Category:1500s paintings from Italy
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This category has the following 61 subcategories, out of 61 total.
- Bridgewater Madonna (5 F)
- La Muta (Raphael) (23 F)
- Large Cowper Madonna (8 F)
- Recanati Altarpiece by Lotto (48 F)
- Tondo Doni (1 P, 54 F)
Media in category "1500s paintings from Italy"
The following 173 files are in this category, out of 173 total.
Scacco Madonna and Child.jpg 409 × 720; 134 KB
Giovanni Buonconsiglio - Arystoteles i Filis.jpg 866 × 960; 345 KB
1501 Compás en retrato de arquitecto.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.86 MB
Sarto Madonna and Child with St. John.jpg 1,887 × 2,357; 2.81 MB
Pinturicchio self – detail edited.png 213 × 283; 146 KB
Pinturicchio self – detail.jpg 213 × 283; 86 KB
Pinturicchio self.jpg 325 × 642; 352 KB
Adorazione del Bambino con i Magi in lontananza.jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 5.1 MB
Alvise Vivarini, altare di sant'ambrogio 02.jpg 800 × 1,138; 205 KB
Ambrogio de Predis - Angel in red with a lute.jpg 236 × 512; 20 KB
Amico aspertini, san sebastiano, 1505 circa.JPG 1,464 × 2,184; 1.23 MB
Andrea del sarto (attr.), praparazione di icaro, 1506-1508 ca., 01.JPG 1,860 × 2,080; 3.19 MB
Andrea del sarto (attr.), praparazione di icaro, 1506-1508 ca., 02.JPG 1,368 × 1,696; 1.64 MB
Andrea Mantegna 112.jpg 2,024 × 2,475; 584 KB
Anonymous - Büßender Hl. Hieronymus - GG 5823 - Kunsthistorisches Museum.jpg 1,125 × 1,541; 678 KB
Anonymous - Still Life - ca. 1500 - 1510.jpg 553 × 769; 220 KB
Anonymous-Lucca - Annunciation - Bodemuseum.jpg 1,880 × 2,400; 924 KB
Marco basaiti, deposizione dalla croce.JPG 1,956 × 2,520; 2.5 MB
Beatrice e Isabella d'Este.jpg 1,080 × 1,112; 708 KB
Giovanni Bellini FeltételezettÖnarcképeKJ.jpg 1,223 × 1,612; 1.01 MB
Giovanni Bellini FeltételezettÖnarcképeKJFXD.jpg 1,223 × 1,612; 1.12 MB
Bemberg Fondation Toulouse - Vierge à l'Enfant - Vittore Carpaccio inv.1142.jpg 7,281 × 8,686; 41.31 MB
Bernardino Fungai-Conversion de Saint Clément.JPG 3,349 × 2,377; 2.6 MB
Bernardino Fungai-Saint Clément retrouvant sa famille.jpg 2,775 × 1,786; 1.32 MB
Bernardino Luini - Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors - WGA13775.jpg 1,508 × 900; 177 KB
Boccaccino Virgin and Child with Saints and a Donor.jpg 912 × 593; 38 KB
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - St Barbara - WGA2380.jpg 842 × 1,300; 161 KB
Botticelli 02 Galleria Pallavicini.jpg 1,060 × 770; 133 KB
VirginiaBotticelli.jpg 6,257 × 3,161; 6.17 MB
Bramantino - Madonna and Child with Two Angels - WGA03070.jpg 700 × 1,316; 170 KB
Vittore Carpaccio Birth of the Virgin.jpg 857 × 860; 163 KB
Vittore Carpaccio - Fuga in Egitto (Washington).jpg 3,000 × 1,931; 2.54 MB
