Category:Brown plates
Media in category "Brown plates"
The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.
Auberge Haeberlin 025 cropped.jpg 582 × 354; 92 KB
BEEF TONGUE - LANGUE DE BŒUF.JPG 2,315 × 1,854; 1.29 MB
Blackfriars, Cambridge IMG 2833 (28927880906).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 8.68 MB
Blanc-manger with cocoa powder and almonds.jpg 2,228 × 1,704; 722 KB
Bord restaurant Tivoli.jpg 700 × 666; 118 KB
CoffeeQuicheTurkeyRedPepper.jpg 2,816 × 1,555; 1.89 MB
Daruma Sushi.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.27 MB
Dishes at Boccanera Restaurant, Zaułek Niewiernego Tomasza, Kraków, Poland, 2019, 06.jpg 3,604 × 2,959; 2.85 MB
El tango baked burrito.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 2.06 MB
Hahya.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.49 MB
Hamburger and fries at Canttiini close up.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 8.14 MB
Kakinohazusi.jpg 1,440 × 1,080; 207 KB
Khao phat kraphao mu.jpg 1,920 × 1,067; 324 KB
Nudli (mákos) 2.jpg 2,288 × 1,712; 707 KB
Nudli.jpg 2,288 × 1,712; 735 KB
Ochsenauge (pastry) - top view.jpg 1,331 × 1,024; 751 KB
Ochsenauge (pastry).jpg 1,365 × 1,024; 706 KB
Palatschinke.jpg 1,128 × 737; 624 KB
Pla wong thot.jpg 1,920 × 1,267; 267 KB
Platter in shape of taro leaf with Guava branch, Hawaiian Potters Guild.jpg 1,950 × 898; 283 KB
Sałatka warzywna z majonezem.jpg 834 × 596; 539 KB
Tamal de zarzamoras.png 1,238 × 945; 2.19 MB
Tamale Oaxaqueño thumb.png 300 × 229; 32 KB
Tamale Oaxaqueño.jpg 1,840 × 1,404; 1.94 MB
Tamales de Salsa verde.jpg 785 × 619; 827 KB
TELLER II.jpg 1,384 × 1,459; 725 KB
The Big Meal.jpg 640 × 480; 57 KB
Vidro1.jpg 1,921 × 1,439; 1.16 MB
Wet Cappuccino with heart latte art.jpg 500 × 375; 78 KB
Yemasabulenses.jpeg 480 × 360; 38 KB
김가네김밥 행신역점 기본 김밥, 돈까스.jpg 3,840 × 2,560; 1.38 MB
김가네김밥 행신역점 돈까스.jpg 3,840 × 2,560; 1.21 MB