Category:Creagrus furcatus
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IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Charadriiformes • Familia: Laridae • Genus: Creagrus • Species: Creagrus furcatus (Neboux, 1846)
Wikispecies has an entry on:
- English: Swallow-tailed Gull
- العربية: نورس متفرع الذيل
- مصرى: نورس متفرع الذيل
- Kotava: Lofta
- български: галапагоска чайка
- brezhoneg: Gouelan ar Galápagos
- català: gavineta cuaforcada, Gavina de cua bifurcada
- čeština: racek galapážský
- Cymraeg: gwylan y Galapagos
- dansk: Svalehalemåge
- Deutsch: Gabelschwanzmöwe
- Esperanto: Forkovosta mevo
- español: Gaviota tijereta, Gaviota de Galápagos
- eesti: öökajakas
- فارسی: کاکایی دمچلچلهای
- suomi: yölokki
- français: Mouette à queue fourchue
- עברית: שחף זנב-סנונית
- hrvatski: galapagoski galeb
- magyar: fecskefarkú sirály
- Bahasa Indonesia: Camar ekor walet
- italiano: Gabbiano coda di rondine
- 日本語: アカメカモメ
- 한국어: 제비꼬리갈매기
- lietuvių: galapaginis kiras
- македонски: галапагоски галеб
- norsk bokmål: Svalestjertmåke
- Nederlands: Zwaluwstaartmeeuw
- norsk: Svalestjertmåke
- Diné bizaad: Tónteel tsídii bitseeʼ deeshgizhígíí
- polski: mewa widłosterna
- português: gaivota-rabo-de-andorinha
- русский: Галапагосская чайка
- slovenčina: čajka lastovičia
- svenska: Svalstjärtad mås, svalstjärtad mås
- українська: Ластівкохвостий мартин, мартин галапагоський
- Tiếng Việt: Mòng biển đuôi nhạn
- 中文: 燕尾鷗
- Note: For IOC classification 7.3, this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Creagrus.
- IOC link: Creagrus furcatus (Néboux, 1842) subcat
Creagrus furcatus (Néboux, 1842) (old web site) (Least Concern)
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IUCN conservation status | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wingspan |
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Original combination | Larus furcatus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon author | Adolphe-Simon Neboux, 1846 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Creagrus furcatus"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Creagrus furcatus"
The following 91 files are in this category, out of 91 total.
20180807-Swallow-tailed gull at Genovesa (9493).jpg 5,584 × 3,723; 11.38 MB
20180807-Swallow-tailed gull-2 at Genovesa (9494).jpg 5,765 × 3,843; 11.57 MB
20180807-Swallow-tailed gull-3 at Genovesa (9495).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 13.62 MB
20180807-Swallow-tailed gull-4 at Genovesa (9496).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 14.61 MB
20180807-Swallow-tailed gull-5 at Genovesa (9475).jpg 4,800 × 3,200; 8.8 MB
2022-05-24 Gabelschwanzmöwe (Creagrus furcatus) 01.JPG 6,000 × 4,000; 2.82 MB
39 Saymour (73).JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.45 MB
An excursion to Isla Plaza Sur - Adult and Juvenile Swallow Tailed Gull (16654083466).jpg 4,858 × 3,239; 10.15 MB
An excursion to Isla Plaza Sur - look out below - Swallow Tailed Gull (16060090073).jpg 2,763 × 1,842; 858 KB
An excursion to Isla Plaza Sur - Swallow Tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) - (16680003935).jpg 4,200 × 2,800; 5.17 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Galapagos Islands -two-8 (1).jpg 2,133 × 1,912; 982 KB
Creagrus furcatus -Galapagos Islands -two-8.jpg 2,632 × 1,801; 1.5 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -adult and chick-8 (1).jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.32 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -adult and chick-8.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 10.59 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Galapagos Islands-8.jpg 2,423 × 1,780; 1.56 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Genovesa Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -adult and chick-8 (1).jpg 2,696 × 1,548; 1.07 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Genovesa Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -adult and chick-8 (2).jpg 2,618 × 1,707; 1.07 MB
Creagrus furcatus -Genovesa Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -adult and chick-8.jpg 3,050 × 1,714; 1.12 MB
Creagrus furcatus -North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -two-8.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 6.98 MB
Creagrus furcatus -North Seymour Island, Galapagos, Ecuador -pair-8.jpg 3,928 × 2,460; 3.91 MB
Creagrus furcatus -North Seymour Island, Galapagos, Ecuador-8 (1).jpg 2,222 × 2,528; 1.54 MB
Creagrus furcatus -North Seymour Island, Galapagos, Ecuador-8.jpg 2,838 × 1,950; 2.1 MB
