287; 30 KB
Gollum attenuatus (Slender smooth-hound).gif 2,480 × 596; 15 KB
Goniistius fuscus (Red Morwong).gif 700 × 392; 64 KB
Grahamichthys radiata (Grahams gudgeon).gif 500 × 173; 29 KB
Gymnoscopelus piabilis (no common name).gif 2,555 × 962; 34 KB
Gyrinomimus grahami (no common name).gif 500 × 157; 30 KB
Halaelurus dawsoni (New Zealand catshark).gif 2,506 × 675; 22 KB
Halargyreus johnsonii (slender codling).gif 2,475 × 565; 24 KB
Halosaurus pectoralis (Goanna fish).gif 2,571 × 560; 16 KB
Harriotta raleighana (Narrownose chimaera).gif 2,521 × 641; 14 KB
Hemerocoetes monopterygius (Opalfish).gif 1,193 × 355; 101 KB
Heptranchias perlo (Sharpnose sevengill shark).gif 500 × 121; 10 KB
Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark) teeth.gif 1,075 × 625; 10 KB
Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark).gif 500 × 124; 19 KB
Histiobranchus bruuni (Bruuns cutthroat eel).gif 500 × 65; 11 KB
Hoplichthys haswelli (Armoured flathead).gif 2,506 × 1,090; 45 KB
Howella brodiei (Pelagic basslet).gif 2,396 × 1,166; 37 KB
Hydrolagus bemisi (pale ghost shark).gif 2,625 × 839; 19 KB
Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Antarctic butterfish).gif 2,546 × 1,176; 41 KB
Icichthys australis (Southern driftfish).gif 2,519 × 878; 34 KB
Idiacanthus atlanticus (no common name).gif 2,630 × 1,436; 38 KB
Isistius brasiliensis (Cookiecutter shark).gif 2,472 × 473; 20 KB
Labracoglossa nitida (Blue Knifefish).gif 500 × 176; 27 KB
Lampanyctodes hectoris (Hector's lanternfish).gif 700 × 270; 40 KB
Lampanyctus australis (Southern lanternfish).gif 2,655 × 986; 36 KB
Lepidion microcephalus (Small-headed cod).gif 2,426 × 1,291; 41 KB
Lepidorhynchus denticulatus (Thorntooth grenadier).gif 1,000 × 342; 55 KB
Leptoscarus vaigiensis (marbled parrotfish).gif 2,490 × 1,143; 46 KB
Leptoscopus macropygus (Estuary stargazer).gif 2,480 × 743; 37 KB
Linophryne arborifera (no common name).gif 500 × 556; 52 KB
Lophonectes gallus (Crested flounder).gif 2,453 × 1,596; 49 KB
Lucigadus nigromaculatus (Blackspotted grenadier).gif 500 × 173; 23 KB
Macroramphosus gracilis (Slender snipefish).gif 2,256 × 816; 35 KB
Macroramphosus scolopax (Longspine snipefish).gif 2,307 × 1,029; 33 KB
Macrourus carinatus (Ridge scaled rattail).gif 1,723 × 582; 22 KB
Margrethia obtusirostra (no common name).gif 500 × 240; 26 KB
Maurolicus muelleri (Pearlsides).gif 700 × 264; 42 KB
Melamphaes microps (no common name).gif 500 × 244; 37 KB
Melanonus gracilis (Pelagic cod).gif 2,615 × 781; 30 KB
Mendosoma lineatum (Telescope fish).jpg 2,531 × 1,076; 344 KB
Micromesistius australis (southern blue whiting).gif 2,506 × 796; 34 KB
Microstoma microstoma (Slender argentine).gif 2,496 × 523; 20 KB
Mora moro (common mora).gif 2,481 × 986; 30 KB
Nelusetta ayraud (Chinaman-leatherjacket).gif 500 × 228; 20 KB
Neoachiropsetta milfordi (Armless flounder).gif 2,506 × 1,051; 31 KB
Neocyttus rhomboidalis (Spiky oreo).gif 2,315 × 1,794; 72 KB
Neonesthes capensis (no common name).gif 625 × 181; 33 KB
Neophrynichthys latus (Dark toadfish).gif 2,380 × 981; 54 KB
Nezumia namatahi (Squashed face rattail).gif 2,623 × 1,034; 36 KB
Nezumia toi (no common name).gif 1,727 × 604; 18 KB
Nomeus gronovii (Man-of-war fish).gif 2,356 × 1,206; 38 KB
Notacanthus sexspinis (Spiny-back eel).gif 500 × 75; 12 KB
Notolabrus cinctus (Girdled wrasse).gif 700 × 321; 48 KB
Notoraja asperula (Smooth deepsea skate).gif 700 × 419; 66 KB
Notoraja spinifera (Spiny deepsea skate).gif 700 × 403; 39 KB