Vittore Carpaccio - The Visitation - WGA04330.jpg 1,205 × 1,100; 211 KB
Cima da conegliano, matrimonio di bacco e arianna 02.jpg 976 × 1,200; 190 KB
Cima da Conegliano - Bacchant (Philadelphia Museum of Art).jpg 1,795 × 2,256; 1.82 MB
Satiro, Philadelphia Museum of Art.jpg 2,151 × 1,655; 1.47 MB
Cima da conegliano, san cristoforo col bambino e san pietro.jpg 770 × 1,001; 98 KB
Cima da conegliano, san pietro martire e santi 01.jpg 2,200 × 3,348; 2.29 MB
Cranach - Friedländer and Rosenberg, 002.jpg 769 × 1,443; 186 KB
Walentuncranacg.jpg 2,505 × 4,934; 3.98 MB
Cristo benedicente (ambito dei piazza).jpg 1,365 × 1,470; 1.07 MB
Cesare Da Sesto - Leda and the Swan - WGA04682.jpg 805 × 1,055; 149 KB
Defendente Ferrari - The Assumption of the Virgin - WGA7810.jpg 674 × 1,720; 170 KB
Domenico di Pace Beccafumi, La fuite en Egypte (XVIe siècle).jpg 421 × 512; 56 KB
Domenico panetti (ferrara, attr.), ritratto di giovinetta, 1505-10 ca..JPG 2,129 × 2,402; 1.5 MB
Filippino lippi, maria maddalena, accademia.jpg 816 × 2,999; 2.82 MB
Fra bartolomeo 04 The Holy Family with St John the Baptist.jpg 900 × 1,236; 173 KB
Francesco bianchi ferrari, noli me tangere, 1500 ca.jpg 3,048 × 2,164; 4.14 MB
Francesco Di Simone Da Santacroce - Annunciation - WGA08162.jpg 1,000 × 1,197; 223 KB
Francia Virgin and Child with St. John.jpg 1,072 × 1,444; 939 KB
Raffaellino del garbo, madonna in trono con santi, 1502.JPG 2,664 × 2,448; 955 KB
Giampietrino - Madonna of the Cherries.jpg 3,006 × 4,000; 1.59 MB
Circle of Giorgione - Allegory - Google Art Project.jpg 2,401 × 1,454; 851 KB
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio 006.jpg 2,919 × 4,068; 3.44 MB
Giovanni Bellini - Christ Blessing - Google Art Project.jpg 4,651 × 5,929; 7.22 MB
Giovanni Bellini - Christ Blessing - Google Art ProjectFXD.jpg 4,651 × 5,929; 6.08 MB
Giovanni Bellini - El Salvador - Google Art Project.jpg 2,245 × 3,001; 1.73 MB
Herculan.jpg 1,389 × 2,436; 505 KB
Le Sauveur du monde Nancy 250808.jpg 1,668 × 2,070; 945 KB
School of Leonardo da Vinci - (Salai).jpg 1,027 × 1,524; 379 KB
1503 Maria mit dem Kind und den Heiligen Joseph und Lucia anagoria.JPG 3,500 × 2,676; 5.39 MB
Giovanni agostino da lodi, madonna col bambino tra i ss. giuseppe e lucia, 1500-05 ca.JPG 2,520 × 2,068; 4.38 MB
Lorenzo Costa - Crowning of the Madonna and saints.jpg 508 × 683; 45 KB
Lorenzo costa, san petronio tra i ss. francesco e domenico, 1502, 01.jpg 2,032 × 2,944; 3.96 MB
Lorenzo costa, san petronio tra i ss. francesco e domenico, 1502, 02.jpg 2,092 × 2,584; 3.74 MB
Lorenzo costa, san petronio tra i ss. francesco e domenico, 1502, 03.jpg 1,708 × 3,300; 3.73 MB
Lorenzo di credi (bottega), adorazione del bambino, 1500-20 ca. 02.jpg 2,874 × 2,958; 5.35 MB
