Category:Crouching Venus

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Français : Vénus accroupie
Italiano: Venere accovacciata
English: The Crouching Venus is the most famous sculpture of the Greek sculptor Doidalsas of Bithynia, who lived in the third century BC at the service of King Nicomedes I. The transfer of the statue to Rome determined its fame, because it was often copied to decorate gardens and baths.
Français : La Vénus accroupie est la sculpture la plus célèbre du sculpteur grec Doidalsas de Bithynie (parfois orthographié Doidalses ou Daedalsas), qui vivait au IIIe siècle av. J.-C. au service du roi Nicomède Ier. Le transfert de la statue à Rome a été décisif pour sa renommée, car elle y a été souvent copiée pour décorer des jardins et des bains.
Italiano: La Venere accovacciata è la scultura più celebre dello scultore greco della Bitinia Doidalsas, vissuto nel III sec. a.C. al servizio del re Nicomede I. Il trasferimento della statua a Roma ne determinò la fama; infatti fu spesso copiata per decorare giardini e terme.
<nowiki>Afrodite accovacciata; Vénus accroupie; Вэнэра на кукішках; Crouching Venus; Венера навпочіпки; Crouching Venus; Венера на корточках; Čepeča Venera; Kauernde Aphrodite; Polvistuva Venus; Венера на кукішках; Afrodita agachada; Venus en he c'hluch; Afrodita ajupida; scultura antica; Skulptur von Doidalsas; скульптура; sculpture by Doidalsa; منحوتة; פסל; escultura de Doidalsa; Venus accroupie; Присевшая Венера; Купающаяся Афродита; Венера присевшая; Venere accovacciata</nowiki>
Crouching Venus 
sculpture by Doidalsa
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DepictsVenus, Aphrodite, woman, nudity, squatting position and navel
Made from material
LocationMuseum Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy
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  • 106 cm
Authority file
Wikidata Q2063494
BabelNet ID: 03704947n
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Media in category "Crouching Venus"

The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total.