Category:Books about folklore
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This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
- Das festliche Jahr (1863) (136 F)
- Myths of Mexico and Peru (book) (113 F)
- The Swan (15 F)
Media in category "Books about folklore"
The following 118 files are in this category, out of 118 total.
Indian folklore (IA 704 × 1,016, 138 pages; 4.9 MB
A book of folk-lore (1913).djvu 2,780 × 3,712, 271 pages; 15.11 MB
Amazonian Tortoise Myths.djvu 1,615 × 2,625, 54 pages; 2.86 MB
Indian legends retold (IA americanwonder00bachrich).pdf 681 × 1,129, 274 pages; 12.81 MB
An Introduction to the Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India.djvu 2,716 × 4,484, 440 pages; 23.6 MB
Ancient tales and folklore of Japan (IA ancienttalesandf00gordrich).pdf 883 × 1,260, 628 pages; 31.22 MB
The British, Roman, and Saxon antiquities and folklore of Worcestershire (IA britishromansaxo00alli).pdf 831 × 1,312, 560 pages; 36.63 MB
Canadian folk-life and folk-lore (IA canadianfolklife00greeiala).pdf 675 × 1,147, 264 pages; 8.44 MB
Catalogue of a collection of objects illustrating the folklore of Mexico (IA catalogueofcolle00star).pdf 841 × 1,308, 210 pages; 11.1 MB
Cherokee Heritage Center (2015-05-27 11.09.44 by Wesley Fryer).jpg 2,448 × 2,815; 1.64 MB
The child and childhood in folk thought (The child in primative culture) (IA childchildhoodin00cham).pdf 833 × 1,268, 484 pages; 24.34 MB
Chinese folklore. Pekinese rhymes (IA chinesefolklorep00vitarich).pdf 887 × 1,370, 254 pages; 10.16 MB
Notes on the folklore of the Fjort (French Congo) (IA cu31924006487999).pdf 764 × 1,243, 256 pages; 5.61 MB
Catalogue of a collection of objects illustrating the folklore of Mexico (IA cu31924006488088).pdf 797 × 1,295, 214 pages; 5.09 MB
As old as the moon; Cuban legends- folklore of the Antillas (IA cu31924020759233).pdf 677 × 1,058, 256 pages; 3.6 MB
Chinese folklore, Pekinese rhymes (IA cu31924023513462).pdf 833 × 1,297, 252 pages; 4.9 MB
Folklore in southern India (IA cu31924024159661).pdf 564 × 918, 344 pages; 6.1 MB
The legend of Perseus- a study of tradition in story custom and belief- (IA cu31924027041510).pdf 662 × 1,052, 272 pages; 4.46 MB
Tales from the lands of nuts and grapes (Spanish and Portuguese folklore) (IA cu31924027497084).pdf 731 × 1,125, 208 pages; 3.19 MB
An introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folklore (IA cu31924029075328).pdf 666 × 1,172, 414 pages; 9.47 MB
Custom and myth (IA cu31924029075427).pdf 625 × 1,014, 332 pages; 5.97 MB
Custom and myth (IA cu31924029075435).pdf 610 × 1,033, 348 pages; 7.34 MB
Church folklore; a record of some post-Reformation usages in the English Church, now mostly obsolete (IA cu31924029242604).pdf 720 × 1,177, 376 pages; 10.44 MB
The International folk-lore congress of the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, July, 1893 .. (IA cu31924029886276).pdf 741 × 1,260, 598 pages; 14.76 MB
Sixty folk-tales from exclusively Slavonic sources (IA cu31924029889833).pdf 722 × 1,041, 334 pages; 5.72 MB
Sixty folk-tales from exclusively Slavonic sources (IA cu31924029889858).pdf 650 × 1,025, 340 pages; 6.07 MB
Folk-lore relics of early village life (IA cu31924029890062).pdf 779 × 1,366, 266 pages; 5.11 MB
Stories and folk-lore of West Cornwall; (IA cu31924029890559).pdf 712 × 1,183, 216 pages; 6.75 MB
Cornish feasts and folk-lore (IA cu31924029890575).pdf 787 × 1,262, 224 pages; 5.72 MB
An introduction to folk-lore (IA cu31924029890948).pdf 733 × 1,112, 344 pages; 5.71 MB
Serbian folk-lore; popular tales, selected and translated by Madam Csedomille Mijatovies (IA cu31924029896101).pdf 689 × 1,091, 336 pages; 6.09 MB
