English: In en:sociology and en:psychology, mass hysteria (also known as collective hysteria, group hysteria, or collective obsessional behavior) is a phenomenon that transmits collective en:illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear (memory acknowledgement).
<nowiki>histeria colectiva; tömeghisztéria; Masen histeria; массовая истерия; Massenhysterie; Натоўп; هیستری جمعی; 集體歇斯底里; massehysteri; 集団パニック; Masshysteri; Масовий психоз; 集體歇斯底里; joukkohysteria; amashisterio; масовна хистерија; isteria di massa; hystérie collective; Masovna histerija; Rối loạn phân ly tập thể; množična histerija; Masovna histerija; อุปาทานหมู่; Zbiorowa histeria; Histeria massa; massahysterie; isteryang kolektibo; масавая гістэрыя; histeria colectiva; histèria col·lectiva; mass hysteria; الهستيريا الجماعية; Ommaviy psixoz; היסטריה המונית; fenómeno social; phénomène psychologique; irrationellt beteende av grupp av människor; תופעה פסיכולוגית; fenomeen in de sociale psychologie; starke emotionale Erregung in großen Menschenmengen; phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear; پدیدهای که توهم تهدید مشترک جمعی اعم از واقعی یا خیالی، از طریق یک جمعیت در جامعه در نتیجه شایعه و ترس منتقل میشود.; fenomeno sociopsicologico che riguarda il manifestarsi degli stessi sintomi isterici in più di una persona; močno čustveno vznemirjenje v velikih množica; Isteria collettiva; psychose collective; fysterie collective; phobie collective; hystérie (psychologie sociale); Histeria em massa; Histeria de massas; masspsykos; Psicosis colectiva; Histeria de grupo; Histeria en masa; Comportamiento obsesivo colectivo; היסטריית המונים; היסטריה קולקטיבית; Kolektivna histerija; Массовый психоз; kolektivno opsesivno ponašavanje; Tanzwahn; Massenwahn; Joukkopsykoosi; Massapsykoosi; national hysteria; hysteria (social psychology); Amaspaniko; tömegpszichózis; อุปทานหมู่</nowiki>
mass hysteria
phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear