Category:Disputed diagrams
This category holds files which are factually disputed, i.e. wrong diagrams. To place an image in this category, add the tag {{Disputed diagram}} to the image's description page. Template {{Inaccurate-map-disputed}} also adds files to this category.
For media where the description or the file name is disputed see Category:Accuracy disputes.
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "Disputed diagrams"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Disputed diagrams"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 238 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
1st of june plan.png 1,000 × 633; 178 KB
2-27th battalion colour patch.png 300 × 300; 4 KB
2010 National Spending per GDP comparison.jpg 1,385 × 773; 81 KB
480px-Reion diagram2.jpg 480 × 600; 53 KB
8mm and super8.png 1,560 × 1,132; 28 KB
Aerobic desaturation.png 754 × 878; 77 KB
AH10 ROK.svg 590 × 410; 2 KB
AH9 ROK.svg 590 × 410; 2 KB
Ajanta Cave 17 Foreign devotees to the Buddha.jpg 3,402 × 1,059; 836 KB
All Weather Fighter Squadron 3 (US Navy) patch.png 574 × 574; 306 KB
Anatomy and physiology of animals Forelimb of a horse.jpg 285 × 419; 14 KB
Apolipoprotein A1 2A01.gif 390 × 262; 2.4 MB
Artificial Neuron And.png 437 × 249; 319 KB
Artist's impression of the Stoned-virus.jpg 660 × 490; 124 KB
Atmospheric electromagnetic opacity-de.svg 1,650 × 780; 61 KB
Axel-Paulsen-Sprung.png 585 × 154; 26 KB
Ba Gua black-and-white.gif 1,474 × 454; 11 KB
Bag of rice making in Hanoura-town.jpg 862 × 498; 196 KB
Bakterie swe 290507.png 559 × 429; 83 KB
BEAM-draft.PNG 681 × 473; 15 KB
Belize House of Representatives 2008.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB
Beltway sniper map.png 463 × 558; 26 KB
Berufsabschlüsse Berlin Spiegel 42-2009.png 590 × 379; 48 KB
Bicycle evolution-en.svg 840 × 500; 579 KB
BiegesteifeEcke.jpg 886 × 874; 52 KB
Binary search.svg 512 × 348; 60 KB
Blason gw Bissau.svg 1,340 × 1,331; 135 KB
Blindleistungskompensation.png 348 × 694; 26 KB
Boeing.svg 1,272 × 1,195; 317 KB
Bopomofo.png 626 × 791; 86 KB
Boundarylayer.png 746 × 308; 68 KB
Bsg-bund-logo.png 633 × 310; 36 KB
Buddhism Map.png 1,275 × 718; 992 KB
Bundesrat of Germany - de jure seat composition.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Carbonate-Silicate Cycle (Carbon Cycle focus).jpg 550 × 405; 232 KB
Cetacea range map B minimus Beaked Whale.png 1,357 × 628; 21 KB
Champs sur l'axe.png 608 × 355; 16 KB
Circulatory system fetus SMIL.svg 512 × 171; 16 KB
Climatisation solaire.gif 2,289 × 1,447; 2.18 MB
Comet tails.gif 498 × 294; 16 KB
Corn seeds movements in hot drum.svg 1,123 × 794; 151 KB
Cost per Product using HW SW protection.png 2,653 × 1,794; 144 KB
Countries by Population Density in 2015.svg 863 × 396; 1.19 MB
Curva de energia especifica 2.jpg 458 × 458; 35 KB
Código QR Ejemplo de Estructura.svg 1,212 × 624; 123 KB
Código QR Ejémplo de Estructura.svg 1,229 × 624; 11 KB
Datos.png 792 × 612; 7 KB
DC-8x.png 3,200 × 2,400; 910 KB
Deccan sultanates 1490 - 1687 ad.png 503 × 703; 15 KB
Democratic Primary Schedule 2016.svg 700 × 145; 8 KB
Deutsches Bildungssystem-quer.svg 1,751 × 530; 508 KB
- 791 × 357; 28 KB
Diffusion.en.jpg 791 × 357; 35 KB
Diffusion.en.svg 1,000 × 480; 40 KB
Diffusion.jpg 791 × 357; 97 KB
- 1,000 × 480; 38 KB
Diminishing Returns Graph.png 884 × 634; 38 KB
Diminishing Returns Graph.svg 884 × 634; 2 KB
