Category:12 equal temperament
12 equal temperament
Media in category "12 equal temperament"
The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.
Minor second on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Major second on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Minor third on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Major third on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Perfect fourth on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Tritone on C.mid 6.0 s; 151 bytes
Perfect fifth on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Minor sixth on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Major sixth on C.mid 0.0 s; 167 bytes
Minor seventh on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
Major seventh on C.mid 0.0 s; 151 bytes
12 quintas justas.gif 432 × 432; 550 KB
12ed2-5Limit.svg 500 × 720; 14 KB
12ed2-7Limit.svg 500 × 720; 15 KB
Czest.png 104 × 40; 882 bytes
Monochord ET.png 456 × 758; 9 KB
Music frequency diatonic scale.svg 800 × 600; 113 KB
Music intervals frequency ratio equal tempered.svg 1,000 × 750; 149 KB
Perfect fifth in equal temperament.ogg 8.8 s; 95 KB
Piano Tuning Hammer and Mutes.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.28 MB
Sonido13RegularOctave.png 452 × 143; 57 KB
Tonnetz 12TET.png 1,061 × 869; 23 KB
TwelveToneEqualTemperamentGeometric.png 398 × 397; 39 KB
Vergleich.Stimmungen.png 1,369 × 976; 33 KB
乐律全书全-1154.jpg 747 × 1,000; 179 KB
乐律全书全-2297.jpg 731 × 1,000; 61 KB