Lorenzo Lotto - Allegory - WGA13650.jpg 689 × 896; 189 KB
Lorenzo Lotto - Allégorie de la Vertu et du Vice 1.JPG 5,092 × 6,676; 6.09 MB
Lorenzo Lotto 039.jpg 1,903 × 2,087; 3.33 MB
Lotto, allegoria della castità.jpg 1,895 × 2,411; 3.72 MB
Lorenzo Lotto - Madonna and Child with St Peter Martyr - WGA13648.jpg 1,251 × 800; 155 KB
Lotto, Madonna col Bambino, san Pietro martire e un donatore.jpg 2,577 × 1,607; 3.06 MB
Luca signorelli, santi eligio e antonio, sansepolcro.jpg 1,452 × 2,014; 2.27 MB
Madonna in trono e santi- Atri.jpg 896 × 880; 216 KB
1500 de Maineri The Holy Family anagoria.JPG 2,724 × 3,780; 6.59 MB
Marco d'oggiono, vergine delle rocce (da leonardo) e grottesche sul verso, 1510 circa 01.JPG 2,004 × 2,156; 3.02 MB
Mariotto Albertinelli - Triptych - Google Art Project (27961053).jpg 5,001 × 7,024; 6.69 MB
Montagna St Jerome.jpg 950 × 851; 61 KB
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi, A Hero of Antiquity (2), about 1500.jpg 1,426 × 2,000; 3.2 MB
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi, A Hero of Antiquity, about 1500.jpg 1,435 × 2,000; 3.2 MB
Pala di sant'Ambrogio dei Milanesi da Alvise Vivarini e Marco Basaiti ai Frari.jpg 4,254 × 6,414; 29.88 MB
Perugino - Christ and the Woman of Samaria - 1933.1024 - Art Institute of Chicago.jpg 3,000 × 1,777; 1.72 MB
Perugino - Noli Me Tangere - 1933.1026 - Art Institute of Chicago.jpg 3,000 × 1,770; 1.71 MB
Perugino madonn with saints adoring child 1503 (21735938793).jpg 812 × 982; 144 KB
Piero di Cosimo - Allegory.jpg 11,755 × 15,048; 88.71 MB
Piero di Cosimo - Portrait de jeune homme.jpg 750 × 740; 101 KB
Piero di Cosimo 031.jpg 3,150 × 4,332; 4.58 MB
Piero di cosimo, allegoria.jpg 551 × 650; 134 KB
Piero di cosimo, san giovanni evangelista, 1495-1505 ca. (honolulu museum of art) 01.jpg 2,040 × 2,512; 3.57 MB
Piero di cosimo, san giovanni evangelista, 1495-1505 ca. (honolulu museum of art) 02.jpg 2,216 × 3,072; 3.86 MB
Piero di Cosimo - Madonna and Child and St John the Baptist - Walters 37425.jpg 1,760 × 1,800; 1.69 MB
Piero di Cosimo 028.jpg 2,024 × 2,027; 253 KB
Piero-di-cosimo Jean l'évangéliste.jpg 906 × 1,238; 739 KB
Pierocosimo - madona01.jpg 667 × 660; 73 KB
Pieta dite du curé Antoine Teste.jpg 3,105 × 3,237; 5.22 MB
Pietro Perugino - Assumption of the Virgin - WGA17283.jpg 900 × 1,306; 160 KB
Pietro Perugino - Assumption of the Virgin - WGA17283FXD.jpg 900 × 1,306; 293 KB
Pietro Perugino - Madonna with Child and the Infant St John - WGA17298.jpg 865 × 1,400; 176 KB
Pietro Perugino 004.jpg 2,024 × 3,755; 411 KB
Pietro Perugino 051.jpg 2,536 × 3,653; 398 KB
Pietro Perugino 059.jpg 2,536 × 3,099; 470 KB
Pietro Perugino 062.jpg 2,024 × 3,484; 475 KB
