Category:American Art Association catalogs
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Art auction catalogs from the American Art Association
This category has the following 29 subcategories, out of 29 total.
Media in category "American Art Association catalogs"
The following 144 files are in this category, out of 144 total.
Valuable paintings by artists of distinction (IA andreaint00amer).pdf 895 × 1,408, 308 pages; 15.43 MB
Catalogue of the art collection formed by the late Mrs. Mary J. Morgan (IA artco00amer).pdf 785 × 1,339, 330 pages; 21.9 MB
The art collection formed by the late Heber R. Bishop (IA artcollectionfor00amer).pdf 1,154 × 1,816, 854 pages; 68.8 MB
A.T. Stewart collection of paintings, sculptures, and other objects of art (IA atstew00amer).pdf 829 × 1,356, 270 pages; 15.83 MB
Beautiful old Chinese rugs (IA beautifuloldchin00amer).pdf 1,083 × 1,550, 220 pages; 12.16 MB
Catalogue de luxe of ancient and modern paintings belonging to the estate of the late Charles T. Yerkes (IA cataloguedeluxeo00unse).pdf 1,479 × 2,039, 782 pages; 31.56 MB
Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains (IA catalogueofantiq01amer).pdf 814 × 1,277, 82 pages; 2.7 MB
Catalogue of exceedingly valuable ancient and modern paintings (IA catalogueofexcee00amer).pdf 895 × 1,314, 332 pages; 19.7 MB
Catalogue of modern paintings being the property of Thomas Reid, William Schaus .. (IA catalogueofmode00amer).pdf 650 × 1,050, 52 pages; 2.95 MB
Catalogue of the modern masterpieces gathered by the late connoisseur William H. Stewart (IA catalogueofmoder00amer 0).pdf 1,372 × 2,004, 712 pages; 26.7 MB
Catalogue of the notable art treasures collected by the late Henry Graves, Orange, New Jersey (IA catalogueofnotab00unse).pdf 950 × 1,235, 292 pages; 11.36 MB
Catalogue of the valuable paintings collected by the late Joseph Jefferson (IA catalogueofvalua00amer 0).pdf 1,375 × 1,885, 178 pages; 5.97 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA catalogueofvalua00unse).pdf 1,350 × 1,839, 212 pages; 6.82 MB
Catalogue of valuable paintings collected by the late F.O. Matthiessen (IA catmata00amer).pdf 1,189 × 1,716, 328 pages; 12.05 MB
Catalogue of the private collection of modern paintings belonging to Mr. Walter Bowne (IA catpriva00amer).pdf 806 × 1,175, 92 pages; 4.93 MB
Catalogue of the art collection formed by Mr. Henry T. Chapman, Jr. of Brooklyn (IA chapman00amer).pdf 960 × 1,270, 90 pages; 5.2 MB
Catalogue of Mr. E.F. Milliken's private collection of valuable paintings (IA cmrefm00amer).pdf 1,166 × 1,587, 196 pages; 6.4 MB
The completed pictures left by the late Henry Ward Ranger, N.A (IA completedpicture00amer).pdf 972 × 1,437, 168 pages; 8.22 MB
The costly furnishings, embellishments, works of art and other property; of the late George Crocker (IA costlyfurnishing00amer).pdf 1,004 × 1,429, 222 pages; 8.55 MB
Costly tapestries, beautiful old laces ... and other art property (IA costlytapestries00amer).pdf 989 × 1,439, 104 pages; 5.94 MB
Catalogue of the private collection of modern paintings belonging to Mr. William H. Shaw, of this city (IA cpriva00amer).pdf 789 × 1,164, 108 pages; 5.3 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the art collection of Mr. David H. King, Jr (IA davidhking00amer).pdf 1,208 × 1,495, 248 pages; 7.07 MB
De luxe catalogue of the art and literary treasures collected by the late General Brayton Ives of New York (IA deluxecatalogueo00amer).pdf 1,110 × 1,570, 664 pages; 29.46 MB
