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Category:Christmas flood 1717

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Main English Wikipedia article: Christmas flood of 1717.
<nowiki>Inondazione di Natale; Inondation de Noël en 1717; Wiehnachtsfloot; Weihnachtsflut 1717; Рождественское наводнение; 1717年圣诞节洪水; Krystfloed; Božične poplave leta 1717; 1717年クリスマス洪水; 1717年圣诞节洪水; 1717年聖誕節洪水; Weihnachtsflut 1717; Powódź w Boże Narodzenie 1717; Christmas flood of 1717; Kerstvloed; 1717年聖誕節洪水; Kersvloed; 1717 Noel Tufanı; 1717년 크리스마스 홍수; Julflud 1717; Kristnaska inundo de 1717; Божиќна поплава; Weihnachtsflut 1717; storm ute på Nordsjön i december 1717; December 1717 North Sea storm; Sturmflut an der kontinentaleuropäischen Nordseeküste; stormvloed aan de Noordzeekust in december 1717; Wiehnachtsflaut; Inondation de Noël; 1717년 성탄절 홍수; Julstormfloden 1717; Рождественское наводнение 1717 года; Stormvloed van 1717; Kerstvloed 1717</nowiki>
Christmas flood of 1717 
December 1717 North Sea storm
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Instance of
Named after
LocationCoastline of the North Sea
Point in time
  • 1717
Start time
  • 24 December 1717
End time
  • 25 December 1717
Number of deaths
  • 14,000 ±1000
Authority file
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