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Category:Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain

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Deutsch: Der Prinzessin-Diana-Gedenkbrunnen ist als ein Denkmal für Diana, Princess of Wales, zu verstehen. Er befindet sich im südwestlichen Bereich des Londoner Hyde Park, in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum Sepentine-See. Die Grundsteinlegung fand im September 2003 durch Königin Elisabeth II. statt. Am 6. Juli 2004 wurde der Brunnen offiziell eingeweiht.
English: The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain is a memorial to Diana. It was designed to express Diana's spirit and love of children. It is located in the southwest corner of Hyde Park in London, just south of the Serpentine Lake and east of the Serpentine Gallery. Its cornerstone was laid in September 2003 and it was officially opened on 6 July 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II. Also present were Diana's younger brother Charles Spencer, her ex-husband Prince Charles, and her sons William and Harry.
Français : La fontaine commémorative Diana princesse de Galles a été conçue en pensant aux enfants. Elle est située dans Hyde Park à Londres, au sud du lac Serpentine et à l'est de la galerie de Serpentine. La première pierre a été posée en septembre 2003 et la fontaine fut inaugurée par la reine Elisabeth II en juillet 2004.
Italiano: La Fontana in memoria di Diana, principessa di Galles (Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain) è una fontana costruita in memoria della principessa Diana e del suo amore per i bambini. Si trova in Hyde Park, uno dei Parchi Reali la città di Londra. Fu ultimata nel settembre del 2003, ma inaugurata ufficialmente il 6 luglio 2004 alla presenza della regina Elisabetta, del principe Carlo e dei figli William ed Henry.
Nederlands: De Prinses Diana-herdenkingsfontein ( Engels: Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain) is een monument ter nagedachtenis aan Prinses Diana van Wales. De fontein ligt in de zuidwest gelegen hoek van het Hyde Park in Londen. De hoeksteen werd gelegd in september 2003 en het monument werd geopend op 6 juli 2004 door Koningin Elizabeth II.
Português: A Fonte Memorial de Diana, Princesa de Gales é um memorial a Diana. Localizado no canto sudoeste de Hyde Park, em Londres, ao sul do Lago Serpentine e a leste da Galeria Serpentine, foi projetado tendo em mente as crianças. Sua construção iniciou-se em setembro de 2003, e a fonte foi inaugurada em 6 de julho de 2004, pela Rainha Elizabeth II.
<nowiki>Fontana in memoria di Diana, principessa di Galles; ڈیانا، پرنسس آف ویلز میموریل فاؤنٹین; Fontaine commémorative de Diana, princesse de Galles; 威尔士王妃戴安娜纪念喷泉; Pamätník Diany, princeznej z Walesu; Památník Diany, princezny z Walesu; המזרקה לזכר הנסיכה דיאנה; Prinses Diana-herdenkingsfontein; 威爾士王妃戴安娜紀念噴泉; Fuente conmemorativa de Diana de Gales; Prinzessin-Diana-Gedenkbrunnen; Fonte Memorial de Diana, Princesa de Gales; Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain; ديانا, نافورة اميرة ويلز التذكاريه; 威尔士王妃戴安娜纪念喷泉; ダイアナ妃記念噴水; fuente en Hyde Park, Londres; ہائیڈ پارک، لندن میں فاؤنٹین; نافوره فى المملكه المتحده; fountain in Hyde Park, London; bouwwerk in het Verenigd Koninkrijk; Fontaine commémorative Diana; Fontaine-mémorial Diana; Fontaine Diana; Fontaine-mémorial Diana, Princesse de Galles; Fontaine commémorative de Diana; Fontaine mémorial Diana; Fontaine commemorative de Diana, princesse de Galles; Pamätník Diany, princezny z Walesu; Diana Memorial Fountain; Diana Fountain; 威尔士王妃纪念喷泉; Diana Herdenkingsfontein</nowiki>
Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain 
fountain in Hyde Park, London
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LocationCity of Westminster, Greater London, London, England
  • 2004
Map51° 30′ 16.73″ N, 0° 10′ 17.43″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q2062331
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1972843
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Media in category "Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain"

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