Catalogue de luxe of the art treasures collected by Thomas E. Waggaman, Washington, D. C (IA deluxeo00amer).pdf 1,250 × 1,704, 728 pages; 35.19 MB
A descriptive catalogue of paintings, pastels and water colors - collected by the late Mrs. S.D. Warren of Boston (IA descpas00amer).pdf 1,218 × 1,727, 344 pages; 14.32 MB
Early English and American furniture and rare antique objects in various metals (IA earlyenglishamer00amer).pdf 668 × 983, 442 pages; 17.13 MB
Early English and Barbizon paintings (IA earlyenglishbarb00amer).pdf 1,312 × 1,847, 230 pages; 7.56 MB
Valuable and interesting art property and antiquities belonging to the widely known house of Karl Freund (IA einterest00amer).pdf 1,137 × 1,579, 234 pages; 11.16 MB
Catalogue of American paintings belonging to William T. Evans (IA evanameri00amer).pdf 1,302 × 1,656, 359 pages; 13.9 MB
The extensive collection formed by Mr. Charles E. Locke (IA extensivecoll00amer).pdf 972 × 1,410, 358 pages; 13.76 MB
Catalogue of the important modern paintings ... of Mr. Felix Isman of Philadelphia (IA feliximpor00amer).pdf 1,152 × 1,525, 68 pages; 2.27 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA furnicatal00amer).pdf 710 × 1,014, 306 pages; 10.2 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA illusdisti00amer).pdf 916 × 1,337, 190 pages; 9.06 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA illust00amer).pdf 777 × 1,220, 192 pages; 10.55 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the Rita Lydig Collection (IA illustratedcatal00amer 15).pdf 1,020 × 1,527, 298 pages; 16.35 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA illustratedcatal00amer 16).pdf 1,360 × 1,729, 654 pages; 24.51 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the art and literary property collected by the late Henry G. Marquand (IA illustratedcatal00amer 8).pdf 1,397 × 1,989, 544 pages; 30.61 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the valuable library formed by the late M.C.D. Borden, Esq. ... (IA illustratedcatal01amer).pdf 1,043 × 1,460, 298 pages; 14.82 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the beautiful old Chinese porcelains and other Oriental objects (IA illustratedcatal01amer 1).pdf 706 × 1,035, 82 pages; 2.47 MB
Illustrated catalogue of an important collection of antique Chinese porcelains (IA illustratedcatal01amer 2).pdf 841 × 1,281, 132 pages; 6.59 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the beautiful old Chinese porcelains and other art (IA illustratedcatal01amer 3).pdf 762 × 1,235, 134 pages; 5.38 MB
Illustrated catalogue of grand collection of beautiful old Chineses rugs and carpets (IA illustratedcatal01tiff).pdf 1,014 × 1,472, 126 pages; 6.85 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the valuable library formed by the late M.C.D. Borden, Esq. ... (IA illustratedcatal02amer).pdf 1,016 × 1,462, 350 pages; 17.1 MB
Duke University Libraries (IA illustratedcatal1912yama).pdf 900 × 1,250, 126 pages; 4.62 MB
Duke University Libraries (IA illustratedcatal1918amer).pdf 868 × 1,356, 202 pages; 8.63 MB
Japanese color prints (IA japanesecolorpri00amer 1).pdf 1,270 × 1,712, 162 pages; 9.85 MB
Catalogue of the ancient and modern paintings and other objects of art collected by the late William M. Laffan (IA laffancie00amer).pdf 1,218 × 1,864, 160 pages; 7.23 MB
IA Query "sponsor-(Sloan) date-(1000 TO 1925) publisher-((New York) OR Chicago OR Jersey OR Illan)" (IA mastamer00amer).pdf 1,029 × 1,414, 302 pages; 17.68 MB
