Category:Anisoptera sex
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Media in category "Anisoptera sex"
The following 167 files are in this category, out of 167 total.
.mands. - tsc tsc (by-sa).jpg 500 × 335; 50 KB
2a Dragonflies doing it (7518584970).jpg 440 × 666; 199 KB
Anax imperator-02 (xndr).jpg 1,440 × 960; 1.3 MB
Anisoptera Maksniemi Simo 20200620.jpg 2,500 × 1,666; 1.32 MB
Autumn Meadowhawks, in tandem position.jpg 2,352 × 1,510; 623 KB
Banded pennants (18534289194).jpg 3,144 × 2,096; 328 KB
Blaupfeil Paarung 01.jpg 1,600 × 1,000; 674 KB
Blue spotted Hawkers Mating 1016.jpg 1,700 × 1,200; 1.2 MB
Brown-backed marsh hawk (Orthetrum chrysis) mating Chinnar.jpg 3,772 × 2,515; 4.76 MB
Brown-backed Red Marsh Hawk Orthetrum chrysis in love by Kadavoor.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.07 MB
Burmagomphus chaukulensis--.jpg 1,827 × 1,288; 673 KB
C pictus AManson 013091-1.jpg 790 × 1,195; 203 KB
Celithemis eponina-mating.jpg 1,200 × 900; 240 KB
Cherry-faced meadowhawk pair.jpg 800 × 557; 60 KB
Copulating dragonflies.jpg 540 × 361; 44 KB
Dargonflies mating.jpg 2,432 × 3,551; 564 KB
Dargonfly.jpg 388 × 336; 38 KB
Dragon flies pair.jpg 904 × 1,648; 330 KB
Dragonflies (7631729546).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 4.03 MB
Dragonflies blue and yellow mating (15936238869).jpg 3,182 × 1,792; 4.17 MB
Dragonflies mating (21473076933).jpg 1,280 × 960; 368 KB
Dragonflies mating (22082838022).jpg 1,280 × 1,181; 494 KB
Dragonflies mating female dorsal (15545638454).jpg 3,209 × 1,813; 4.89 MB
Dragonflies on the water (9165222740).jpg 2,406 × 1,603; 819 KB
Dragonfly hanky-panky (6048447810).jpg 1,612 × 2,257; 1.13 MB
Dragonfly mating in a style.jpg 3,611 × 4,564; 7.68 MB
Dragonfly mating-Tsester-1.0.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 3.78 MB
Dragonfly mating-Tsester-1.1.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 3.75 MB
Dragonfly mating-Tsester-1.2.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 3.62 MB
Dragonfly palestine.jpg 960 × 720; 92 KB
Eastern Pondhawks mating. Erythemis simplicicolis (24025414637).jpg 3,803 × 2,918; 1.65 MB
Eriophorum vaginatum mit Kleiner Moosjungfer, Leucorrhinia dubia copula 1.jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 1.37 MB
Gomphus kurilis-Copulating-1.jpg 1,400 × 1,400; 1.3 MB
Gomphus kurilis-Copulating-2.jpg 1,600 × 1,600; 1.42 MB
Gomphus kurilis-Copulating-3.jpg 1,200 × 1,500; 1.17 MB
Gomphus kurilis-Copulating-4.jpg 1,300 × 1,300; 1.14 MB
Gomphus kurilis-Copulating-5.jpg 1,400 × 1,800; 1.43 MB
Gomphus vulgatissimus couple.jpg 1,000 × 768; 567 KB
Gomphus-pulchellus03 0905.jpg 914 × 586; 247 KB
Gomphusvulgatissimus mating.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 3.68 MB
Green darner dragonflies (8540552614).jpg 1,024 × 683; 418 KB
Green darner dragonflies.jpg 1,024 × 683; 420 KB
Green darner mating med.jpg 600 × 400; 82 KB
Green Marsh Hawk (Orthetrum sabina) mating W IMG 4386.jpg 468 × 600; 200 KB
Green marsh hawks (Orthetrum sabina) mating Rajasthan.jpg 2,689 × 1,792; 2.05 MB
Img 041538 mating anax junius.jpg 3,375 × 2,625; 5.56 MB
Interspecific mating attempt 1 jp.jpg 3,096 × 1,688; 2.29 MB
Interspecific mating attempt by Orthetrum sabina with Zyxomma petiolatum.jpg 1,059 × 1,590; 974 KB
Interspecific mating attempt jp DSC 0087.jpg 3,047 × 1,799; 2.36 MB
Just married! (4868671236).jpg 1,600 × 1,280; 744 KB
Kleine Moosjungfer, Leucorrhinia dubia copula.JPG 2,526 × 2,526; 3.52 MB
KleinerBlaupfeilKreta1.JPG 3,008 × 2,000; 557 KB
KleinerBlaupfeilKreta2.JPG 2,598 × 2,000; 375 KB
Leucorrhinia dubia (mating s2).jpg 2,400 × 2,400; 2.13 MB
Leucorrhinia rubicunda Paarung.jpg 1,624 × 1,576; 2.65 MB
Libellen gaan in de zomer eitjes afzetten.jpg 2,464 × 1,436; 1.9 MB
Libellen vliegen samen met het vrouwtje en paren tussen het riet.jpg 3,900 × 2,600; 8.29 MB
Libellula fulva O. F. Müller, 1764.jpg 2,136 × 2,801; 3.86 MB
