<nowiki>Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; 霜扁蝽亚科; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; 霜扁蝽亞科; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; Carventinae; 霜扁蝽亚科; sous-famille d'Aradidae (insectes hétéroptères, punaises); підродина комах; taxon, onderfamilie van insecten; Unterfamilie der Familie Aradidae; subfamilia d'inseutos; subfamily of insects; فُصيلة من الحشرات; 扁蝽科昆虫的一个亚科; подсемейство насекоми</nowiki>
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.