Pietro Perugino 076.jpg 365 × 500; 33 KB
Pietro Perugino cat54a.jpg 1,143 × 2,331; 375 KB
Pietro Perugino cat65a.jpg 1,827 × 2,460; 666 KB
Pinturicchio - Christ among the Doctors - WGA17774.jpg 900 × 1,078; 216 KB
Pinturicchio - Four Enthroned Sibyls - WGA17780.jpg 900 × 1,085; 235 KB
Pinturicchio - The Adoration of the Shepherds - WGA17776.jpg 900 × 1,082; 232 KB
Pinturicchio - The Adoration of the Shepherds - WGA17777.jpg 900 × 1,111; 215 KB
Pinturicchio - The Return of Odysseus - WGA17830.jpg 1,048 × 850; 201 KB
Portrait of a Youth Holding an Arrow 075203.JPG 2,740 × 3,528; 2 MB
Andrea Previtali - Memento Mori (verso) - WGA18406.jpg 800 × 1,013; 87 KB
Andrea Previtali The Annunciation ca 1508 crop.jpg 1,988 × 1,381; 1.32 MB
Pseudo Granacci - The Triumph of Chastity - Walters 37458.jpg 1,800 × 477; 959 KB
Raffaellino del Garbo - Saint John the Baptist - Google Art Project.jpg 3,475 × 5,341; 5.99 MB
Raffaello Sanzio - Madonna and Child (The Ansidei Altarpiece) - WGA18663.jpg 801 × 1,167; 163 KB
Raffaello Sanzio - The Procession to Calvary.jpg 7,689 × 2,176; 4.88 MB
Raibolini, Francesco — Madonna im Rosenhag.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.47 MB
Raffael 017.jpg 1,711 × 1,668; 466 KB
Salvador Mundi (School of Leonardo da Vinci).jpg 1,884 × 2,335; 1.03 MB
Sebastiano del Piombo 005.jpg 532 × 427; 127 KB
Triumph-of-chastity-signorelli-1509.jpg 4,568 × 4,226; 5.14 MB
Flagellazione di Luca Signorelli (ambito di),1.JPG 4,352 × 3,264; 2.95 MB
Signorelli, flagellazione, venezia.jpg 900 × 1,073; 169 KB
Signorelli, Mary Magdalene, orvieto.jpg 520 × 794; 116 KB
Flagellazione di Luca Signorelli (ambito di),2.JPG 4,352 × 3,264; 3.76 MB
Luca signorelli (ambito), flagellazione, 01.JPG 1,864 × 2,224; 3.24 MB
Luca signorelli (ambito), flagellazione, 02.JPG 1,704 × 1,980; 2.66 MB
Solario Christ with Cross adored by the Carthusian.jpg 1,566 × 2,048; 1.04 MB
The Three Graces Battista Naldini.jpg 2,610 × 3,743; 8.42 MB
Titian - Orpheus and Eurydice - WGA22856.jpg 1,400 × 1,000; 190 KB
Tiziano, nascita di adone 01.jpg 2,391 × 500; 196 KB
Tiziano, orfeo ed euridice.jpg 1,400 × 1,000; 681 KB
WLA lacma Tommaso Virgin Adoring the Christ Child.jpg 2,556 × 2,524; 977 KB
Trésors de Venise037b.jpg 3,026 × 3,857; 6.7 MB
Vincenzo Catena - Madonna and Child with Saints and the Donor - WGA4571.jpg 1,255 × 878; 137 KB
Vittore Carpaccio 075.jpg 2,536 × 3,201; 442 KB
Vittore Carpaccio 085.jpg 692 × 1,072; 147 KB
Vittore carpaccio, visitazione, 1504-08, dalla scuola di Santa Maria degli Albanesi.JPG 2,340 × 2,172; 4.15 MB
Alvise Vivarini, altare di sant'ambrogio 01.jpg 1,279 × 2,446; 1.33 MB
Zenale, antonio da padova.jpg 660 × 2,155; 182 KB
Zenale, santo stefano.jpg 545 × 2,155; 140 KB