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Category:Alphege of Canterbury

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<nowiki>Alphege; Alphège; Alphege; Альфедж; Aelfheah od Canterburyja; von Canterbury Elphegus; Ælfheah da Cantuária; Ælfheah of Canterbury; Αλπέγιος Καντουαρίας; Aelfheah de Canterbury; Alphege Mtakatifu; Alfegiu de Canterbury; カンタベリーのアエルヘアー; Ælfheah da Cantuária; Alfegus; Alphege; Alphege; Ельфхеа; Elphegus; 坎特伯里的埃爾菲赫; الفيه من كانتربرى; 阿爾菲格; Alphege; Ælfheah of Canterbury; إيلفيه من كانتربري; 坎特伯雷的埃爾菲赫; Elfego di Canterbury; arcivescovo inglese; évêque de Winchester, archevêque de Cantorbéry, saint; römisch-katholischer Erzbischof; کشیش بریتانیایی; britisk præst; episcop de Winchester; arhiepiscop de Canterbury; sfânt; bispo de Winchester anglo-saxão, depois Arcebispo da Cantuária; brittisk präst; britisk prest; britisk prest; bisschop van Canterbury; 阿爾菲格,英吉利國之聖人,曾為坎特伯雷大主教,以虔誠、謙遜、不屈不撓著稱,為人所念。其殉道之聖德,益彰其要於英吉利教會始創史。; Canterburyn arkkipiispa; Archbishop of Canterbury and saint (c.953-1012); episcopus Cantuariensis; Αρχιεπίσκοπος Καντουαρίας, άγιος; قديس كاثوليكى; Alfege; Ælfheah de Canterbury; Alfegio; Aelfheah de Canterbury; Elfego; エルフェージ; エルフェア・オブ・カンタベリー; Alphege; Saint Alphège; Ælfhēah; Święty Alphege; Alphege; Sv. Alphege; 坎特伯里的聖埃爾菲赫; Ælfheah de Cantuária; Alphege de Cantuária; Elphege; Alphège de Cantuária; Alphege; Alfege; Santo Alphege; Ælfheah; St Alfege; Alphege; Alphegus; AElfheah; 坎特伯雷的聖埃爾菲赫; Aelphegus; Alphegus</nowiki>
Ælfheah of Canterbury 
Archbishop of Canterbury and saint (c.953-1012)
Anluminură din secolul al XV-lea arătând cum îi este solicitat ajutor lui Ælfheah
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Date of birth954
Date of death19 April 1012
Manner of death
Place of burial
Position held
  • bishop (984–)
  • Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury (1006–1012)
  • diocesan bishop (984–)
Authority file
Wikidata Q1262465
ISNI: 0000000048387188
VIAF cluster ID: 21855515
GND ID: 1025103289
Library of Congress authority ID: no2004057816
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID: 181
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