Dissociazione elettromeccanica (PEA).svg 1,998 × 205; 38 KB
Distribution of U.S. Federal Taxes 2000.JPG 539 × 330; 33 KB
DNA replication ar.png 2,000 × 973; 228 KB
DNA replication blank.svg 691 × 336; 72 KB
DNA replication cy.svg 691 × 336; 71 KB
DNA replication de.svg 691 × 336; 70 KB
DNA replication en.svg 691 × 336; 69 KB
DNA replication es.svg 538 × 262; 78 KB
DNA replication et.svg 691 × 336; 77 KB
DNA replication fr.svg 744 × 342; 90 KB
DNA replication he.svg 534 × 264; 76 KB
DNA replication hu.svg 538 × 262; 69 KB
DNA replication it.svg 552 × 262; 97 KB
DNA replication jp.svg 701 × 337; 67 KB
DNA replication numbered.svg 513 × 262; 58 KB
DNA replication pl.svg 691 × 336; 402 KB
DNA replication pt.svg 691 × 336; 70 KB
DNA replication ru.svg 512 × 247; 181 KB
DNA replication tr.svg 691 × 336; 68 KB
DNA replication zh.png 1,400 × 681; 204 KB
DNS Polymerase III Aufbau.png 312 × 283; 76 KB
Down risk 1.svg 512 × 376; 8 KB
Drilling.gif 800 × 600; 3.49 MB
Drug Chart Color.jpg 2,700 × 2,700; 4.22 MB
Dunning–Kruger Effect 01.svg 512 × 426; 8 KB
Dunning–Kruger Effekt.svg 512 × 426; 5 KB
East Germany Volkskammer 1990.svg 360 × 185; 23 KB
Einsatzbereiche-Wasserkraftmaschinen.jpg 3,056 × 2,113; 3.22 MB
Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahlen in Deutschland.JPG 970 × 604; 64 KB
Etalon-1.png 320 × 276; 6 KB
Etalon-1.svg 297 × 250; 10 KB
Ethnic composition of Vilnius (1897-2011).jpg 1,099 × 720; 162 KB
Family tree of Scottish monarchs 843–1807.svg 450 × 1,400; 111 KB
Festkörperscherung.png 611 × 275; 13 KB
Fine Gael historical flag.svg 1,400 × 700; 437 bytes
FiveGuys-2018-sept.png 1,425 × 625; 42 KB
Flag of Comecon.svg 750 × 500; 2 KB
Flag of sena dynasty.png 3,264 × 2,179; 1.17 MB
Flagellum base diagram keys.svg 634 × 547; 84 KB
Flagellum base diagram-fr.svg 629 × 561; 230 KB
Flagellum base diagram-hu.svg 629 × 561; 92 KB
Flightcannonball.svg 600 × 480; 15 KB
Fr-MoldovanGDPBySector.svg 755 × 875; 12 KB
Free Body Diagram.JPG 506 × 680; 20 KB
Freischneiden oberflächen und volumenkräfte.svg 513 × 495; 18 KB
Fully closed IC engine cooling system.svg 1,892 × 1,050; 11 KB
GaudeamusIgiturFinito2.png 823 × 235; 14 KB
German Bundesrat diagram.svg 360 × 185; 5 KB
Germany Bundesrat June 2019.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Gesetzgebungsverfahren (Deutschland).svg 800 × 1,132; 16 KB
Glutathion metabolism DE - state in G6PD deficiency.png 1,098 × 777; 72 KB
Graduates in tertiary education-thousands.jpg 877 × 531; 60 KB
Ha gobernado el Foro de São Paulo.svg 1,000 × 1,250; 274 KB
Half-prism tile.svg 582 × 571; 5 KB
Hard drive capacity over time.png 600 × 400; 4 KB
Hard drive capacity over time.svg 576 × 432; 87 KB
Hohmann transfer orbit.png 548 × 564; 34 KB
Hypotrochoid curve.svg 184 × 190; 2 KB
Ideal gas isotherms.svg 305 × 314; 31 KB
Idioma malayo.png 438 × 364; 10 KB
Injector3.gif 941 × 588; 64 KB
JR Maglev-Lev.png 1,024 × 614; 94 KB
Keyseating.jpg 531 × 384; 27 KB
Kleben im Vergleich zu anderen Fügeverfahren.png 605 × 360; 87 KB
Klima tem nds b.jpg 1,175 × 1,089; 314 KB
LommelS1.png 400 × 400; 111 KB
LommelS2.png 400 × 400; 67 KB
Maginot Line-ar.jpg 3,338 × 2,365; 1.26 MB
Maginot Line-en.jpg 3,333 × 2,365; 655 KB
Maginot Line-hu.png 3,333 × 2,365; 1.03 MB
Maginot Line-sr.svg 674 × 537; 72 KB
Maginot Line-tr.png 3,333 × 2,365; 1.43 MB
Maginot Line-uk.jpg 3,333 × 2,365; 668 KB