Libellula fulva O.F. Müller, 1764 3.jpg 2,040 × 2,053; 2.72 MB
Libellula luctuosa-mating.jpg 1,200 × 900; 195 KB
Libellula quadrimaculata mating.jpg 521 × 309; 30 KB
Libellule in amore.jpg 2,498 × 2,633; 1.2 MB
Libelulas - dragonfly (sex in balance) (249926463).jpg 1,232 × 1,600; 155 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly (sex in flight) (249928071).jpg 1,212 × 848; 681 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly - sex in balance (249919407).jpg 1,185 × 1,600; 192 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly - sex in balance (249919471).jpg 1,140 × 1,600; 116 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly - sex in balance (249919580).jpg 1,194 × 1,600; 166 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly - sex in balance (249919656).jpg 1,344 × 1,600; 162 KB
Libelulas - dragonfly - sex in flyght (249920570).jpg 1,536 × 1,096; 1.09 MB
Libelulas desovando 02- dragonfly laying eggs (251128209).jpg 1,455 × 962; 221 KB
Libelulas desovando 04- dragonfly laying eggs (251128400).jpg 1,339 × 897; 189 KB
Libelulas desovando 05- dragonfly laying eggs (251128499).jpg 1,438 × 1,045; 234 KB
Libelulas desovando 07- dragonfly laying eggs (251128704).jpg 1,269 × 913; 199 KB
Libelulas desovando 08 - dragonfly laying eggs (251128825).jpg 1,517 × 1,062; 249 KB
Libelulas desovando 09 - dragonfly laying eggs (251128948).jpg 1,599 × 1,132; 273 KB
Libelulas desovando 10- dragonfly laying eggs (251129068).jpg 1,600 × 1,156; 216 KB
Libelulas desovando 11 - dragonfly laying eggs (251129193).jpg 1,545 × 1,057; 207 KB
Libelulas desovando12 - dragonfly laying eggs (251127859).jpg 1,600 × 1,088; 177 KB
Libelulas desovando13 - dragonfly laying eggs (251127952).jpg 1,600 × 1,007; 162 KB
Libelulas dragonfly - in flight sex - (249928915).jpg 1,552 × 1,132; 1.15 MB
Libelulas sex 02 (251129543).jpg 1,599 × 1,103; 319 KB
Libelulas sex 03 (240357648).jpg 1,303 × 1,600; 185 KB
Lincolnian (Back soon) - Coupling (by-sa).jpg 808 × 608; 684 KB
Lindenia tetraphylla.jpg 1,000 × 674; 206 KB
Lyriothemis pachygastra (mating).jpg 1,920 × 1,680; 1.29 MB
Lûrteşî-ku.jpg 1,189 × 1,600; 1.29 MB
Mating couple of dragonflies between green plants.jpg 4,192 × 2,496; 6.66 MB
Mating dragon 2.jpg 1,944 × 1,296; 1.22 MB
Mating dragon1.jpg 1,944 × 1,296; 1.62 MB
Mating dragonflies (2887456228).jpg 1,280 × 853; 450 KB
Mating Dragonflies (7632495218).jpg 2,293 × 3,241; 869 KB
Mating dragonflies 2 (15531100264).jpg 3,617 × 2,037; 4.92 MB
Mating Dragonflies at Barker Dam (20552883278).jpg 3,994 × 2,665; 6.07 MB
Mating Epaulet Skimmers. Orthetrum chrysostigma. - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,189 × 1,084; 408 KB
MoosjungfernCopula@1.JPG 1,998 × 1,384; 1.75 MB
Odonata copulation.jpg 2,117 × 1,359; 1.84 MB
Orthetrum brunneum accouplement.jpg 1,800 × 1,252; 364 KB
Orthetrum brunneum copula Weinsberg 20080802.jpg 1,200 × 1,800; 1.18 MB
Orthetrum chrysostigma couple.jpg 640 × 480; 332 KB
Orthetrum coerulescens còpula.jpg 1,200 × 900; 156 KB
Orthetrum coerulescens Germany 01.jpg 1,970 × 1,317; 824 KB
Orthetrum japonicum (mating).jpg 2,268 × 1,840; 1.8 MB
Orthetrum melania (mating).JPG 2,048 × 1,920; 1.49 MB
Orthetrum pruinosum mating 5988.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 3.66 MB
Orthetrum pruinosum mating by kadavoor.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.8 MB
Orthetrum sabina-Green marsh hawk.jpg 3,952 × 2,656; 6.46 MB
Orthetrum villosovittatum mating.jpg 3,504 × 2,336; 2.63 MB
Paarungsrad (36876395672).jpg 2,624 × 1,968; 376 KB
Parende libellen in Gambia op een blad.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 5.09 MB
PN del Garraf - Libelulas enamoradas - Dragonflys in love (3991457350).jpg 1,314 × 1,859; 215 KB
Red Dragonflies Mating.jpg 1,325 × 1,060; 254 KB
Rhionaeschna multicolor-Copulating-1.jpg 1,600 × 2,400; 2.13 MB