Creagrus furcatus 1.jpg 1,024 × 678; 460 KB
Creagrus furcatus 2.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 1.94 MB
Creagrus furcatus DT -W I Isabela- 0801 (1) (20668790458).jpg 800 × 533; 38 KB
Creagrus furcatus DT -W I Isabela- 0801 (2) (20670039999).jpg 800 × 533; 76 KB
Creagrus furcatus DT -W I Isabela- 0801 (3) (20830515196).jpg 800 × 533; 58 KB
Creagrus furcatus DT -W I Isabela- 0801 (4) (20235789973).jpg 800 × 533; 84 KB
Creagrus furcatus DT -W Islote Daphne- 0801 (5) (20668789208).jpg 800 × 533; 107 KB
Creagrus furcatus flight.jpg 1,416 × 1,964; 1.07 MB
Creagrus furcatus map.svg 740 × 800; 261 KB
Creagrus furcatus, Galápagos Islands (5840277997).jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 5.3 MB
Creagrus furcatus.JPG 1,149 × 775; 291 KB
Creagrus furcatus.jpg 1,100 × 1,120; 270 KB
File-Swallow tailed gull and egg.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.93 MB
Gabelschwanzmöwe (Swallow-tailed Gull).jpg 1,330 × 974; 898 KB
Islas Galápagos01.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 2.88 MB
Nest building time... (6063986823).jpg 3,712 × 2,088; 2.12 MB
Opuntia echios - Santa Fe, Galapagos.jpg 1,855 × 2,524; 1.53 MB
Pair of Swallow Tail Gulls (6519178457).jpg 2,464 × 1,632; 305 KB
S. Plaza Island Swallow-tailed Gull Head (2257297364).jpg 864 × 575; 262 KB
Swallow Tail gulls perched (6519178195).jpg 1,632 × 2,464; 612 KB
Swallow-tail gull (Creagrus furcatus) -Espanola -Punta Suarez.jpg 2,726 × 1,794; 446 KB
Swallow-tail gull standing on rock - DPLA - c1507b99f025b4f63cb5153c58efcb9b.jpg 1,574 × 1,072; 308 KB
Swallow-tail Gulls (Creagrus furcatus) -Espanola -Punta Suarez2.jpg 2,641 × 1,870; 598 KB
Swallow-tail Gulls (Creagrus furcatus) mating -Espanola -Punta Suarez.jpg 1,904 × 2,590; 806 KB
Swallow-tailed gull (40834000063).jpg 4,709 × 3,166; 3.39 MB
Swallow-tailed gull (40834001363).jpg 3,227 × 2,378; 2.85 MB
Swallow-tailed gull (40834004743).jpg 3,190 × 2,042; 1.47 MB
Swallow-tailed gull (4229079326).jpg 2,272 × 1,584; 2.02 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (46963756714).jpg 3,032 × 2,022; 1.04 MB
Swallow-tailed gull (47724115862).jpg 3,761 × 2,507; 2.05 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (47808105881).jpg 3,321 × 2,214; 2.76 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20297013671).jpg 4,743 × 3,162; 9.56 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20601826039).jpg 4,318 × 3,454; 11.54 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20779152622).jpg 3,730 × 2,984; 8.78 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20788594085).jpg 3,741 × 2,993; 7.65 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20788594445).jpg 4,136 × 3,310; 9.86 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) (20795594951).jpg 1,987 × 2,483; 3.07 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) -mating2.jpg 1,129 × 768; 785 KB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) -side upper body.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 363 KB
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus) -standing2.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 804 KB
Swallow-tailed gull (juvenile).jpg 3,844 × 2,563; 6.82 MB
Swallow-tailed gull - Flickr - pellaea.jpg 1,833 × 2,444; 828 KB
Swallow-tailed gull 01.jpg 3,837 × 2,558; 5.32 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull on Genovesa Island (Tower Island) Galapagos - panoramio (2).jpg 1,962 × 1,308; 2.24 MB
Swallow-tailed Gull on Genovesa Island (Tower Island) Galapagos - panoramio.jpg 2,307 × 1,538; 2.96 MB
Swallow-tailed gull Pair.ogv 18 s, 640 × 480; 2.25 MB
Swallow-tailed gull with egg.JPG 2,685 × 1,790; 2.04 MB
Swallow-tailed gull, South Plaza Island.jpg 3,769 × 2,513; 5.18 MB
Swallow-tailed gulls (4201780269).jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 3.61 MB
Swallow-tailed gulls (4228332927).jpg 2,696 × 1,928; 4.66 MB
Swallow-tailed gulls (4228334577).jpg 2,399 × 1,672; 3.66 MB
Swallow-tailed Gulls 311882011.jpg 3,159 × 2,106; 3.4 MB
Swallow-tailed Gulls on Genovesa Island (Tower Island) Galapagos - panoramio.jpg 2,109 × 1,406; 2.79 MB
Swallow-tailed Gulls seeing off a Magnificent frigate bird (20165982544).jpg 3,020 × 2,416; 4.91 MB
Swallow-tailed Gulls seeing off a Magnificent frigate bird (20167633683).jpg 3,204 × 2,564; 4.75 MB
Swallow-tailed gulls.jpg 3,362 × 2,241; 5.11 MB
Swallow-tailed-gull-dorsal.jpg 1,067 × 1,600; 552 KB
Swallow-tailed-gull.jpg 1,783 × 1,067; 778 KB
W Islote Daphne Mayor 0801 006 (17268739316).jpg 800 × 533; 107 KB