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Media in category "CoreUI"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,304 total.
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3d (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 691 bytes
4k (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 619 bytes
Account-logout (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 369 bytes
Action-redo (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 480 bytes
Action-undo (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 750 bytes
Address-book (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Airplane-mode (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 901 bytes
Airplane-mode-off (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1,017 bytes
Airplay (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 473 bytes
Alarm (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 717 bytes
Album (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Align-center (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 407 bytes
Align-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 423 bytes
Align-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 426 bytes
American-football (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Android (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Angular (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 469 bytes
Aperture (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Apple (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Applications (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Applications-settings (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Arrow-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 282 bytes
Arrow-circle-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 656 bytes
Arrow-circle-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 654 bytes
Arrow-circle-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 658 bytes
Arrow-circle-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 650 bytes
Arrow-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 277 bytes
Arrow-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 281 bytes
Arrow-thick-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 331 bytes
Arrow-thick-from-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 377 bytes
Arrow-thick-from-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 370 bytes
Arrow-thick-from-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 384 bytes
Arrow-thick-from-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 381 bytes
Arrow-thick-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 330 bytes
Arrow-thick-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 334 bytes
Arrow-thick-to-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 370 bytes
Arrow-thick-to-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 376 bytes
Arrow-thick-to-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 366 bytes
Arrow-thick-to-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 366 bytes
Arrow-thick-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 336 bytes
Arrow-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 279 bytes
Assistive-listening-system (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Asterisk (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 400 bytes
Asterisk-circle (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 749 bytes
At (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Audio (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Audio-description (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 756 bytes
Audio-spectrum (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 450 bytes
Av-timer (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 708 bytes
Badge (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 909 bytes
Balance-scale (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 968 bytes
Ban (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 759 bytes
Bank (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 634 bytes
Bar-chart (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 681 bytes
Barcode (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 645 bytes
Baseball (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Basket (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 593 bytes
Basketball (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Bath (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Battery-0 (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 525 bytes
Battery-3 (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 676 bytes
Battery-5 (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 780 bytes
Battery-alert (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 640 bytes
Battery-slash (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 605 bytes
Beach-access (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Beaker (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 697 bytes
Bed (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 517 bytes
Bell (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 873 bytes
Bike (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Birthday-cake (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Blind (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 786 bytes
Bluetooth (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 393 bytes
Blur (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 3 KB
Blur-circular (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 3 KB
Blur-linear (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Boat-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 714 bytes
Bold (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 627 bytes
Bolt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 322 bytes
Book (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 687 bytes
Bookmark (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 297 bytes
Bootstrap (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 925 bytes
Border-all (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 480 bytes
Border-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-clear (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-horizontal (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-inner (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Border-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-outer (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 920 bytes
Border-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-style (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 865 bytes
Border-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Border-vertical (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Bowling (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 2 KB
Braille (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 6 KB
Briefcase (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 596 bytes
Brightness (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 993 bytes
British-pound (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 444 bytes
Browser (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 453 bytes
Brush (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Brush-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 768 bytes
Bug (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Building (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 709 bytes
Bullhorn (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 464 bytes
Burger (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Bus-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Calculator (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 829 bytes
Calendar (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Calendar-check (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 591 bytes
Camera (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 861 bytes
Camera-control (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 853 bytes
Camera-roll (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1,005 bytes
Car-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Caret-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 273 bytes
Caret-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 274 bytes
Caret-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 265 bytes
Caret-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 273 bytes
Cart (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 811 bytes
Casino (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Cast (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 624 bytes
Cat (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Center-focus (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 919 bytes
Chart (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 836 bytes
Chart-line (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 379 bytes
Chart-pie (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 960 bytes
Chat-bubble (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Check (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 458 bytes
Chevron-bottom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 431 bytes
Chevron-circle-down-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 641 bytes
Chevron-circle-left-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 644 bytes
Chevron-circle-right-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 645 bytes
Chevron-circle-up-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 650 bytes
Chevron-double-down (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 660 bytes
Chevron-double-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 594 bytes
Chevron-double-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 635 bytes
Chevron-double-up (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 668 bytes
Chevron-double-up-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 389 bytes
Chevron-left (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 397 bytes
Chevron-right (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 391 bytes
Chevron-top (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 403 bytes
Child (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Child-friendly (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 24 × 24; 1 KB
Cib-500px (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-500px-5 (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-about-me (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 827 bytes
Cib-abstract (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 527 bytes
Cib-acm (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 3 KB
Cib-addthis (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 364 bytes
Cib-adguard (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 697 bytes
Cib-adobe (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 253 bytes
Cib-adobe-acrobat-reader (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-adobe-after-effects (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-adobe-audition (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1,001 bytes
Cib-adobe-creative-cloud (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-adobe-dreamweaver (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-adobe-illustrator (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 948 bytes
Cib-adobe-indesign (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 811 bytes
Cib-adobe-lightroom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-adobe-lightroom-classic (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 748 bytes
Cib-adobe-photoshop (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-adobe-premiere (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 908 bytes
Cib-adobe-typekit (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 918 bytes
Cib-adobe-xd (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-airbnb (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-algolia (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-allocine (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 902 bytes
Cib-amazon (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 3 KB
Cib-amazon-aws (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 4 KB
Cib-amazon-pay (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 5 KB
Cib-amd (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 661 bytes
Cib-american-express (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 5 KB
Cib-anaconda (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 3 KB
Cib-analogue (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 387 bytes
Cib-android (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 837 bytes
Cib-android-alt (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-angellist (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 4 KB
Cib-angular (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 343 bytes
Cib-angular-universal (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 789 bytes
Cib-ansible (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 540 bytes
Cib-apache (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 4 KB
Cib-apache-airflow (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 6 KB
Cib-apache-flink (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 19 KB
Cib-apache-spark (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-app-store (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-app-store-ios (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 961 bytes
Cib-apple-music (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-apple-pay (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-apple-podcasts (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-appveyor (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 639 bytes
Cib-aral (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-archive-of-our-own (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-arduino (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-artstation (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 428 bytes
Cib-arxiv (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-asana (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 552 bytes
Cib-at-and-t (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-atlassian (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 617 bytes
Cib-atom (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 2 KB
Cib-audible (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 728 bytes
Cib-aurelia (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 1 KB
Cib-auth0 (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg 32 × 32; 397 bytes