Category:Books about sericulture
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Media in category "Books about sericulture"
The following 46 files are in this category, out of 46 total.
The Bombyx mori (Linnæus) a manual of silk culture (IA bombyxmorilinnus00davi).pdf 914 × 1,445, 32 pages; 3.46 MB
Die deutsche seidenzucht anleitung zum seidenbau, seine geschichte, statistik und literatur (IA bub gb x2saAAAAYAAJ).pdf 625 × 1,037, 102 pages; 6.16 MB
California silk grower's manual (IA californiasilkgr00prevrich).pdf 627 × 1,058, 260 pages; 28.92 MB
Circular of information in regard to the work in silk culture (IA CAT11088205).pdf 1,200 × 1,570, 3 pages; 584 KB
Silk dyeing, printing, and finishing (IA gri c00033125012743387).pdf 541 × 795, 297 pages; 11.33 MB
Silk - its production and manufacture (IA productiosilkits00hooprich).pdf 689 × 1,062, 190 pages; 17.64 MB
Raw silk; a practical hand-book for the buyer (IA rawsilkpractical00dura).pdf 725 × 1,308, 226 pages; 15.85 MB
Raw silk; a practical hand-book for the buyer (IA rawsilkpractical02dura).pdf 675 × 1,172, 228 pages; 17.21 MB
Raw silk; a practical hand-book for the buyer (IA rawsilkpractical03dura).pdf 641 × 1,037, 226 pages; 15.32 MB
Report on silk manufactures (IA reportonsilkmanu00cowd).pdf 718 × 1,185, 82 pages; 5.15 MB
Serivalor, the valuation of raw silk (IA serivalorvaluati00rose).pdf 764 × 1,270, 200 pages; 7.76 MB
Serivalor, the valuation of raw silk (IA serivalorvaluati01rose).pdf 781 × 1,250, 200 pages; 7.87 MB
Silk (IA silk00ward).pdf 702 × 1,114, 26 pages; 1.36 MB
Silk-culture directory and silk-caterpillars disorders (IA silkculturedirec00barr).pdf 729 × 1,112, 111 pages; 8.44 MB
Silk culture and home industry (IA silkculturehomei00cham).pdf 1,331 × 1,914, 18 pages; 953 KB
Silk culture- a manual with complete instructions in sericulture .. (IA silkculturemanua00buck).pdf 1,031 × 1,725, 54 pages; 2.96 MB
The silk department (IA silkdepartment00thom).pdf 654 × 981, 270 pages; 8.84 MB
Silk farming (IA silkfarming00long).pdf 797 × 1,195, 52 pages; 3.08 MB
The silk industry of Japan (IA silkindustryjapa00hondrich).pdf 829 × 1,293, 248 pages; 15.02 MB
The silk industry of the United States, from 1766 to 1874 (IA silkindustryofun00lill).pdf 1,018 × 1,614, 30 pages; 2.37 MB
California Digital Library (IA silkindustrytrad00rawlrich).pdf 743 × 1,227, 206 pages; 11.22 MB
Silk; its origin, culture, and manufacture; (IA silkitsorigincul00shef).pdf 797 × 1,183, 48 pages; 2.78 MB
Silk - its origin and culture (IA silkitsorigincul00unse 1).pdf 1,220 × 1,816, 64 pages; 2.08 MB
Silk manufacture in the United States (IA silkmanufacturei00wyckrich).pdf 812 × 1,252, 142 pages; 8.46 MB
Silk manufacturing and its problems (IA silkmanufacturin00chitrich).pdf 850 × 1,314, 586 pages; 73.84 MB
Silk mill costs (IA silkmillcosts00dayc).pdf 866 × 1,352, 84 pages; 3.09 MB
Silk mill costs (IA silkmillcosts00daycrich).pdf 739 × 1,102, 88 pages; 3.24 MB
Silk and the silk worm. A complete book of instruction on silk culture (IA silksilkwormcomp01ross).pdf 712 × 1,066, 20 pages; 1.04 MB
Silk throwing and waste silk spinning (IA silkthrowingwast00raynrich).pdf 772 × 1,254, 216 pages; 30.02 MB
Silk worm food plants- cultivation and propagation (IA silkwormfoodplan00oliv).pdf 791 × 1,225, 58 pages; 2.51 MB
The silkworm; its history and product (IA silkwormitshisto00wins).pdf 712 × 843, 24 pages; 1.36 MB
Silkworm rearing as a pastime (IA silkwormrearinga00fren).pdf 564 × 841, 28 pages; 1.36 MB
The story of silk & Cheney silks (IA storyofsilkchene01manc).pdf 620 × 929, 76 pages; 4.45 MB
The story of a silk mill (IA storyofsilkmill00calv).pdf 847 × 1,297, 36 pages; 3.25 MB
The reformed Virginian silk-worm (title page).jpg 511 × 807; 167 KB
Ueber Maulbeerbaumzucht und Erziehung der Seideraupen (IA uebermaulbeerbau00juli).pdf 714 × 1,120, 206 pages; 10.41 MB