Major religions 2005 pie small.png 288 × 291; 4 KB
Major religions 2005 pie small.svg 600 × 592; 18 KB
Maksutov telescope.png 814 × 244; 18 KB
Maksutov-Cassegrain-Telescope.svg 800 × 400; 8 KB
Maksutov-Teleskop.svg 230 × 101; 190 KB
Masks against the transmission of droplet infections and aerosols.png 1,010 × 858; 128 KB
Mech trafo anim.gif 984 × 499; 159 KB
Mesa layers of crap 2016.svg 960 × 540; 68 KB
Mitosis cells sequence.svg 774 × 115; 459 KB
Mughal Historical Map.png 800 × 854; 1.26 MB
Namarie.jpg 458 × 210; 56 KB
Nature christologique3.svg 966 × 340; 25 KB
Nederfrankisch.png 972 × 932; 119 KB
Nervous system diagram.png 421 × 695; 176 KB
NH-Pluto-SurfacePressure-20150714-fr.png 778 × 620; 73 KB
NH-Pluto-SurfacePressure-20150714.png 824 × 656; 79 KB
Nikkei 225.png 3,508 × 2,480; 53 KB
Nikon-AI-S-Bajonett 1-1000x1000.jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 144 KB
Northern pike weight length graph.jpg 400 × 300; 23 KB
Noun gender distr in various langs.gif 1,000 × 1,614; 311 KB
Open IC engine cooling system with thermal energy recovery (ship).svg 1,892 × 1,050; 24 KB
Orientation coordonnees spheriques generalisees.svg 429 × 425; 15 KB
Osmosis experiment.JPG 574 × 360; 18 KB
P450cycle.svg 9,240 × 6,968; 38 KB
Padma Shri India IIIe Klasse.jpg 131 × 317; 12 KB
Parabola-focus-directrix.png 248 × 288; 4 KB
Parallel and Serial Transmission.gif 318 × 340; 8 KB
Parlamento Regional Brandeburgo 2024.svg 1,024 × 1,000; 29 KB
Party representation of the Bundesrat.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Patillas Flag.svg 640 × 427; 1 KB
PDB 1g40 EBI.jpg 800 × 600; 29 KB
PDB 1g44 EBI.jpg 800 × 600; 24 KB
PDB 1l6l EBI.jpg 800 × 600; 81 KB
PDB 1rid EBI.jpg 800 × 600; 32 KB
PDB 1y8e EBI.jpg 800 × 600; 24 KB
PDB 2a01 EBI.png 800 × 600; 228 KB
PDB 2hr0 EBI.png 800 × 600; 196 KB
PDB 2ou1 EBI.png 800 × 600; 193 KB
PIA15292-Fig2-MarsMountSharp-HeightComparison.jpg 946 × 710; 129 KB
Pl-sól.ogg 0.6 s; 9 KB
Pokémon types (english).svg 1,755 × 1,571; 76 KB
Pokémon types (german).svg 1,755 × 1,571; 74 KB
Polacy w Berlinie.png 2,592 × 2,389; 412 KB
Polacy w Hamburgu.png 2,592 × 2,389; 864 KB
Polar.JPG 374 × 361; 13 KB
Polea-simple-movil.jpg 338 × 590; 19 KB
Probability density of hydrogen.svg 496 × 372; 7 KB
Protein APOA2 PDB 1l6l.png 933 × 933; 856 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2 ms.svg 1,312 × 736; 11 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2 ru.svg 1,380 × 736; 13 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2 zh-hans.svg 1,312 × 736; 11 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2 zh-hant.svg 1,312 × 736; 11 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2-HE.svg 1,447 × 754; 55 KB
QR Code Structure Example 2.svg 1,312 × 736; 11 KB
QR Code Structure Example-ca.svg 1,229 × 624; 149 KB
QR Code Structure Example.svg 1,229 × 624; 72 KB
QR Code Structure number fa ar.svg 760 × 620; 106 KB
QR Code Structure number fa.svg 760 × 620; 106 KB
QR code structure SLO.svg 744 × 450; 13 KB
QR Code Struktur Beispiel.svg 1,190 × 624; 64 KB
RAID 5 new.png 498 × 423; 20 KB
Replicació de l'ADN.PNG 939 × 460; 90 KB
RILs population construction.jpg 960 × 720; 102 KB
Saxe Wettin Dynasty Family Tree.PNG 1,904 × 3,002; 961 KB
Schema Rheologie BMK.svg 500 × 400; 9 KB
Scorers Gi function.png 400 × 400; 5 KB
Serial vs. parallel transmission.svg 512 × 456; 6 KB