Category:1919 books PDF files
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Media in category "1919 books PDF files"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 301 total.
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The 151st Field Artillery Brigade (IA 151stfieldartill00russ).pdf 1,143 × 1,739, 80 pages; 3.09 MB
15 lessons in new thought;or, Lessons in living, (IA 15lessonsinnewth00town).pdf 1,160 × 1,837, 202 pages; 6.73 MB
1917. Quips and memoirs of the corps. 1918 (IA 1917quipsmemoirs00quar).pdf 808 × 1,322, 282 pages; 12.57 MB
The last of the Mohicans, a narrative of 1757 (IA 19lastmohicans00cooprich).pdf 1,181 × 1,377, 476 pages; 20.01 MB
351st infantry .. (IA 351stinfantry00bran).pdf 793 × 1,118, 130 pages; 9.49 MB
$4,223.00 profit in one year on a town lot (IA 422300profitinon00shep).pdf 718 × 1,114, 80 pages; 5.06 MB
The 54th Infantry Brigade, 1914-1918; some records of battle and laughter in France (IA 54thinfantrybrig00rowaiala).pdf 706 × 1,083, 248 pages; 9.44 MB
A Damsel in Distress.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 309 pages; 5.58 MB
A loiterer in New England (IA loitererinneweng00hendiala).pdf 827 × 1,281, 572 pages; 24.46 MB
Above the mist, (IA abovemist00bodi).pdf 1,162 × 1,795, 56 pages; 2.42 MB
Abstract of aircraft investigation (IA abstractofaircra00unit).pdf 841 × 1,314, 410 pages; 33.69 MB
ADIDAMU-SURAKAVI.pdf 800 × 1,072, 160 pages; 9.33 MB
Adventures of Sammy Sassafras (IA adventuresofsamm00wate).pdf 1,114 × 1,750, 184 pages; 61.65 MB
Alanic - Les Roses refleurissent.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 340 pages; 4.98 MB
Alaska, the great country (IA alaskagreatcount00higg 0).pdf 1,214 × 1,808, 714 pages; 33.47 MB
Alexandru I. Odobescu - Opere complete. Volumul 4 - Istoria Arheologiei.pdf 706 × 1,164, 435 pages; 6.76 MB
Almanaque del Mensajero 1919.pdf 766 × 1,031, 334 pages; 38.62 MB
Amado Nervo - Autobiografía.jpg 933 × 686; 129 KB
Amado Nervo - Eduardo Talero.pdf 587 × 789, 39 pages; 3.13 MB
Amado Nervo - Plenitud (1919) (page 7 crop).jpg 627 × 874; 100 KB
Amado Nervo - Plenitud (1919) (page 9 crop).jpg 202 × 29; 4 KB
Amado Nervo - Plenitud (1919) logo.jpg 251 × 229; 12 KB
Amado Nervo - Plenitud (1919).pdf 554 × 1,018, 142 pages; 6.03 MB
Antonio Pérez (1919).pdf 941 × 1,381, 264 pages; 18.97 MB
An appreciation.. (IA appreciation00).pdf 637 × 1,039, 48 pages; 3.96 MB
Aropgelozṭe oygen (IA aropgelozeoygen00pere).pdf 585 × 939, 36 pages; 1.65 MB
Arroz y tartana (1919).pdf 772 × 1,125, 338 pages; 11.55 MB
Astronomical lore in Chaucer (IA astronomicallore01grim).pdf 1,045 × 1,627, 100 pages; 6.17 MB
Auf dunklem Pfade.pdf 525 × 795, 33 pages; 5.38 MB
Automobile selling, a manual for dealers (IA automobilesellin00nyst).pdf 604 × 902, 168 pages; 7.72 MB
Autógrafo de Florentino Ameghino.jpg 924 × 1,468; 244 KB
BaANH50601 Mensaje del Presidente de la Nación - Hipolito Yrigoyen (1919).pdf 566 × 889, 72 pages; 1.56 MB
BaANH50741 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra (1919).pdf 547 × 862, 52 pages; 1.21 MB
BaANH51132 Territorio de Santa Cruz.pdf 972 × 1,518, 20 pages; 1.44 MB
Batiks, and how to make them, by Pieter Mijer, 1919.pdf 1,100 × 1,714, 156 pages; 8.61 MB
Bharat no Tankar.pdf 1,237 × 1,752, 89 pages; 13.89 MB
Billy Whiskers in France (IA billywhiskersinf00mont).pdf 1,710 × 2,120, 202 pages; 134.95 MB
Blue book of Brookline and Longwood (IA bluebookofbrookl1919unse).pdf 1,456 × 2,054, 280 pages; 23.82 MB
