Category:1868 books PDF files
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Media in category "1868 books PDF files"
The following 117 files are in this category, out of 117 total.
A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War (IA 972 × 1,422, 693 pages; 17.18 MB
A Collection of Telugu Proverbs translat(1).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 153 pages; 3.99 MB
A Collection of Telugu Proverbs.pdf 904 × 1,466, 661 pages; 16.53 MB
An account of the sufferings of Friends of North Carolina Yearly meeting (IA accountofsufferi00frie).pdf 725 × 1,206, 40 pages; 1.6 MB
Acht reden über die religion "an die gebildeten unter ihren verehrern" (IA achtredenuberdie00ruge).pdf 941 × 1,491, 108 pages; 5.11 MB
Lunds universitets ars-skrift (microform) (IA actauniversitat08univgoog).pdf 1,200 × 1,541, 834 pages; 31.11 MB
Ad interim and ad outerim; (IA adinterimadouter00curt).pdf 789 × 1,270, 36 pages; 1.95 MB
Album poético-fotográfico de las escritoras cubanas.pdf 827 × 1,229, 266 pages; 7.94 MB
Alexandru I. Odobescu - Notice sur les antiquités de la Roumanie.pdf 872 × 1,481, 84 pages; 2.04 MB
Almanach familiar para Portugal e Brazil - 1º anno.pdf 868 × 1,406, 486 pages; 13.26 MB
August Treboniu Laurian - Elemente de istoria romaniloru - pentru classile primarie.pdf 643 × 1,016, 150 pages; 4.01 MB
Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, for January 1868 (IA b28709366).pdf 1,131 × 1,781, 88 pages; 4.67 MB
BaANH50633 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina (1868).pdf 485 × 860, 854 pages; 48.03 MB
BaANH50947 Memoria del Ministerio del Interior (1867-8).pdf 747 × 1,247, 895 pages; 49.51 MB
Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave and four years in the White House (IA behindscenesorth00keck).pdf 808 × 1,320, 388 pages; 17.05 MB
Beitrage zur foraminiferenfauna der nordalpinen Eocängebilde (IA beitragezurforam00gumb).pdf 1,254 × 1,654, 172 pages; 8.97 MB
Biblia Gdańska wyd.1868.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,219 pages; 82.45 MB
BKK Calendar (1868).pdf 806 × 1,241, 137 pages; 8.83 MB
BLV 089 Hugo von Reutlingen Flores musice.pdf 770 × 1,258, 275 pages; 9.68 MB
BLV 090 Das Leben der Heiligen Elisabeth.pdf 752 × 1,208, 436 pages; 9.29 MB
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Istoria toleranței religioase în România.pdf 793 × 1,337, 81 pages; 1.2 MB
Brugsch Bildung Entwicklung Schrift 1868.pdf 695 × 1,181, 36 pages; 1.66 MB
Regional digitization in Massachusetts (IA bullineffabilisi00cath).pdf 787 × 1,264, 184 pages; 13.28 MB
Cambresy - Dictionnaire minier et métallurgique allemand-français, 1868.pdf 2,133 × 3,545, 218 pages; 44.07 MB
The Chronology of the Bible (IA chronologybible00shargoog).pdf 631 × 1,025, 80 pages; 2.14 MB
Compendio de gramatica castellana - Jose Olegario Reyes.pdf 547 × 847, 121 pages; 9.09 MB
Constitucion argentina 1868.pdf 939 × 1,387, 35 pages; 6.6 MB
Select historical costumes (IA cu31924029921180).pdf 800 × 1,279, 218 pages; 4.26 MB
Daheim 1868.pdf 1,177 × 1,781, 824 pages; 209.35 MB
Defensa de la goleta Covadonga.pdf 883 × 1,297, 16 pages; 3.27 MB
Delprat - Le Japon et la question japonaise, 1868.pdf 2,133 × 3,233, 48 pages; 9.95 MB