Serbian folk-lore (IA cu31924029896119).pdf 618 × 1,064, 316 pages; 5.94 MB
Tom Tit Tot; an essay on savage philosophy in folk-tale (IA cu31924029897778).pdf 695 × 1,070, 304 pages; 4.69 MB
The magic of the horse-shoe - with other folk-lore notes (IA cu31924029898198).pdf 864 × 1,295, 364 pages; 6.91 MB
Stray leaves of science and folk-lore (IA cu31924029898206).pdf 822 × 1,302, 506 pages; 15.49 MB
Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider, and the other beef; West African folk tales (IA cu31924029904343).pdf 727 × 1,112, 352 pages; 6.53 MB
Reynard the fox in South Africa; or, Hottentot fables and tales (IA cu31924029904962).pdf 720 × 1,172, 150 pages; 3.01 MB
Psychology and folk-lore (IA cu31924029906504).pdf 618 × 997, 296 pages; 5.79 MB
Folk stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa (IA cu31924029908062).pdf 760 × 1,135, 182 pages; 3.33 MB
Maori tales and legends. Collected and retold (IA cu31924029908393).pdf 875 × 1,233, 228 pages; 4.95 MB
Hawaiian legends of volcanoes (mythology) collected and translated from the Hawaiian (IA cu31924029908765).pdf 729 × 1,106, 284 pages; 4.08 MB
Legends of gods and ghosts (Hawaiian mythology) (IA cu31924029908781).pdf 660 × 1,027, 318 pages; 4.5 MB
Australian legendary tales; folklore of the Noongahburrahs as told to the picaninnies; (IA cu31924029909060).pdf 783 × 1,137, 170 pages; 3.46 MB
The child and childhood in folk-thought (The child in primitive culture) by Alexander Francis Chamberlain (IA cu31924029909441).pdf 766 × 1,177, 484 pages; 12.59 MB
Folklore of Scottish lochs and springs (IA cu31924029911140).pdf 622 × 1,052, 378 pages; 6.74 MB
Mighty Mikko - a book of Finnish fairy tales and folk tales (IA cu31924029934449).pdf 781 × 1,141, 348 pages; 6.39 MB
Georgian folk tales (IA cu31924029936006).pdf 662 × 1,029, 200 pages; 3.23 MB
Tales of the sun; or, Folklore of Southern Indian (IA cu31924073798013).pdf 706 × 1,018, 332 pages; 5.24 MB
An introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folklore (IA cu31924086007923).pdf 847 × 1,139, 408 pages; 9.34 MB
Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland; a folklore sketch; a handbook of Irish pre-Christian traditions (IA cu31924092530546).pdf 754 × 1,254, 440 pages; 16.73 MB
Celtic folklore - Welsh and Manx (IA cu31924092530645).pdf 847 × 1,366, 456 pages; 10.39 MB
Celtic folklore - Welsh and Manx (IA cu31924092530652).pdf 825 × 1,302, 424 pages; 10.2 MB
Ulster folklore (IA cu31924093598260).pdf 810 × 1,243, 170 pages; 3.11 MB
Custom and myth (IA custommyth00lang 0).pdf 729 × 1,095, 356 pages; 17.74 MB
Del folklore asturiano- mitos, supersticiones, costumbres (IA delfolkloreastur00llan).pdf 762 × 1,133, 308 pages; 15.82 MB
El folklore de Oaxaca (IA elfolkloredeoaxa00radi).pdf 1,181 × 1,739, 308 pages; 16.11 MB
Ethnology in folklore (IA ethnologyfolklor00gomm).pdf 610 × 975, 236 pages; 9.38 MB
Ethnology in folklore (IA ethnologyinfolkl00gommiala).pdf 793 × 1,135, 216 pages; 13.36 MB
Ethnology on folklore (IA ethnologyonfolkl00gomm).pdf 725 × 1,131, 236 pages; 16.83 MB
Ethnology on folklore (IA ethnologyonfolkl01gomm).pdf 687 × 1,112, 236 pages; 17.94 MB
Eugène Monseur - Le folklore wallon, 1892.djvu 1,345 × 2,098, 187 pages; 13.39 MB
Famous legends adapted for children (IA famouslegendsada00cromrich).pdf 687 × 1,045, 202 pages; 8.87 MB
Folk Tales of Beasts and Men.djvu 2,704 × 3,822, 252 pages; 7.21 MB
Folklore of the Santal Parganas (IA folkloreofsantal00bompiala).pdf 808 × 1,314, 492 pages; 21.23 MB
Folklore of Springfield (IA folkloreofspring00bakeiala).pdf 760 × 1,258, 216 pages; 9.51 MB
