Category:Books about Christmas trees
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Media in category "Books about Christmas trees"
The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total.
The animals' Christmas tree (IA animalschristmas00pete).pdf 875 × 1,306, 48 pages; 9.58 MB
Around the christmas tree (IA aroundchristmast00wilb).pdf 745 × 1,152, 12 pages; 790 KB
Christmas trees, the tradition and the trade (IA CAT10229489).pdf 816 × 1,310, 32 pages; 2.5 MB
Christmas tree harvesting and marketing regulations in Oregon and Washington (IA CAT10679092).pdf 1,316 × 1,625, 20 pages; 949 KB
Production and marketing of Christmas trees in the Pacific Northwest in 1957 (IA CAT10680471).pdf 1,125 × 1,541, 26 pages; 1.41 MB
Christmas tree production in western Montana, 1939 (IA CAT31013555).pdf 1,147 × 1,535, 6 pages; 253 KB
Christmas tree production in western Montana in 1940 (IA CAT31013565).pdf 1,097 × 1,529, 4 pages; 181 KB
Christmas tree production in Western Montana in 1943 (IA CAT31013600).pdf 1,139 × 1,535, 4 pages; 251 KB
Montana Christmas tree production highest on record (IA CAT31013631).pdf 1,120 × 1,504, 8 pages; 281 KB
What caused blight" on christmas trees in the northern Rockies in 1947? " (IA CAT31013652).pdf 1,141 × 1,491, 10 pages; 330 KB
Christmas tree shipments increase (IA CAT31014495).pdf 1,066 × 1,481, 12 pages; 402 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments high again (IA CAT31014498).pdf 1,108 × 1,491, 8 pages; 267 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments drop slightly (IA CAT31014536).pdf 1,150 × 1,502, 6 pages; 228 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments down in 1952 (IA CAT31014542).pdf 1,129 × 1,518, 4 pages; 215 KB
Montana ships over three million Christmas trees again in 1951 (IA CAT31014555).pdf 1,116 × 1,510, 4 pages; 178 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments again hit 3-million mark in 1953 (IA CAT31014561).pdf 1,131 × 1,495, 4 pages; 208 KB
Christmas tree shopping (IA CAT31164372 0).pdf 1,422 × 1,872, 6 pages; 409 KB
Christmas trees and evergreen decorations for the holiday season - American Forestry Co. (IA CAT31346465).pdf 1,756 × 2,377, 6 pages; 334 KB
Christmas tree shipments drop 24 percent (IA CAT31358044).pdf 1,095 × 1,497, 12 pages; 360 KB
Christmas trees and conservation - a radio talk (IA CAT31365542).pdf 802 × 1,166, 4 pages; 173 KB
How to keep Christmas trees fresh (IA CAT31400794).pdf 1,579 × 2,160, 4 pages; 181 KB
Wisconsin Christmas tree harvest estimated at nearly 1-1-3 million trees, 1957 (IA CAT31400881).pdf 1,581 × 2,110, 4 pages; 248 KB
Christmas trees as a cash crop for the farm (IA CAT87203911).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 20 pages; 876 KB
A Chinese Christmas tree (IA chinesechristmas00pitm).pdf 1,050 × 1,725, 86 pages; 23.4 MB
Christmas tree culture in natural stands of Douglas-fir in Montana (IA christmastreecul84schm).pdf 1,100 × 1,504, 24 pages; 1.23 MB
The Christmas tree and other poems (IA christmastreeot00rayf).pdf 697 × 1,052, 56 pages; 2.41 MB
Christmas trees (IA christmastrees1934unit).pdf 1,122 × 1,593, 6 pages; 260 KB
Christmas trees and Christmas greens (IA christmastreesch1927unit).pdf 966 × 1,322, 8 pages; 297 KB
Christmas trees and Christmas greens. (IA christmastreesch1929unit).pdf 939 × 1,487, 8 pages; 347 KB
Christmas trees and greens (IA christmastreesgr1935unit).pdf 1,091 × 1,620, 6 pages; 239 KB
Christmas trees and greens (IA christmastreesgr1939unit).pdf 1,033 × 1,491, 8 pages; 295 KB
Christmas trees and greens in wartime (IA christmastreesgr1942unit).pdf 964 × 1,195, 8 pages; 356 KB
Christmas trees and holly (IA christmastreesho1938unse).pdf 993 × 1,527, 6 pages; 223 KB
