Category:CERN in 2012
Media in category "CERN in 2012"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
CERN Microcosm 04.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 1.94 MB
CERN-aerial 1.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 5.92 MB
CERN-aerial 2.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 5.97 MB
CERN-aerial 3.JPG 4,320 × 2,432; 6.28 MB
Meyrin-CERN.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 6.3 MB
Meyrin.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 7.1 MB