Category:643 Hamilton Building, Allentown, Pennsylvania

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The earliest occupant that can be found for 643 Hamilton was the F W Woolworth 5 & 10 store in September 1888. It was the first Woolworth store in Allentown. In 1891 the store was moved to 815 Hamilton Street. In 1890, the Shankweiler & Lehr laundry opened on the second floor of the building. By 1891, Shankweiler & Lehr after Woolworth's move, Shankweiler moved to the main floor of the building and opened a retail store. Last occupied 1970 by Endicott-Johnson Shoes, Bought in 1970 by First National Bank, Torn down for expansion 1972 which opened in 1973. Torn down 2012 and redeveloped as part of City Center Two building, 2013


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