Category:Books about embroidery
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This category has the following 34 subcategories, out of 34 total.
- Embroidery and Fancy Work (1889) (155 F)
- Esamplario di Lavori (1530) (36 F)
- Model Buch - Teil 4 (1676) (24 F)
- Motifs pour broderies (DMC) (98 F)
- Needlework as art (1886) (13 F)
Media in category "Books about embroidery"
The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.
Handbook of embroidery (IA 0452HAND).pdf 766 × 1,206, 122 pages; 5.18 MB
A Kunsági Kisbunda, Dorogi Márton, 1962.jpg 1,693 × 2,367; 1.34 MB
Adatok a szarvasi szücsmesterséghez, Dorogi Márton, Gyula 1960.jpg 1,120 × 1,598; 306 KB
Art embroidery- a treatise on the revived practice of decorative needlework (IA artembroiderytre00lock).pdf 906 × 1,293, 134 pages; 5.33 MB
Art in needlework; a book about embroidery (IA artinneedleworkb00dayliala).pdf 710 × 1,118, 306 pages; 22.68 MB
Art in needlework - a book about embroidery (IA artinneedleworkb00dayl 0).pdf 743 × 1,166, 306 pages; 33.96 MB
Artistic embroidery; containing practical instructions in the ornamental branches of needlework (IA artisticembroide01chur).pdf 693 × 1,075, 142 pages; 8.16 MB
Art-needlework for decorative embroidery; (IA artneedleworkfor00sava).pdf 735 × 1,177, 126 pages; 5.11 MB
A Book of old embroidery (IA bookofoldembroid00kend).pdf 1,062 × 1,616, 154 pages; 18.56 MB
Broderies des paysannes de Smolensk; Exécutées sous la direction de la Princesse Marie Ténichev (IA broderiesdespays00roch).pdf 1,058 × 1,433, 124 pages; 8.27 MB
Sample book of French embroidery, 1850? (IA delafabriquedtof00unse).pdf 1,475 × 2,372, 148 pages; 12.24 MB
Embroidery; or, The craft of the needle (IA embroideryorcraf00town).pdf 645 × 1,041, 338 pages; 13.72 MB
Embroidery - or, The craft of the needle (IA embroideryorcraf00townrich).pdf 616 × 1,041, 336 pages; 35.05 MB
Embroidery- or, The craft of the needle (IA embroideryorcraf00town 0).pdf 741 × 1,150, 346 pages; 23.09 MB
(Embroidery patterns (IA embroiderypatter00np).pdf 1,302 × 1,747, 100 pages; 10.09 MB
Embroidery stitches (IA embroiderystitch00wilkiala).pdf 754 × 1,254, 216 pages; 7.16 MB
English embroidery (IA englishembroider00kendiala).pdf 820 × 1,316, 276 pages; 13.38 MB
English embroidery (IA englishembroider00kendrich).pdf 772 × 1,254, 282 pages; 18.79 MB
- embroidery (IA hardangerartembr00koch).pdf 1,027 × 1,516, 62 pages; 7.33 MB
Regional digitization in Massachusetts (IA kunstundfleissbe00helm).pdf 2,318 × 1,512, 86 pages; 10.36 MB
The Ladies' World Embroidery Book (1915) (IA ladiesworldembro00purd).pdf 1,114 × 1,610, 36 pages; 3.06 MB
A lady's book on art embroidery in silk, with engraved patterns (IA ladysbookonartem00perk).pdf 691 × 1,056, 96 pages; 5.65 MB
L'art du brodeur (IA lartdubrodeur00sain).pdf 1,325 × 1,845, 82 pages; 4.5 MB
Folio of embroidery designs (IA MAB.31962000791768Images 20130816).pdf 710 × 945, 70 pages; 12.44 MB
Magyar Népviseletek Története, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum - Néprajzi Múzeum, 1955.jpg 1,110 × 1,579; 609 KB
Motifs pour broderies. (IIIme série) (IA motifspourbroder00dill).pdf 1,752 × 1,250, 30 pages; 3.96 MB
Needle painting; or landscape embroidery (IA needlepaintingor00shea).pdf 583 × 804, 20 pages; 536 KB
The Priscilla Hardanger book; a collection of beautiful designs in Hardanger embroidery (IA priscillahardang00brow).pdf 1,014 × 1,462, 56 pages; 5.14 MB
Raffia embroidery on art burlaps and how it is done (IA raffiaembroidery00hbwi).pdf 516 × 777, 20 pages; 1.28 MB
Singer instructions for art embroidery (IA singerinstructio00sing).pdf 1,079 × 1,572, 120 pages; 8.76 MB
Some drawings of ancient embroidery - thirty specimens by Mrs. Mary Barber (IA somedrawingsofan00barb).pdf 1,560 × 2,241, 138 pages; 6.86 MB