Bohemian Review, 1917–Czechoslovak Review, May 1919.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 496 pages; 180.47 MB
The book of fables and folk stories (IA bookoffablesfolk00scu).pdf 837 × 1,202, 188 pages; 8.15 MB
The book of ice-cream (IA bookoficecream00fisk).pdf 902 × 1,337, 334 pages; 19.51 MB
Boy scouts hikes in Greater Boston; (IA boyscoutshikesin01maso).pdf 852 × 1,147, 56 pages; 3.61 MB
The Boys' and Girls' Readers- Fourth Reader (IA boysgirlsreaders00bole 3).pdf 841 × 1,281, 296 pages; 22.25 MB
British airships, past, present & future (IA britishairshipsp00whal).pdf 714 × 1,127, 304 pages; 12.74 MB
Caminos de la montaña - bdh0000290567.pdf 1,516 × 1,147, 99 pages; 15.57 MB
Cecil John Cadoux - The Early Christian Attitude to War (no foreward).pdf 668 × 1,045, 308 pages; 16.32 MB
Chicken Little Jane (IA chickenlittlejan00ritc).pdf 1,147 × 1,802, 408 pages; 158.48 MB
Cidades Mortas (1º milheiro).pdf 779 × 1,358, 222 pages; 3.79 MB
Comentarios de la guerra de las Galias (1919).pdf 529 × 847, 328 pages; 38.72 MB
Commercial press Geography of China (IA commercialpressg00hawk).pdf 866 × 1,300, 180 pages; 12.46 MB
The historic trees of Massachusetts (IA cu31924014447423).pdf 797 × 1,195, 236 pages; 5.42 MB
Cuentos de ayer - Alberto Gerchunoff.pdf 577 × 766, 37 pages; 3.97 MB
Czechoslovak fairy tales.pdf 714 × 1,127, 276 pages; 9.07 MB
Das Auge des Brahma.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 130 pages; 42.87 MB
Das Gold der Najade.pdf 525 × 795, 33 pages; 5.25 MB
Das Land Gigantea.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 3.39 MB
Das löbliche Gotteshaus Schuttern - Fritz Hirsch.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 38 pages; 29.86 MB
Das Tagebuch des Steuermanns.pdf 525 × 795, 33 pages; 5.63 MB
Das weiße Eiland.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 16.06 MB
Dedication of the pioneer (IA dedicationofpion00oreg).pdf 708 × 1,083, 48 pages; 2.17 MB
Democracy, theoretical and practical (IA democracytheoret00hendrich).pdf 831 × 1,287, 32 pages; 1.66 MB
Der Gefangene des Ras Bagror.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 12.35 MB
Der große Adler der Arowaken.pdf 566 × 897, 224 pages; 27.64 MB
Der hüpfende Teufel.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 201 pages; 91.84 MB
Der Kurier des Präsidenten.pdf 572 × 904, 156 pages; 5.52 MB
Der Schiffsjunge des gelben Korsaren.pdf 635 × 931, 192 pages; 26.5 MB
Der Skandal im Viktoria-Klub.pdf 510 × 795, 156 pages; 3.4 MB
Der Todesgang des armenischen Volkes.pdf 625 × 877, 350 pages; 25.8 MB
Deutschland und Armenien 1914–1918.pdf 625 × 877, 629 pages; 34.52 MB
Die Eroberung des Brotes.pdf 1,275 × 2,100, 192 pages; 81.85 MB
Die Geheimschrift der Steinplatte.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 34 pages; 12.61 MB
Die Goldkarawane.pdf 1,077 × 1,754, 224 pages; 71.79 MB
Die Insel im Saragassomeer.pdf 297 × 414, 33 pages; 24.52 MB
Die Meuterer der Frigga.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 12.91 MB
Die Piraten der Puma-Insel.pdf 593 × 891, 224 pages; 27.46 MB
Die Pirateninsel.pdf 297 × 412, 33 pages; 22.09 MB
Die sagenhafte Oase.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 10.52 MB
Die Schlangenhöhle von Akkassar.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 12.27 MB
Die Säulenburg.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 10.13 MB
