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Category:2011 in the Vatican City

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English: 2011 in the Vatican City
Español: 2011 en la Ciudad del Vaticano
Svenska: 2011 i Vatikanstaten
Français : 2011 au Vatican
Deutsch: 2011 in Vatikanstadt
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<nowiki>2011 au Vatican; 2011 in the Vatican City; 2011 i Vatikanstaten; 2011 في الفاتيكان; 2011 വത്തിക്കാൻ നഗരത്തിൽ; 2011 in der Vatikanstadt; Vatikanstatenrelaterade händelser under år 2011; Vatican City-related events during the year of 2011; Ereignisse des Jahres 2011 in der Vatikanstadt; Chronologie de l'année 2011 au Vatican</nowiki>
2011 in the Vatican City 
Vatican City-related events during the year of 2011
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  • 2011
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This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.