Category:---sort order demo
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English: This category is a demonstration category to check and show the sort order of category names and sortkeys in Commons. For more informations see: Commons:Categories#Sorting categories.
[edit]Subcategories are sorted according to their category name or to their sortkey (if one is defined). But some characters can be used only as sortkeys and must not – and cannot – appear in category names, especially as first character. These are the following 12 blue characters, including 📚
(for image sets) and ▒
which stands here for space as sortkey:
▒ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 9 : ; < = > ? @ A Z a z [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ É é τ – — 📚
For those 12 sortkeys which cannot appear in a category name the demo categories here have names from ‘C0---demo’ to ‘C11---demo’.
There are 42 subcategories to demonstrate the sort order.
This category has the following 42 subcategories, out of 42 total.