Die Wölfe der Parker-Insel.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 34 pages; 13.18 MB
Diez años de destierro (1919).pdf 535 × 868, 292 pages; 5.9 MB
Do krytyków.pdf 2,429 × 3,300, 4 pages; 11.69 MB
Doctor Rabbit and Brushtail the fox (IA doctorrabbitbrus00hink).pdf 1,120 × 1,637, 146 pages; 34.25 MB
Doherty CPS yearbook 1919.pdf 1,433 × 1,904, 99 pages; 11.68 MB
Ecchini-Kumari1919.pdf 1,491 × 2,250, 181 pages; 16.89 MB
Ein seltsamer Zeuge.pdf 489 × 781, 129 pages; 3.66 MB
El diablo cojuelo (1919).pdf 562 × 866, 126 pages; 2.86 MB
El libro de las mujeres (1919).pdf 706 × 1,016, 324 pages; 7.04 MB
El Señor y lo demás son cuentos.pdf 985 × 1,427, 259 pages; 19.95 MB
Espigas - Almafuerte.pdf 583 × 814, 34 pages; 3.14 MB
Feghali - Le Parler de Kfár'abîda.pdf 993 × 1,681, 336 pages; 25.64 MB
Ferdinand Seidl - Kod naj se potegne pravična državna meja med Jugoslavijo in Italijo?.pdf 825 × 1,268, 13 pages; 4.05 MB
First Korean congress, held in the Little theatre, and Delancey streets, April 14, 15, 16 (IA firstkoreancongr00kore).pdf 706 × 1,116, 104 pages; 8.02 MB
Florilegios - Amado Nervo.pdf 581 × 822, 36 pages; 2.03 MB
Foreign Missions Year Book of North America 1920 (Covering the year 1919) - (IA foreignmissionsy01fore).pdf 772 × 1,152, 358 pages; 20.17 MB
Fran Milčinski - Süha roba.pdf 1,350 × 1,685, 34 pages; 19.46 MB
Frazer James G. - The Golden Bough - Part VII vol. I (1919).pdf 768 × 1,250, 378 pages; 19 MB
Freundschaftsopfer.pdf 529 × 881, 138 pages; 4.62 MB
Friends of Freedom for India - Indias freedom in American courts 1919.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 12 pages; 4.34 MB
GEHS - A familia em regimen communista - 1919 LCF.pdf 1,125 × 1,541, 15 pages; 19.23 MB
Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci - Les Roumains d’Ukraine.pdf 831 × 1,347, 29 pages; 1.46 MB
Girls' book of the Red cross (IA girlsbookofredcr00hyde).pdf 775 × 1,143, 424 pages; 15.16 MB
Glangeaud - Le massif central de la France.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 63 pages; 6.04 MB
Good drinks made of milk, kickless but full of punch (IA gooddrinksmadeof00unit).pdf 677 × 1,027, 8 pages; 391 KB
Grandhalaya Sarvasvamu - Vol.3, No. 6 (1919) (page 50 crop).jpg 2,767 × 3,789; 708 KB
Grandhalaya Sarvasvamu - Vol.3, No. 6 (1919) (page 51 crop).jpg 2,505 × 6,115; 1.28 MB
Grandhalaya Sarvasvamu - Vol.3, No. 6 (1919).pdf 4,345 × 5,635, 61 pages; 20.84 MB
Grandhalaya Sarvasvamu - Vol.3, No.5 (1919).pdf 4,345 × 5,635, 49 pages; 17.02 MB
Hindu Tales from the Sanskrit.pdf 541 × 891, 172 pages; 16 MB
Hinko Smrekar - Crnovojnik.pdf 1,202 × 1,637, 13 pages; 136.09 MB
Historia de la Edad Media, 395 1270 - bdh0000204797.pdf 1,575 × 1,106, 671 pages; 102.55 MB
The historic trees of Massachusetts (IA historictreesofm00simmrich).pdf 839 × 1,427, 236 pages; 82.92 MB
History of Base hospital no. 18, American expeditionary forces (Johns Hopkins unit) (IA historyofbasehos00base).pdf 895 × 1,458, 148 pages; 10.58 MB
A history of mathematics (IA historyofmathema00cajorich).pdf 614 × 943, 536 pages; 30.24 MB
Hop-o'-my-thumb (IA hopomythumb00john).pdf 1,045 × 1,668, 148 pages; 46.86 MB
How it happened, and other poems (IA howithappenedoth00unde).pdf 650 × 1,075, 96 pages; 3.1 MB
How to stage a play (IA howtostageplay00osbo).pdf 700 × 1,052, 52 pages; 4.44 MB
Ideario español - bdh0000260831.pdf 0 × 0; 52.56 MB
Idéas de Géca Tatú.pdf 762 × 1,212, 222 pages; 4.68 MB