Folklore of wells - being a study of water-worship in East and West (IA folkloreofwellsb00masa).pdf 695 × 1,158, 178 pages; 8.11 MB
Golspie- contributions to its folklore (IA golspiecontribut00nich).pdf 710 × 1,118, 394 pages; 14.03 MB
Greek folklore. On the breaking of vessels as a funeral rite in modern Greece (IA greekfolkloreonb00polirich).pdf 741 × 1,212, 24 pages; 1.76 MB
History and folklore of the Cowichan Indians (IA historyfolkloreo00harr).pdf 777 × 1,200, 104 pages; 4.06 MB
History and folklore of the Cowichan Indians (IA historyfolkloreo00harrrich).pdf 820 × 1,320, 98 pages; 5.26 MB
Indian Folklore - Ram Satya Mukhopadhyay.pdf 741 × 1,135, 145 pages; 3.72 MB
An introduction to the popular religion and folklore of northern India (IA introductiontopo00croorich).pdf 814 × 1,343, 440 pages; 36.13 MB
Journal of American folklore (serial) (IA journalofamerica61893amer).pdf 875 × 1,406, 348 pages; 20.46 MB
La danse du chevalet - Jules Troubat (1875) - Bra 2108.pdf 775 × 1,250, 16 pages; 702 KB
Tales from the lands of nuts and grapes (Spanish and Portuguese folklore) (IA landsnutsgrapes00sellrich).pdf 725 × 1,154, 208 pages; 8.49 MB
Lee Haring - How to Read a Folktale - The 'Ibonia' Epic from Madagascar.pdf 920 × 1,381, 166 pages; 3.31 MB
John Fairfax-Blakeborough, signature.jpg 966 × 360; 22 KB
Macedonian folklore (IA macedonianfolklo00abborich).pdf 818 × 1,312, 390 pages; 23.51 MB
The magic of the horse-shoe - with other folk-lore notes (IA magicofhorseshoe00lawr).pdf 806 × 1,266, 366 pages; 15.86 MB
The myth of the pent cuckoo - a study in folklore (IA mythofpentcuckoo00fieliala).pdf 835 × 1,347, 244 pages; 7.83 MB
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land (3 ed, 1896) - Skinner.pdf 658 × 1,062, 350 pages; 8.67 MB
Mythsandlegends03skingoog.pdf 641 × 1,039, 365 pages; 4.95 MB
Myths & legends of our new possessions & protectorate (IA mythslegendsofou05skin).pdf 766 × 1,262, 372 pages; 13.49 MB
Myths of the Southern Sierra miwok.. (IA mythsofsoutherns00barr).pdf 731 × 1,125, 40 pages; 1.57 MB
Myths and tales from the White Mountain Apache (IA mythstalesfromwh00godd).pdf 887 × 1,402, 70 pages; 3.97 MB
New folklore researches. Greek folk poesy- (IA newfolkloreresea02garn).pdf 829 × 1,343, 558 pages; 24.51 MB
Philippine folklore stories (IA philippinefolklo00millrich).pdf 722 × 1,091, 134 pages; 7.27 MB
Popular customs and beliefs of the Argentine provinces; (IA popularcustomsbe00grou).pdf 868 × 1,331, 40 pages; 3.75 MB
Qiegħda fil-Ponta ta' Lsieni.png 353 × 537; 232 KB
Rasdhar4.pdf 720 × 1,131, 189 pages; 34.53 MB
Rasdhar5.pdf 712 × 1,097, 237 pages; 30.89 MB
The Shilluk people, their language and folklore (IA shillukpeoplethe00west 0).pdf 862 × 1,204, 402 pages; 30.93 MB
Specimens of Bushman folklore (IA specimensofbushm00blee).pdf 997 × 1,625, 620 pages; 29.69 MB
Stories to read or tell from fairy tales and folklore (IA storiestoreadort00fouc 0).pdf 1,210 × 1,872, 184 pages; 65.73 MB
The Suk; their language and folklore (IA suktheirlanguage01beec).pdf 804 × 1,312, 240 pages; 13.3 MB
Tales of the Sun or Folklore of Southern India.djvu 2,364 × 3,535, 328 pages; 143.9 MB
The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren.pdf 847 × 1,362, 438 pages; 8.88 MB
Tradições Madeirenses - Volume III, A Carapuça - 2004 - Image 234537.jpg 1,860 × 2,560; 445 KB
Ulster folklore (IA ulsterfolklore00andr).pdf 860 × 1,268, 168 pages; 7.3 MB
Wyandot folk-lore (IA wyandotfolklore00lcconn).pdf 714 × 1,089, 132 pages; 7.52 MB
Zuñi folk tales; (IA zuifolktales00cush).pdf 889 × 1,329, 528 pages; 21.32 MB
జానపద స్వరస్వతి - 2022.pdf 829 × 1,272, 468 pages; 35.53 MB
လိက်မဒံက်ခေဝ်.pdf 975 × 1,479, 43 pages; 6.05 MB