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Category:Candelabro Trivulzio

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<nowiki>Candelabro Trivulzio; Trivulzio candelabra; Siebenarmige Leuchter (Milan); Sedmiramenný svícen (Milán); sedmiramenný bronzový svícen v Milánské katedrále z 13. století; seven-branched candelabra in the Cathedral in Milan from 13th century; Candelabro Trivulzio; Seven-branched candelabrum (Milan); Trivulziův svícen; Trivulzio leuchter; Trivulzio-Kandelaber</nowiki>
Trivulzio candelabra 
seven-branched candelabra in the Cathedral in Milan from 13th century
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Instance of
Made from material
LocationMilan Cathedral, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Lombardy, Italy
  • c. 1200
  • 400 cm
  • 530 cm
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  • Italiano: Il gotico candelabro Trivulzio, di anonimo maestro anglo-normanno dei primi del Duecento (è stata proposta l'attribuzione a Nicolas de Verdun) , è conservato nel Duomo di Milano. Si tratta di una menorah, che simboleggia il passaggio dall'Antica Alleanza (quella con gli ebrei) alla Nuova Alleanza (quella con la chiesa cristiana). È decorato con squisite immagini rappresentanti figure allegoriche, simboli zodiacali e religiosi.
  • English: The gothic-style Trivulzio candelabra, an early 13th century work of art by an anonymous Anglo-Norman master (an attribution to Nicolas de Verdun has been proposed), in the Cathedral in Milan, Italy. It is shaped as a menorah, as a symbol of the passage from the Old Covenant (with the Jews) to the New Covenant (with the Christian Church).


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