Category:1550s engravings
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
- 1551 engravings (9 F)
- 1552 engravings (13 F)
- 1553 engravings (14 F)
- 1559 engravings (18 F)
Media in category "1550s engravings"
The following 23 files are in this category, out of 23 total.
5136 bassenge ghisi.jpg 500 × 782; 133 KB
Abendmahl cpg 457 fol 015v.jpg 605 × 842; 317 KB
Balthasar van den Bosch 001 Rijksmuseum version 01.jpg 2,862 × 2,137; 4.76 MB
Bartholomeus de Momper (I) 001.jpg 2,819 × 1,800; 1.12 MB
Bruegel - Ezel op school.png 1,285 × 935; 1.77 MB
Castor Conrad Gessner G.jpg 626 × 1,069; 182 KB
Castor gesner Quadrup Ferorum detail.jpg 822 × 427; 112 KB
Conrad Gesner - Quadrupedibus.jpg 1,660 × 1,107; 911 KB
Emblem of the Accademia Veneziana (1557-1561).jpg 303 × 368; 151 KB
Gessner walrus.JPG 800 × 306; 62 KB
Giulio Bonasone - The Holy Family with the Virgin Bathing the Christ Child.jpg 2,708 × 2,384; 5.88 MB
Heyden, Pieter van der - Fight of the Money-Bags and the Coffers - c. 1558 - hi res.jpg 2,399 × 1,879; 1.39 MB
Jean Duvet - Illustration to the Apocalypse - WGA6898.jpg 750 × 1,047; 197 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 047 III.jpg 1,500 × 956; 816 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 069 III.jpg 1,500 × 1,033; 668 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 091 III.jpg 1,000 × 255; 108 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 092 III.jpg 1,000 × 357; 143 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 099 III.jpg 1,500 × 1,223; 902 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 103 III.jpg 1,800 × 1,230; 1.14 MB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 108 III.jpg 1,500 × 899; 695 KB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 118 III.jpg 2,000 × 1,558; 1.03 MB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 137 III.jpg 1,000 × 1,297; 465 KB