Category:BSicon/railway/set f/set mixed/junction
This image set is part of the BSicon set. |
These BSicons are to be used with route diagram templates. For an overview, see Category:BSicon.
Colour | RGB hex triplet |
open lines | #008000 |
#BE2D2C | |
closed lines | #64B164 |
#D77F7E |
Media in category "BSicon/railway/set f/set mixed/junction"
The following 50 files are in this category, out of 50 total.
BSicon emfABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon emfABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon emfABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon emfABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon exmfABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon exmfABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon exmfABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon exmfABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon fABZl+ml.svg 500 × 500; 312 bytes
BSicon fABZmg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon fABZmg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fABZmgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fABZmgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon fABZml+l.svg 500 × 500; 312 bytes
BSicon fABZmr+r.svg 500 × 500; 398 bytes
BSicon fABZr+mr.svg 500 × 500; 302 bytes
BSicon femABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon femABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon femABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon femABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon fexmABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon fexmABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fexmABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fexmABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon fexuABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 249 bytes
BSicon fmABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon fmABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fmABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fmABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon fuABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 249 bytes
BSicon fxmABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon fxmABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fxmABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon fxmABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon mfABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon mfABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon mfABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon mfABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon mfABZl+ml.svg 500 × 500; 312 bytes
BSicon mfABZmg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon mfABZmg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon mfABZmgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon mfABZmgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes
BSicon mfABZml+l.svg 500 × 500; 411 bytes
BSicon mfABZmr+r.svg 500 × 500; 302 bytes
BSicon mfABZr+r.svg 500 × 500; 401 bytes
BSicon xmfABZg+l.svg 500 × 500; 252 bytes
BSicon xmfABZg+r.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon xmfABZgl.svg 500 × 500; 250 bytes
BSicon xmfABZgr.svg 500 × 500; 248 bytes