Category:Color spectrum
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Media in category "Color spectrum"
The following 35 files are in this category, out of 35 total.
Argi espektroa.png 497 × 215; 63 KB
Black-body-in-mireds-reversed.svg 1,200 × 200; 10 KB
Caracas metro Ciudad Universitaria sign and moving train.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.29 MB
Castel L'Optique des couleurs 1740.jpg 482 × 714; 99 KB
Ciferoj-koloroj.div0031a.jpg 531 × 186; 33 KB
Color gradient illustrating a sorites paradox.png 8,192 × 1,024; 57 KB
Colors (18253041762).jpg 5,516 × 3,815; 16.46 MB
Computer generated color spectrum.png 1,530 × 256; 20 KB
Dolby 3D.png 690 × 1,348; 681 KB
Dolby3d Filters.png 320 × 460; 20 KB
Espectometría.jpg 480 × 640; 201 KB
GamColor deep-dyed polyester gel swatchbook.jpg 1,175 × 1,070; 829 KB
Gridtest.jpg 1,800 × 900; 97 KB
Gridtest.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2 KB
Hue alpha falloff.svg 2,048 × 1,024; 823 bytes
Hunt Effect - the appearance of colourfulness increases with luminance.png 1,530 × 1,024; 16 KB
Kolorea zuzenki erlazionaturik dago xurgatutako argiarekin.png 587 × 202; 27 KB
MLP372.jpg 1,173 × 4,034; 359 KB
Newton's Experimentum Crucis (Grusche 2015).jpg 5,532 × 2,395; 3.87 MB
NewtonDualPrismExperiment.jpg 800 × 286; 76 KB
Paillettes arcobaleno.jpg 4,456 × 3,248; 2.92 MB
QD-LED.jpg 565 × 300; 38 KB
Rainbow from CD Big.jpg 2,671 × 3,754; 4.63 MB
Rainbow from CD Part.jpg 3,464 × 2,052; 215 KB
Rainbow3580Colours.png 512 × 512; 38 KB
RGB HSL HSV spectrum.png 1,530 × 256; 2 KB
RGB HSL HSV spectrum.webp 1,530 × 256; 218 bytes
Ruedas de color.jpg 373 × 244; 63 KB
SmallRainbow3483Colours.png 210 × 210; 14 KB
Turbine di colori.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.38 MB
Voyager - Filters - Clear.png 1,200 × 600; 5 KB
Семь цветов радуги.webm 4 min 1 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 20.48 MB
Спектральная полоса.png 800 × 450; 3 KB