Christmas trees need water (IA christmastreesne279unit).pdf 1,343 × 1,877, 4 pages; 175 KB
The first Christmas tree (IA cu31924022207017).pdf 802 × 1,254, 112 pages; 3.82 MB
The Christmas tree - a book of instruction and amusement for all young people (IA dli.ministry.11161).pdf 700 × 933, 234 pages; 11.09 MB
Export of Christmas trees from Montana in 1964 (IA exportofchristma38bens).pdf 1,043 × 1,462, 6 pages; 265 KB
Factors that influence Christmas tree sales (IA factorsthatinflu112pend).pdf 887 × 1,420, 8 pages; 426 KB
Fireproofing Christmas trees (IA fireproofingchri193leat).pdf 812 × 1,316, 10 pages; 893 KB
Fireproofing reduces xmas-tree fire danger (IA fireproofingredu385unit).pdf 1,368 × 1,852, 4 pages; 198 KB
The first Christmas tree; (IA firstchristmastr00vandiala).pdf 564 × 931, 86 pages; 1.74 MB
How Ohioans choose their Christmas trees (IA howohioanschoose163quig).pdf 970 × 1,410, 16 pages; 491 KB
Growing Christmas trees in the South (IA IND82019011).pdf 1,143 × 1,500, 34 pages; 2.12 MB
Kriss Kringle's Christmas tree - a holiday present for boys and girls (IA krisskringleschr00duse).pdf 627 × 929, 170 pages; 8.17 MB
The last Christmas tree. an idyl of immortality (IA lastchristmastre00alle).pdf 572 × 1,095, 60 pages; 1.25 MB
The last Christmas tree. an idyl of immortality (IA lastchristmastre00allerich).pdf 579 × 1,060, 66 pages; 1.99 MB
The lighting of the Christmas tree (IA lightingofchrist00palm).pdf 654 × 1,083, 36 pages; 1.62 MB
The mahogany tree (IA mahoganytree00thacrich).pdf 750 × 1,125, 32 pages; 721 KB
Management practices for Christmas tree production (IA managementpracti09well).pdf 1,087 × 1,470, 52 pages; 2.33 MB
Midge damage affects Christmas-tree production in the Inland Empire (IA midgedamageaffec07dent).pdf 1,114 × 1,520, 12 pages; 284 KB
Montana Christmas tree exports decline for third straight year (IA montanachristmas07farr).pdf 1,054 × 1,452, 6 pages; 284 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments reach record high (IA montanachristmas17herr).pdf 970 × 1,491, 8 pages; 343 KB
Montana Christmas tree exports reach lowest level since survey was begun in 1942 (IA montanachristmas24spen).pdf 1,022 × 1,485, 6 pages; 282 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments drop slightly (IA montanachristmas28herr).pdf 1,112 × 1,510, 10 pages; 290 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments decline in 1957 (IA montanachristmas52wils).pdf 1,043 × 1,389, 6 pages; 249 KB
Montana Christmas tree exports continue decline (IA montanachristmas65wils).pdf 1,025 × 1,500, 6 pages; 221 KB
Montana Christmas tree shipments slump in 1960 (IA montanachristmas82wils).pdf 1,120 × 1,627, 6 pages; 258 KB
A new high in Montana Christmas tree shipments (IA newhighinmontana44wils).pdf 1,116 × 1,518, 6 pages; 245 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1940unit 46).pdf 962 × 1,264, 8 pages; 266 KB
Rooting cuttings from Douglas-fir, white fir, and California red fir for Christmas trees (IA rootingcuttingsf160blan).pdf 1,014 × 1,500, 6 pages; 209 KB
Severe decline in Montana Christmas tree shipments (IA severedeclineinm98wils).pdf 1,008 × 1,485, 6 pages; 223 KB
Shopper's notes on Christmas trees and greens (IA shoppersnotesonc1936unit).pdf 1,010 × 1,525, 6 pages; 235 KB
Suggested Montana Douglas-fir Christmas tree standards (IA suggestedmontana18hutc).pdf 1,060 × 1,522, 34 pages; 1.16 MB
An upswing in Montana's chritmas tree exports (IA upswinginmontana73wils).pdf 1,045 × 1,518, 6 pages; 227 KB
Water your Christmas tree (IA wateryourchristm1941unit).pdf 875 × 1,156, 8 pages; 298 KB
The world's Christmas tree (IA worldschristmast00jeffiala).pdf 710 × 1,104, 58 pages; 1.35 MB