Rhionaeschna multicolor-Copulating-2.jpg 1,392 × 2,096; 1.54 MB
Rhionaeschna multicolor-Copulating-3.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 2.23 MB
Ronald Tiefenthaler - Kick ya ... (by).jpg 1,280 × 800; 544 KB
Ruby Meadowhawks mating, Ottawa.jpg 1,982 × 1,720; 618 KB
Samen deelhebben aan de voorplanting bij de libel.jpg 3,023 × 1,932; 4.61 MB
SdanaePair.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 1.61 MB
SdanaePair2.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 1.94 MB
Skimmer (Dragonfly) mating in air.jpg 3,809 × 2,539; 6.33 MB
Somatochlora franklini 80573724.jpg 2,048 × 1,366; 418 KB
Southern Riffle Darner mating (5359988440).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.17 MB
Southern Riffle Darner mating (5359991254).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.8 MB
Southern Riffle Darner mating - 8 wings (5359994724).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.5 MB
Spoj.jpg 2,969 × 3,959; 10.63 MB
Srce.jpg 6,016 × 4,000; 8.39 MB
Swamp Darner, Austroaeschna parvistigma, pair.jpg 1,600 × 1,600; 2.02 MB
Sydney dragonflies mating Victoria Park pond 1.jpg 2,602 × 3,906; 1.34 MB
Sydney dragonflies mating Victoria Park pond 2.jpg 2,602 × 3,906; 1.15 MB
Sydney dragonflies mating Victoria Park pond 3.jpg 2,602 × 3,906; 1.08 MB
Sydney dragonflies mating Victoria Park pond 4.jpg 2,602 × 3,906; 1.05 MB
The art of love making.jpg 3,006 × 2,000; 4.61 MB
The Circle of Life (46323874424).jpg 2,086 × 1,404; 841 KB
Thomas Bresson - Orth-albis-3 (by).jpg 1,326 × 1,691; 1.28 MB
Thomas Bresson - Symp-fons-7 (by).jpg 2,128 × 1,915; 1.69 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-1.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 2.14 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-10.jpg 1,500 × 1,500; 1.16 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-2.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 2.14 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-3.jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 669 KB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-4.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 1.94 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-5.jpg 1,400 × 1,400; 1.03 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-6.jpg 1,600 × 1,600; 1.27 MB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-7.jpg 1,200 × 1,200; 670 KB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-8.jpg 1,200 × 1,800; 904 KB
Tramea lacerata-Copulating-9.jpg 1,200 × 1,800; 918 KB
Tramea lacerata-mating wheel.jpg 1,200 × 900; 172 KB
Tramea transmarina mating.jpg 2,048 × 1,459; 394 KB
Tri-coloured Marsh Hawk Orthetrum luzonicum mating by kadavoor.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 1.48 MB
Triacanthagyna trifida mating.jpg 1,077 × 1,270; 519 KB
Unidentified dragonfly 4845.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.29 MB
Voo nupcial.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 1.41 MB
Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens) mating W IMG 2999.jpg 784 × 600; 127 KB
Wavy dragonflies mating above (16042053860).jpg 3,968 × 2,232; 5.29 MB
Wavy dragonflies mating dorsal (15607002864).jpg 3,481 × 1,960; 5.31 MB
Wavy dragonflies mating lateral (16229422055).jpg 3,968 × 2,232; 5.53 MB
Wavy dragonflies mating shoulder (15607007224).jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 6.39 MB
White-belted Ringtails (9461385981).jpg 3,076 × 2,974; 2.26 MB
Wurzacher Ried - Paarungsrad Plattbauchlibelle1.jpg 2,987 × 1,983; 1.52 MB
Wzwz Libelle 12e.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2 MB
Wzwz Libelle 12f.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.94 MB
XN Leucorrhinia rubicunda couple.jpg 1,500 × 1,840; 725 KB
Yellow island mating (16201352817).jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 5.74 MB
Yellow striped hunter mating.jpg 1,067 × 1,600; 345 KB