Category:Blue and gray sports uniforms
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black, blue black, orange black, pink black, red black, white black, yellow blue, gray blue, grey blue, orange blue, red blue, white blue, yellow brown, yellow gray, blue gray, navy gray, navy blue gray, pink gray, red gray, yellow green, navy blue green, white green, yellow grey, blue grey, pink grey, red grey, yellow navy, grey navy, orange navy, red navy, white navy, yellow navy blue, orange navy blue, red navy blue, white navy blue, yellow orange, black orange, navy orange, white pink, white purple, white purple, yellow red, black red, white red, yellow white, black white, blue white, green white, navy white, orange white, pink white, red white, yellow yellow, black yellow, blue yellow, brown yellow, green yellow, navy yellow, red
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Blue and gray sports uniforms"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
Shortstop Paul Janish and Jose Bautista at second base.jpg 3,479 × 1,763; 685 KB
人里茂樹 第92回全日本アイスホッケー選手権大会3位決定戦 栃木県立日光霧降アイスアリーナ 2024年12月8日の栃木県 202412081027 DSCN2528 (2).jpg 3,171 × 3,886; 2.43 MB