Category:Books about Plymouth Colony
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Media in category "Books about Plymouth Colony"
The following 52 files are in this category, out of 52 total.
Brief sketch of the character and sufferings of the Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth (IA briefsketchofcha00bost).pdf 858 × 1,308, 20 pages; 444 KB
Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers of the colony of Plymouth, from 1602-1625 (IA chroniclesofpilg00you).pdf 770 × 1,252, 534 pages; 27.57 MB
The Pilgrim Fathers, their church and colony (IA cu31924028814858).pdf 658 × 1,037, 400 pages; 7.88 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims (IA cu31924028815005).pdf 614 × 1,095, 196 pages; 2.89 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims, or, Incidents of adventure in the history of the first settlers (IA cu31924079599779).pdf 614 × 891, 340 pages; 5.44 MB
Early missionary labors among the Indians of the Plymouth Colony (IA earlymissionaryl00dext).pdf 827 × 1,368, 36 pages; 1.91 MB
From Scrooby to Plymouth Rock- or, The men of the Mayflower (IA fromscroobytoply00john).pdf 664 × 1,081, 156 pages; 6.37 MB
George Morton of Plymouth Colony and some of his descendants (IA georgemortonofpl00lcalle).pdf 791 × 1,243, 62 pages; 3.73 MB
Glimpses of pilgrim Plymouth (IA glimpsesofpilgri00asbu).pdf 891 × 818, 86 pages; 2.2 MB
Glimpses of pilgrim Plymouth (IA glimpsesofpilgri00plym).pdf 895 × 625, 46 pages; 1.57 MB
Greene (Green) family of Plymouth colony (IA greenegreenfamil00gree).pdf 885 × 1,375, 232 pages; 10.08 MB
History of the town of Plymouth; from its first settlement in 1620, to the year 1832 (IA historyoftownofp02thac).pdf 606 × 1,081, 396 pages; 22.64 MB
Isaac Allerton, first assistant of Plymouth colony (IA isaacallertonfir00patt).pdf 900 × 1,295, 24 pages; 1.25 MB
John Pory's lost description of Plymouth colony in the earliest days of the Pilgrim fathers (IA johnporyslostdes00inpory).pdf 920 × 1,475, 182 pages; 4.65 MB
Lives of the governors of New Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay; (IA livesofgovernors00moo).pdf 737 × 1,287, 454 pages; 23.33 MB
The Mayflower compact and its signers, with facsimiles and a list of the Mayflower passengers (IA mayflowercompact00bow).pdf 866 × 1,341, 28 pages; 1.08 MB
The Mayflower compact and its signers, with facsimiles and a list of the Mayflower passengers (IA mayflowercompact00bowm).pdf 854 × 1,327, 28 pages; 1,023 KB
Mayflower descendants and their marriages for two generations after the landing; (IA mayflowerdescend00bure).pdf 537 × 1,289, 52 pages; 1.51 MB
New English Canaan; (IA newenglishcanaan00mor).pdf 716 × 1,285, 140 pages; 7.05 MB
The new English Canaan of Thomas Morton (IA newenglishcanaan00mort).pdf 902 × 1,262, 412 pages; 21.56 MB
Old Plymouth days and ways; eighteenth century celebrations of the landing of the Pilgrims (IA oldplymouthdaysw00cran).pdf 850 × 1,312, 46 pages; 1.48 MB
Our Plymouth forefathers - the real founders of our republic (IA ourplymouthforef00hank).pdf 718 × 1,139, 364 pages; 19.96 MB
The Pilgrim fathers in Holland; their condition (IA pilgrimfathersin00wins).pdf 1,029 × 1,789, 32 pages; 1.84 MB
A pilgrim maid; a story of Plymouth colony in 1620 (IA pilgrimmaidstory00tagg).pdf 1,141 × 1,820, 348 pages; 149.28 MB
The Pilgrims and their religious, intellectual and civic life (IA pilgrimstheirrel00powe).pdf 1,245 × 1,922, 286 pages; 11.76 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims; or, Incidents of adventure in the history of the first settlers (IA plymouthpilgrims00ban).pdf 556 × 925, 306 pages; 13.53 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims; (IA plymouthpilgrims00banviala).pdf 600 × 989, 338 pages; 11.9 MB
The Plymouth pilgrims (IA plymouthpilgrims00laba).pdf 768 × 1,297, 40 pages; 1.57 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims (IA plymouthpilgrims00lord).pdf 691 × 1,129, 200 pages; 8.86 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims (IA plymouthpilgrims00lordiala).pdf 697 × 1,154, 196 pages; 10.28 MB
Plymouth and the Pilgrims; (IA plymouthpilgrims01banv).pdf 541 × 887, 338 pages; 15.46 MB
Records of some of the descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697 (IA recordsofsomeofd00clar).pdf 829 × 1,352, 56 pages; 2.46 MB
Squantum (IA squantum00ride).pdf 1,179 × 1,883, 20 pages; 1.58 MB
The term Pilgrim fathers (IA termpilgrimfathe00matt).pdf 900 × 1,372, 110 pages; 6.7 MB
Views from Plymouth rock; a sketch of the early history of the Plymouth colony (IA viewsfromplymout00mud).pdf 556 × 910, 472 pages; 19.3 MB
Views from Plymouth Rock; a sketch of the early history of the Plymouth Colony (IA viewsfromplymout00mudg).pdf 775 × 1,212, 474 pages; 19.42 MB
William Bradford of Plymouth (IA williambradfordo00plu).pdf 768 × 1,193, 122 pages; 4.3 MB
The women of the Mayflower and women of Plymouth colony (IA womenofmayflower00noye).pdf 741 × 1,135, 210 pages; 7.74 MB
The women of the Mayflower and women of Plymouth colony (IA womenofmayflower00noyeiala).pdf 756 × 1,177, 210 pages; 11.54 MB