Der Kampf der lutherischen Kirche um Luthers Lehre vom Abendmahl.pdf 983 × 1,331, 368 pages; 12.85 MB
Derecho internacional teórico y práctico de Europa y América (IA derechointernaci12calv).pdf 885 × 1,418, 1,142 pages; 98.1 MB
Dimitrie Cantemir - Scrisoarea Moldovei. Volumul 1 - Partea 1.pdf 731 × 1,189, 183 pages; 4.84 MB
Dimitrie Cantemir - Scrisoarea Moldovei. Volumul 2 - Partea a 2-a.pdf 731 × 1,164, 123 pages; 22.33 MB
Discurso de recepcion del Presidente de la Republica Domingo F. Sarmiento (1868).pdf 631 × 864, 11 pages; 1.8 MB
Outlines of Indian Philology; with a Map shewing the distribution of Indian Languages, 2nd ed. (IA dli.granth.92614).pdf 700 × 1,041, 114 pages; 2.83 MB
Estudios sobre la Constitución de Buenos Aires - bdh0000108584.pdf 1,452 × 1,147, 175 pages; 3.05 MB
Facundo- Ó, civilización I barbarie en las pampas arjentinas (IA facundociviliza00manngoog).pdf 825 × 1,368, 373 pages; 11.48 MB
Fran Erjavec - Domače in tuje živali v podobah - 1. del Domače četveronožne živali.pdf 572 × 989, 154 pages; 39.2 MB
Grand album de l'Exposition Universelle 1867 - Heidelberg University.pdf 3,868 × 5,820, 144 pages; 96.01 MB
Historia del Perú independiente (IA historiadelperi00soldgoog).pdf 1,018 × 1,577, 658 pages; 43.21 MB
Ignaz Reich, Beth-el, Ehrentempel, verdienter ungarischer Israeliten, vol. 3. 1868.pdf 2,181 × 3,050, 182 pages; 51.58 MB
Illustrirter Katalog der Pariser Industrie-Ausstellung von 1867 - Heidelberg University.pdf 5,762 × 7,870, 360 pages; 472.72 MB
Ivan Hribar - Kralj Matijaž.pdf 1,054 × 1,281, 37 pages; 3.68 MB
Josip Jurčič - Cvet in sad.pdf 608 × 797, 168 pages; 10.98 MB
Karl den Tolfte. En minnesbild (IA karldentolfteen01beskgoog).pdf 741 × 1,202, 299 pages; 7.16 MB
Keralolpathi Gundert 1868.pdf 622 × 1,004, 122 pages; 4.75 MB
King Sham, and other atrocities in verse; (IA kingshamotheratr00gree).pdf 585 × 995, 152 pages; 4.02 MB
La carità del prossimo - Vol. 1-4.pdf 606 × 943, 647 pages; 55.63 MB
La gaviota (1868) (page 7 crop).jpg 180 × 194; 12 KB
La gaviota (1868).pdf 706 × 1,081, 292 pages; 22.77 MB
La presidencia - F.F.L. (seud. de Federico de la Barra).pdf 662 × 889, 117 pages; 12.72 MB
La chronigue de Gargantua; (IA lachroniguedegar00lesg).pdf 610 × 1,045, 126 pages; 5.2 MB
Lamber - Idees anti-proudhoniennes sur l amour la femme le mariage.pdf 397 × 625, 229 pages; 6.62 MB
Lamber - Mon village, 1868.pdf 643 × 1,020, 228 pages; 3.51 MB
Lambert - Le Mandarin.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 269 pages; 3.94 MB
Letters to a Man of the World.pdf 679 × 1,054, 328 pages; 5.51 MB
Life in the Argentine Republic in the days of the tyrants - Domingo F. Sarmiento (1868).pdf 566 × 895, 440 pages; 16.94 MB
Life in the Argentine republic in the days of the tyrants; or, Civilization and barbarism (IA lifeinargentiner00sarmrich).pdf 693 × 1,066, 452 pages; 22.83 MB
Memorias de um pobre diabo.pdf 654 × 968, 118 pages; 2.79 MB
The new Edinburgh, Leith, and county household directory (IA newedinburghhou186869dir).pdf 702 × 1,216, 570 pages; 50.23 MB
Novísimo diccionario de la lengua - bdh0000236192.pdf 1,289 × 937, 111 pages; 63.17 MB
On Governors.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 12 pages; 109 KB
Pajinas intimas - Julio Quevedo.pdf 516 × 789, 174 pages; 3.06 MB