India Home Rule League of America - Young India, v. 2, 1919.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 300 pages; 361.27 MB
Indian Fables and Folk-lore - Shobhanasundari Mukhopadhyay.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 82 pages; 5.6 MB
Intercourse btw Burma & Siam - Subindu - 1919.pdf 847 × 1,312, 83 pages; 8.48 MB
In the world war, 1917, 1918, 1919, Cottonwood county, Minnesota (IA inworldwar19171900thom).pdf 1,062 × 1,558, 184 pages; 15.92 MB
Ion N. Angelescu - Histoire Economique des Roumains. Volumul 1.pdf 939 × 1,391, 336 pages; 4.97 MB
Irinas Verhängnis.pdf 706 × 866, 66 pages; 22.43 MB
Irrende Seelen.pdf 1,170 × 1,754, 128 pages; 45.62 MB
Historia de los vascos en el descubrimiento, conquista y civilización de América (IA ispizbuahistoria06segurich).pdf 693 × 1,097, 288 pages; 12.23 MB
Jak to się stało. Pies i księżyc.pdf 1,247 × 1,822; 3.59 MB
Jeca Tatu.pdf 677 × 889, 25 pages; 1.5 MB
Jews in the Czecho-Slovak State.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 12 pages; 2.88 MB
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz-Nasze Verkehry.pdf 845 × 1,072, 32 pages; 995 KB
Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski - Łuk.pdf 745 × 1,068, 426 pages; 14.27 MB
Kamalapaharanamu.pdf 1,356 × 2,018, 215 pages; 17.48 MB
Karol Rzepecki - Powstanie grudniowe w Wielkopolsce 27.12.1918.pdf 906 × 1,275, 172 pages; 75.97 MB
The Kiltartan poetry book - prose translations from the Irish (IA kiltartanpoetryb00gre).pdf 731 × 1,112, 132 pages; 4.08 MB
La argonautica - Tomo I (1919).pdf 775 × 1,133, 328 pages; 15.47 MB
La belleza invisible.pdf 725 × 1,064, 184 pages; 2.47 MB
La esclava legal (la casada) - 1919.djvu 1,688 × 2,806, 191 pages; 6.76 MB
La imagen óptica - bdh0000290597.pdf 1,552 × 1,116, 235 pages; 38.7 MB
La moral de Ulises - Jose Ingenieros (page 5 crop).jpg 498 × 643; 37 KB
La moral de Ulises - Jose Ingenieros.pdf 581 × 827, 34 pages; 2.83 MB
La paz perpetua (Kant, Rivera Pastor tr.).pdf 572 × 845, 104 pages; 2.35 MB
La revolucion del 39 en el sud de Buenos Aires - Angel J. Carranza.pdf 500 × 835, 319 pages; 35.68 MB
La vida - Fisiología de los seres - 2da edición (1919).pdf 731 × 1,056, 100 pages; 12.96 MB
La jeunesse de Titien (IA lajeunessedetiti00hour).pdf 829 × 1,333, 354 pages; 27.45 MB
Las veladas del tropero (1919).pdf 712 × 989, 328 pages; 26.02 MB
The last rehearsal, a comedy in one act (IA lastrehearsalcom00cran).pdf 627 × 1,004, 20 pages; 1,019 KB
Legenda aurea.pdf 2,291 × 3,300, 2 pages; 9.18 MB
Lenin - The Collapse of the Second International - tr. Sirnis (1919).pdf 779 × 1,218, 76 pages; 13.04 MB
Life of Walter Quintin Gresham, 1832-1895 (IA lifeofwalterquin01gresh).pdf 1,050 × 1,689, 458 pages; 23.45 MB
Lippmann - Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie.pdf 897 × 1,352, 757 pages; 49.6 MB
List of registered motor vehicle owners, North Carolina (IA listofregistered00nort).pdf 1,333 × 2,154, 1,540 pages; 123.5 MB
Los cuatro infinitos - Florencio Ameghino.pdf 575 × 783, 38 pages; 3.19 MB
Manooshakti.pdf 741 × 1,056, 78 pages; 3.37 MB
Mr Standfast (1919).pdf 0 × 0; 24.73 MB
Mróz nędzarzy.pdf 2,485 × 3,300, 2 pages; 7.05 MB
Murat - Humblement sur l'autel, 1919.pdf 1,237 × 1,752, 70 pages; 16.95 MB
Máximo Gorki. Su vida y sus obras (1919).pdf 658 × 1,035, 209 pages; 6.22 MB
