Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Arthropoda • Subphylum: Hexapoda • Classis: Insecta • Subclassis: Pterygota • Infraclassis: Neoptera • Cladus: Holometabola • Superordo: Hymenopterida • Ordo: Hymenoptera • Subordo: Apocrita • Superfamilia: Apoidea • Familia: Apidae • Subfamilia: Apinae • Genus: Bombus Latreille, 1802
genus of insects | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has the following 45 subcategories, out of 45 total.
- Bombus distribution maps (18 F)
- Unidentified Bombus (2685 F)
- Bombus asiaticus (1 F)
- Bombus breviceps (1 F)
- Bombus iucorum (1 F)
- Bombus keriensis (1 F)
- Bombus melanurus (1 F)
- Bombus mendax (6 F)
- Bombus morawitzi (2 F)
- Bombus mucidus (2 F)
- Bombus neoboreus (1 F)
- Bombus obtusus (1 F)
- Bombus semenovianus (1 F)
- Bombus cerdanyensis (7 F)
- Bombus patriciae (7 F)
- Bombus pristinus (3 F)
- Bombus randeckensis (3 F)
- Bombus trophonius (6 F)
- Bombus vetustus (3 F)
Media in category "Bombus"
The following 69 files are in this category, out of 69 total.
2022-09-12 LJUBLJANA Krajinski park Tivoli LEPIDOPTERA Polyommatus icarus NAVADNI MODRIN 4.webm 39 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 39.82 MB
208 365 - Bombus species, Woodbridge, Virginia, July 27, 2023 (53078224923).jpg 2,358 × 1,639; 3.98 MB
Abejorro (𝘉𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘶𝘴), polinización I.jpg 6,144 × 4,609; 5.74 MB
At Ascott House 2024 80.jpg 4,640 × 6,960; 16.02 MB
At Ascott House 2024 81.jpg 4,640 × 6,960; 15.18 MB
Bombini (10.3897-zookeys.891.36027) Figure 2.jpg 1,512 × 1,791; 2.3 MB
Bombini fossil species (10.3897-zookeys.891.36027) Figure 1.jpg 1,512 × 1,851; 2.36 MB
Bombus (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 4.jpg 1,435 × 1,434; 1.56 MB
Bombus (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 5.jpg 1,512 × 492; 469 KB
Bombus (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 6.jpg 1,501 × 2,247; 2.83 MB
Bombus (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 8.jpg 1,248 × 1,802; 1.1 MB
Bombus (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 9.jpg 1,347 × 1,627; 807 KB
Bombus fervidus-hovering.jpg 1,200 × 900; 147 KB
Bombus johanseni (10.3897-zookeys.984.55816) Figure 3.jpg 1,323 × 2,147; 1.53 MB
Bombus sp. Queen. (B. lapidarius^) - Flickr - gailhampshire (1).jpg 3,232 × 2,584; 1.04 MB
Bombus species.....possibly Bombus lapidarius - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 3,008 × 2,768; 1,018 KB
Bourdon sur de la menthe.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 10.46 MB
BUG 2010 009.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 820 KB
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1862) (20428070232).jpg 2,314 × 3,630; 1.23 MB
Bumble Bee (28711254812).jpg 2,250 × 3,000; 1.81 MB
Bumble bee species (10.3897-zookeys.851.32956) Figure 4.jpg 1,512 × 1,013; 1.3 MB
Bumblebee (14836338051).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 12.02 MB
Bumblebee (3558716999).jpg 1,600 × 1,067; 1.26 MB
Bumblebee 2020.jpg 1,871 × 1,278; 537 KB
Bumblebee head.jpg 4,627 × 2,937; 7.23 MB
Bumblebee mimic.webm 1 min 21 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 3.87 MB
Bumblebee on dogwood blossoms.webm 32 s, 1,080 × 1,920; 18.66 MB
Bumblebee on Melissa flower.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.08 MB
Bumblebee out late (BG) (10644808803).jpg 1,545 × 1,030; 591 KB
Bumblebee, 1913.jpg 945 × 647; 53 KB
Bumblebees in rain.webm 1 min 7 s, 1,318 × 1,080; 4.49 MB
Bumble bees of the western United States (IA CAT31104683).pdf 1,250 × 906, 144 pages; 9.43 MB
De-Hummel.ogg 1.5 s; 14 KB
Detalle de flores de Muchuy (Monnina salicifolia).jpg 6,016 × 4,000; 9.21 MB
El Tablado, La Palma, bumble bee on white flower on coastal trail through barranco.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.67 MB
Erdhummel auf Weidenblüte.jpg 3,456 × 2,592; 2.55 MB
Feldhummelpaarung.jpg 3,008 × 2,008; 2.96 MB
Final stage (25818813003).jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 248 KB
Flight of the Bumblebee.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 17.31 MB
Frigid bumblebee.jpg 614 × 693; 77 KB
- Biene.svg 512 × 344; 5 KB
Heimans1906Wandelen p052c.png 1,067 × 1,576; 24 KB
Heimans1906Wandelen p055c.png 1,904 × 2,236; 105 KB
Hummel an Pfingstrose.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.83 MB
Hummel mit Milbenbefall.jpg 2,215 × 2,049; 801 KB
Hummelklappe.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.96 MB
Hummelkopf.jpg 816 × 488; 55 KB
Hurt Bombus being offered a honey and water meal 1.jpg 2,592 × 1,456; 1.25 MB
Hurt Bombus being offered a honey and water meal 2.jpg 2,592 × 1,456; 1.34 MB
Hurt Bombus being offered a honey and water meal.webm 3 min 55 s, 1,280 × 736; 48.08 MB
Jardine Naturalist's library Bees Plate 17.jpg 1,809 × 2,917; 665 KB
Kontukimalainen ja ongelmanratkaisutehtävä.jpg 2,991 × 2,205; 630 KB
Mangangá.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 1.79 MB
P1190180 - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,500 × 1,476; 424 KB
Proteomic differences in seminal fluid of social insects whose sperm differ in heat tolerance.pdf 1,085 × 1,575, 12 pages; 1.08 MB
Schwegler Hummelhaus.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.42 MB
Southern plains bumble bee (29835956357).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.22 MB
Steinhummelpaarung (2).jpg 3,008 × 2,008; 3.21 MB
Sunflower with bumblebee, Ehrenbach.jpg 3,763 × 2,759; 1.47 MB
The bumblebee's backpack.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 13.85 MB
The potential of electricity transmission corridors in forested areas as bumblebee habitat.pdf 1,085 × 1,575, 12 pages; 591 KB
Tree topology of bumblebees.jpg 435 × 592; 49 KB
Trzmiele (kopulacja?).jpg 1,080 × 1,350; 131 KB
Zumbido de abejorro.wav 21 s; 3.6 MB
Дезориентированный шмель.jpg 3,965 × 2,643; 2.87 MB
Засушенный шмель.jpg 5,152 × 3,864; 7.58 MB
Молодые шмели стремятся в тепло.jpg 3,068 × 2,045; 2.24 MB
Портрет мохнатого шмеля.jpg 2,296 × 2,988; 6.36 MB