Paris en America.pdf 664 × 881, 276 pages; 19.81 MB
Pobre patria - Laurindo Lapuente.pdf 558 × 756, 33 pages; 1.77 MB
Revista de España (Tomo IV).pdf 856 × 1,270, 684 pages; 63.74 MB
The San Francisco fairy- a tale of early times .. (IA sanfranciscofair00sanf).pdf 764 × 1,025, 36 pages; 1,002 KB
SZKICE HELWECKIE.pdf 1,245 × 1,022, 128 pages; 78.2 MB
The Literal and Spiritual Senses of Scripture.pdf 689 × 1,156, 104 pages; 2.74 MB
Titu Maiorescu - Contra scoalei Barnuțiu.pdf 591 × 987, 105 pages; 1.11 MB
The true Grecian bend- a story in verse (IA truegrecianbends00warn).pdf 668 × 1,089, 60 pages; 1.34 MB
Ulrich Zwingli.. (IA ulrichzwingli00blac).pdf 768 × 1,189, 340 pages; 25.82 MB
Um epysodio da historia patria, As quatro derradeiras noites dos inconfidentes de Minas Geraes.(1792)..pdf 1,204 × 1,775, 166 pages; 21.52 MB
Katalog Kunstausstellung Kunstakademie Dresden 1868.pdf 2,083 × 3,131, 98 pages; 13.68 MB
Vita di Giordano Bruno da Nola.pdf 3,125 × 4,743, 423 pages; 92.57 MB
Wab-ah-see, a legend of the Sleeping Dew; and other poems (IA wabahseelegendof00kutz).pdf 589 × 993, 216 pages; 8.27 MB
Walks in the Black Country and its green border-land.pdf 750 × 1,193, 466 pages; 15.08 MB
Wilhelm Löhe - Von Kleinkinderschulen.pdf 652 × 1,075, 52 pages; 3.61 MB
Zafername Şerhi (Ziya Paşa).pdf 1,102 × 1,329, 146 pages; 16.73 MB
Афанасьев А.Н. - Поэтич воззрения славян на природу (том 2, 1868).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 799 pages; 28.51 MB
Гегель Г.В.Ф. - Энциклопедия философских наук в кратком очерке. Ч. 2. Философия природы. - 1868.pdf 872 × 1,239, 455 pages; 53.38 MB
ЖМНП 1868 Часть 137.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,538 pages; 92.13 MB
ЖМНП 1868 Часть 138 2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 930 pages; 54.38 MB
ЖМНП 1868 Часть 139 2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,022 pages; 59.77 MB
ЖМНП 1868 Часть 139.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,180 pages; 67.24 MB
ЖМНП 1868 Часть 140 2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,010 pages; 54.54 MB
কবিতাকুসুমাঞ্জলি.pdf 470 × 822, 88 pages; 2.15 MB
কল্কিপুরাণ (বলাইচাঁদ সেন).pdf 535 × 937, 162 pages; 5.56 MB
কাব্যমঞ্জরী.pdf 512 × 929, 140 pages; 3.81 MB
কামিনী নাটক.pdf 291 × 493, 128 pages; 1.95 MB
কুসুমকুমারী নাটক.pdf 639 × 1,095, 98 pages; 4.15 MB
চন্দ্রাবতী নাটক.pdf 564 × 991, 112 pages; 4.74 MB
নারীশিক্ষা - দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf 610 × 993, 330 pages; 16.61 MB
পদ্মদূতকাব্যম্.pdf 656 × 1,006, 40 pages; 1.61 MB
প্রবাদমালা.pdf 581 × 937, 154 pages; 4.34 MB
বাক্যাবলী - জন ডর্কলিং পিয়ার্সন (১৮৬৮).pdf 620 × 1,083, 281 pages; 9.24 MB
বিক্রমোর্ব্বশী নাটক.pdf 560 × 968, 114 pages; 3.45 MB
বীরাঙ্গনা কাব্য - মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত.pdf 568 × 1,010, 80 pages; 1.91 MB
বেতালপঞ্চবিংশতি.pdf 777 × 1,220, 218 pages; 32.32 MB
ব্যবস্থাসর্ব্বস্ব.pdf 747 × 1,150, 158 pages; 10.58 MB
ব্রজাঙ্গনা কাব্য.pdf 679 × 1,106, 104 pages; 3.06 MB
মন-পাষণ্ড.pdf 506 × 839, 50 pages; 1.22 MB
শূরসুন্দরী.pdf 516 × 843, 98 pages; 2.85 MB
সফল ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী.pdf 610 × 981, 590 pages; 32.62 MB
সাবিত্রীচরিত কাব্য.pdf 572 × 920, 192 pages; 6.98 MB