Nationalversammlung 1Sitzung 1919.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 5 pages; 1.33 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Brève histoire de l’Albanie et du peuple albanais.pdf 693 × 1,158, 73 pages; 13.07 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Ce sînt și ce vor sașii din Ardeal - expunere din izvor competent.pdf 687 × 1,135, 52 pages; 12.36 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Chestia oceanelor - Lecții făcute la Şcoala de Războiu.pdf 822 × 1,225, 119 pages; 1.94 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Conferințe bucovinene.pdf 689 × 1,075, 102 pages; 18.87 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Cuvântarea pentru aniversarea intrării în războiu, ținută la Cernăuți ân ziua de 28 August 1919.pdf 558 × 950, 35 pages; 4.21 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Cuvântarea ținută în Sala Dacia în ziua de 26 Octombre 1919.pdf 558 × 933, 46 pages; 4.96 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Histoire des Roumains de la Péninsule des Balcans - (Albanie, Macédonie, Épire, Thessalie, etc.).pdf 758 × 1,235, 74 pages; 15.04 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Introducerea științelor în învățământul românesc.pdf 693 × 1,075, 35 pages; 5.8 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Istoria armatei românești. Volumul 2 (de la 1599 până în zilele noastre).pdf 739 × 1,225, 212 pages; 3.77 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Istoria lui Mihai Viteazul pentru poporul romanesc - scrisă la1900.pdf 670 × 952, 74 pages; 10.97 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Istoria romînilor din Peninsula Balcanică - Albania, Macedonia, Epir, Tesalia, etc..pdf 743 × 1,245, 76 pages; 15.31 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Medici și medicină în trecutul românesc - conferință ținută la Societatea Studenților în Medicina.pdf 764 × 1,243, 44 pages; 1.24 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Scurtă istorie a slavilor răsăriteni. Rusia și Polonia. Simple linii de orientare.pdf 912 × 1,358, 178 pages; 55.24 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Soarta faimei lui Mihai Viteazul - conferință ținută în ziua comemorării eroului la 22 Novembre 1919.pdf 666 × 1,064, 34 pages; 6.04 MB
Nicolae S. Basilescu - La Roumanie - Dans la guerre et dans la paix. Tome 1 - La Roumanie dans la guerre.pdf 633 × 1,039, 372 pages; 5.31 MB
Nora's twin sister (IA norastwinsister00rhoa).pdf 1,237 × 1,762, 272 pages; 109.49 MB
Novelas ejemplares - Tomo I (1919).pdf 525 × 775, 192 pages; 4.33 MB
Novelas ejemplares - Tomo II (1919).pdf 489 × 772, 171 pages; 2.64 MB
Novelas y cuentos de Serafín Estébanez Calderón.pdf 595 × 872, 210 pages; 26.72 MB
O grande livro de S. Cypriano ou o thesouro do feiticeiro.pdf 862 × 1,347, 371 pages; 59.88 MB
O skwarnej śmierci.pdf 1,235 × 1,820; 3.38 MB
Ohio University Athena yearbook, 1919.pdf 4,029 × 5,664, 298 pages; 58.67 MB
Only a volunteer, and other poems (IA onlyvolunteeroth00titu).pdf 527 × 877, 40 pages; 1.23 MB
Opalos Julio Herrera y Reissig.pdf 581 × 814, 38 pages; 3 MB
Oriente (Viajes) (1919) Vicente Blasco Ibáñez.pdf 666 × 1,070, 326 pages; 11.77 MB
Other merchants and sea captains of old Boston - 1919 (othermerchantsse00stat).pdf 935 × 1,379, 92 pages; 6.6 MB
Peter Strupp, der Sträfling.pdf 525 × 795, 33 pages; 5.59 MB
PL Janowski - Wycieczka do Krakowa.pdf 912 × 1,285, 24 pages; 8.83 MB
PL Klonowicz - Utopja Tomasza Morusa.pdf 725 × 1,187, 52 pages; 1.35 MB