Category:Azolla (ship, 2007)

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ENI info
ENI info
Information about the vessel may be found at ENI 02329306.
A ship can change name and flag state through time, but the ENI number remains the same through the hull's entire lifetime. As a result, it can be useful to identify a ship by using the ENI number.
  • Länge/Length/Longueur: 135,00 m
  • Breite/Beam/Maître-bau: 17,10 m
  • Leistung/Power/Puissance: 2x 1320 kW (MTU)
  • Baujahr/Year built/Année de construction: 2007
  • Bauwerft/Boatyard/Chantier naval: Sainty Shipbuilding, Yiangduj (China)
  • European Number of Identification: 02329306
  • Registrierungshafen/Port of registry/Port d'enregistrement: Rotterdam, Netherlands Netherlands

Media in category "Azolla (ship, 2007)"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.