Notorynchus cepedianus (Broadnose sevengill shark).gif 500 × 130; 18 KB
Notothenia angustata (Maori chief).gif 2,445 × 995; 46 KB
Notothenia microlepidota (Black cod).gif 2,473 × 957; 37 KB
Odontaspis ferox (Smalltooth sand tiger).gif 2,387 × 777; 19 KB
Opisthoproctus grimaldii (Mirrorbelly).gif 700 × 330; 55 KB
Oxynotus bruniensis (Prickly dogfish).gif 2,586 × 1,191; 32 KB
Paranotothenia magellanica (Maori cod).gif 2,529 × 1,068; 50 KB
Parapercis binivirgata (Redbanded weever).gif 2,557 × 923; 44 KB
Parapercis gilliesii (Yellow weaver).gif 700 × 276; 48 KB
Parupeneus signatus (Black-spot Goatfish).gif 500 × 284; 39 KB
Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae (New Zealand sole).gif 2,359 × 1,222; 40 KB
Pentaceros japonicus (Japanese armorhead).gif 700 × 507; 65 KB
Phosichthys argenteus (No common name).gif 700 × 221; 33 KB
Phtheirichthys lineatus (Slender suckerfish).gif 2,490 × 518; 22 KB
Plagiogeneion rubiginosum (Rubyfish).gif 2,438 × 1,085; 36 KB
Polyprion moeone (Bass Groper).gif 500 × 246; 34 KB
Poromitra oscitans (Yawning).gif 2,412 × 959; 42 KB
Prionurus maculatus (Yellowspotted sawtail).gif 2,562 × 1,201; 48 KB
Protomyctophum subparallelum (no common name).gif 2,516 × 1,055; 40 KB
Psenes pellucidus (Bluefin driftfish).gif 2,358 × 1,222; 42 KB
Pseudocyttus maculatus (Smooth oreo).gif 2,528 × 1,540; 69 KB
Pseudojuloides elongatus (Long green wrasse).gif 500 × 287; 53 KB
Pseudopentaceros richardsoni (Pelagic armorhead).gif 700 × 383; 37 KB
Pseudophycis barbata (Southern bastard codling).gif 2,490 × 1,029; 45 KB
Pseudophycis breviuscula (Northern bastard codling).gif 2,266 × 846; 42 KB
Pteraclis velifera (Spotted fanfish).gif 500 × 333; 66 KB
Pterygotrigla picta (spotted gurnard).gif 2,534 × 1,173; 52 KB
Pyramodon ventralis (no common name).gif 2,490 × 568; 30 KB
Ranzania laevis (Slender sunfish).gif 2,001 × 1,821; 37 KB
Remora brachyptera (Spearfish remora).gif 2,438 × 711; 26 KB
Retropinna retropinna (New Zealand smelt).gif 500 × 166; 30 KB
Rhombosolea leporina (Yellowbelly flounder).gif 800 × 466; 70 KB
Rhombosolea retiaria (Black Flounder).gif 500 × 287; 41 KB
Rosenblattia robusta (no common name).gif 2,434 × 1,145; 37 KB
Ruvettus pretiosus (oilfish).png 2,357 × 709; 29 KB
Sarda australis (Australian Bonito).gif 500 × 203; 30 KB
Schedophilus maculatus (Pelagic butterfish).gif 2,396 × 1,451; 57 KB
Scolecenchelys breviceps (Long-finned worm eel).gif 1,317 × 167; 33 KB
Scopelosaurus ahlstromi (no common name).gif 2,401 × 611; 21 KB
Scymnodalatias sherwoodi (Sherwood dogfish).gif 2,296 × 572; 19 KB
Seriolella caerulea (White warehou).gif 2,559 × 1,169; 41 KB
Serrivomer samoensis (Samoa sawtooth eel).gif 500 × 81; 11 KB
Solegnathus spinosissimus (Spiny pipehorse).gif 2,606 × 646; 21 KB
Sphoeroides pachygaster (Blunthead puffer).gif 2,529 × 929; 28 KB
Squalus blainville (Longnose spurdog).gif 2,409 × 706; 18 KB
Suezichthys arquatus (Rainbow slender wrasse).gif 700 × 542; 100 KB
Symbolophorus barnardi (no common name).gif 2,639 × 878; 45 KB
Synaphobranchus affinis (Grey cutthroat eel).gif 500 × 69; 12 KB
Synodus similis (Lavender lizardfish).gif 2,501 × 862; 35 KB
Tetragonurus cuvieri (smalleye squaretail).gif 700 × 166; 30 KB
Tetrapturus angustirostris (Shortbill spearfish).gif 2,566 × 894; 33 KB
Tewara cranwellae (New Zealand sand diver).gif 500 × 109; 25 KB
Thunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna) diagram cropped.GIF 576 × 640; 10 KB