Category:Books about hydrology of the United States
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Media in category "Books about hydrology of the United States"
The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.
The absence of water in certain sandstones of the Appalachian oil-fields (IA absenceofwaterin00reev).pdf 964 × 1,441, 34 pages; 1.67 MB
Abstracts of recent published material on soil and water conservation (IA abstractsofrecen45unit).pdf 1,131 × 1,445, 220 pages; 13.08 MB
Abstracts of recent published material on soil and water conservation (IA abstractsofrecen50unit).pdf 1,058 × 1,441, 188 pages; 9.98 MB
American mineral waters- the New England states (IA americanmineralw00skinrich).pdf 752 × 1,312, 114 pages; 8.17 MB
Fresh-water Tertiary of the West (IA bulletin-american-museum-natural-history-12-019-075).pdf 881 × 1,368, 58 pages; 3.22 MB
Urban hydrology for small watersheds (IA CAIN769018283).pdf 1,141 × 1,537, 128 pages; 6.79 MB
Monthly precipitation and runoff for small agricultural watersheds in the United States (IA CAT11099555).pdf 1,185 × 1,602, 714 pages; 63.27 MB
Resurrection Creek Stream and Riparian Restoration Project - final environmental impact statement (IA CAT31311312).pdf 1,152 × 1,581, 262 pages; 13.19 MB
Yazoo-Mississippi River Basin study Mississippi (IA CAT77680344).pdf 1,050 × 1,514, 334 pages; 15.47 MB
Arkansas-White-Red River Basin report (IA CAT79726859).pdf 1,214 × 1,627, 470 pages; 37.04 MB
Agricultural requirements and upstream watershed development, Big Black River (IA CAT86865812).pdf 1,172 × 1,656, 230 pages; 10.15 MB
A report on "the influence of forests on climate and on floods." (IA cu31924000432777).pdf 768 × 1,272, 78 pages; 1.76 MB
EMRIA. Fiscal year 1977. (IA emriafiscalyear9966unit).pdf 1,150 × 1,564, 86 pages; 3.49 MB
Groundwater model calibration for a hydrocarbon plume in a sandy, surficial aquifer. (IA groundwatermodel00scan).pdf 650 × 839, 386 pages; 8.47 MB
Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1963 (IA hydrologicdatafo1164hobb).pdf 1,104 × 1,522, 478 pages; 29.51 MB
Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1964 (IA hydrologicdatafo1194burf).pdf 1,191 × 1,510, 470 pages; 26.16 MB
Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1967 (IA hydrologicdatafo1262burf).pdf 1,177 × 1,525, 646 pages; 34.88 MB
Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1975 (IA hydrologicdatafo1446burf).pdf 1,072 × 1,518, 590 pages; 32.82 MB
Manganese in water supplies (IA manganeseinwater00corsrich).pdf 808 × 1,250, 76 pages; 5.05 MB
Moisture-tension data for selected soils on experimental watersheds (IA moisturetensiond14holt).pdf 1,008 × 1,466, 630 pages; 24.86 MB
Proceedings of the Symposium on Water Resources Related to Mining and Energy-Preparing for the Future (IA proceedingsofsym00symp 1).pdf 1,645 × 2,133, 580 pages; 39.21 MB
Rates of runoff for the design of conservation structures in the high plains of Colorado and New Mexico (IA ratesofrunofffor68rous).pdf 1,085 × 1,581, 130 pages; 4.42 MB
Well-field hydrology technical report (IA wellfieldhydrolo00unit).pdf 1,345 × 1,814, 438 pages; 84.65 MB
Well-field hydrology technical report for the ETSI Coal Slurry Pipeline Project (IA wellfieldhydrolo00wood).pdf 1,350 × 1,795, 504 pages; 98.48 MB
Western states' water laws - a summary for the Bureau of Land Management (IA westernstateswat4002heco).pdf 1,318 × 1,660, 320 pages; 33.06 MB
Westwide study report on critical water problems facing the eleven Western States. (IA westwidestudyrep00unse).pdf 1,581 × 2,075, 492 pages; 33.89 MB
Water (IA yoa1955).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 830 pages; 52.32 MB