Valuable paintings by foreign and American masters (IA mastering00amer).pdf 889 × 1,368, 192 pages; 7.23 MB
Twenty-one masterpieces belonging to the estate of the well-known Philadelphia amateur, the late Mr. H. S. Henry (IA masterp00amer).pdf 1,291 × 1,758, 112 pages; 4.65 MB
Mr. Thomas B. Clarke's remarkable gathering of rare plates of many nations and beautiful old textiles (IA mrthomasbclarkes00amer).pdf 1,072 × 1,516, 254 pages; 12.72 MB
Nearly three hundred valuable paintings by ancient and modern masters (IA nearlythreehundr00amer 0).pdf 1,018 × 1,437, 272 pages; 9.59 MB
Illustrated catalogue of the valuable modern paintings belonging to Mr. Julius Oehme, New York City (IA oehmecatal00amer).pdf 1,164 × 1,662, 152 pages; 5.11 MB
Catalogue of Mr. George I. Seney's important collection of modern paintings (IA ofmrgeo00amer).pdf 1,020 × 1,570, 304 pages; 15.09 MB
Oil paintings by American and foreign artists (IA oilpaintam00amer).pdf 816 × 1,160, 152 pages; 5.83 MB
Old and modern masters collected by the late Irving M. Scott, San Francisco (IA oldmodernmasters00amer).pdf 1,272 × 1,787, 160 pages; 8.55 MB
Old and modern paintings of sterling artistic distinction (IA oldmodernpaintin00amer).pdf 1,166 × 1,572, 222 pages; 10.71 MB
Old and modern paintings by the great masters forming the important collection of Mr. John Anderson (IA oldmodernpaintin00unse).pdf 1,387 × 1,806, 210 pages; 9.92 MB
Over three hundred old and modern paintings by foreign and American artists (IA overthreehundred00amer).pdf 1,210 × 1,808, 86 pages; 4.22 MB
The paintings by Rembrandt, van Eyck and Raphael - (IA paintingsbyrembr00unse).pdf 1,091 × 1,516, 16 pages; 460 KB
Catalogue of the private art collection of Thomas B. Clarke, New York ; part 1- paintings (IA privaclarke00amer).pdf 795 × 1,283, 274 pages; 14.26 MB
Private collection of paintings, water colors and pastels by American and European artists (IA privatecoll00amer).pdf 893 × 1,316, 96 pages; 5.59 MB
Remarkable collection of ancient Chinese bronzes, beautiful old porcelains (IA remarkablecollec00amer).pdf 704 × 1,091, 298 pages; 14.28 MB
Remarkable and extensive collection of rare and costly art property belonging to Mr. Henry Symons (IA remarkableextens00amer).pdf 1,022 × 1,354, 580 pages; 29.67 MB
Statuary, bronzes, the costly furniture and embellishments (IA statuarybronzesc00amer).pdf 977 × 1,360, 258 pages; 16.25 MB
Catalogue of Mr. James H. Stebbins' private collection of modern paintings (IA stebbins00amer).pdf 970 × 1,485, 118 pages; 5.18 MB
Catalogue of modern paintings belonging to M. Knoedler & Co., successors to Goupil & Co (IA success00amer).pdf 550 × 1,220, 156 pages; 6.61 MB
Illustrated catalogue of modern paintings - the private collection formed by the late Frederick S. Gibbs, New York (IA tedcatal00amer).pdf 1,095 × 1,487, 518 pages; 16.55 MB
The Works of Wm. Bliss Baker, Dec'd - 1887.pdf 404 × 600, 41 pages; 803 KB
Valuable paintings by the great and little masters of the old and modern schools (IA valuablepa00amer).pdf 804 × 1,162, 200 pages; 7.38 MB
The valuable paintings collected by the late Dr. Leslie D. Ward of Newark, N.J (IA valuablepaint00amer).pdf 1,335 × 1,700, 176 pages; 6.28 MB
Valuable paintings by prominent artists of the French, American, English and Dutch schools (IA valuablepainting00amer).pdf 918 × 1,387, 160 pages; 5.04 MB
The very notable collection of American paintings (IA verynotablecolle00amer).pdf 1,125 × 1,535, 240 pages; 7.48 MB