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Category:Aerial videos

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<nowiki>zračni posnetek v kinematografiji; cliché aérien; flygfilm; luchtopname; аэроcьёмка в кинематографии; Luftaufnahme; Toma de aire; aerial shot in cimematography; légi felvétel; Vzdušný záběr; Colpo aereo; magasból (repülőről, helikopterről, drónnal stb.) készült mozgókép; shot taken from a high angle by an airplane, helicopter, drone or similar; Von einer Drohne, einem Hubschrauber oder ähnlichem aus einem hohen Winkel getätigte Filmaufnahme (Einstellung); rörligt foto taget från hög höjd från ett flygplan, en helikopter, drönare eller liknande; filmshot opgenomen vanuit de lucht met een drone, helicopter etc; drone shot; helicopter shot; heli shot; aerial photo; cinematic techniques; Flugaufnahme; Drohnenaufnahme; Helikopteraufnahme; Drohnenshot; Helishot; dronski posnetek; helikopterski posnetek</nowiki>
aerial shot in cimematography 
shot taken from a high angle by an airplane, helicopter, drone or similar
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Aerial videos are videos that are taken from an unnaturally high vantage point, like from buildings or airplanes. Aerial videos do not include videos taken from mountains (a naturally high vantage point). Videos from unnatural vantage points which are higher than airplanes should probably have a more precise category like Category:Satellite videos.


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.

Media in category "Aerial videos"

The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total.