Caserta surrender meetings
First Meeting on 28 April 1945, 18:00
(Pag.1) Morgan was assisted by four Chief of the Army, Naval, and Air Staffs to Field Marshal Alexander, with an interpreter and two secretaries.
(Pag.2) The record of the first meeting had been distributed in twelve copies.
Second Meeting on 28 April 1945, 21:00 (with soviets)
(Pag.1) Morgan was assisted by seven Chief of the Army, Naval, and Air Staffs to Field Marshal Alexander, with two interpreters and two secretaries. Kislenko attended as observer.
(Pag.2) General acceptance of the Terms of Surrender by the German officers and examination of the status of surrending personnel.
(Pag.3) The discussion continues on the status of surrending personnel.
(Pag.4) Discussion of other details regarding the surrending personnel.
(Pag.5) The discussion continues on the details regarding the surrending personnel.
(Pag.6) The record of the second meeting had been distributed in the same manner as the first one (none of the copies had been handed over to Kislenko).
Final Meeting on 29 April 1945, 14:00 (with soviets)
[edit]At the presence of the Red Army observers the German officers and the General Morgan signed the Instrument of Surrender.
The German representatives came back to Italy with three copies of the signed act (two of which written in english), with the intent of obtaining the necessary ratification of the new Commander-in-Chief Southwest Kesselring (unexpectedly designated by the Füherer on 28 April).
(Pag.1) Morgan was assisted by eleven Chief of the Army, Naval, and Air Staffs to Field Marshal Alexander, with two interpreters and two secretaries. Again, Kislenko attended only as observer.
(Pag.2) The acceptance to sign the Instrument of Local Surrender.
(Pag.3) The record of the third and final meeting had been distributed in the same manner as the first and the second meeting (none of the copies had been handed over to Kislenko).
Kislenko claim on 3 May 1945
[edit]General Aleksei Kislenko attended the last two meetings as observer on behalf of the Russian General Staff. By submitting his claim on 3 May, Kislenko declares that he received a copy of the Terms of Surrender (the Instrument of Surrender with its Appendices) on 29 April at 17:00 hours, only when he returned in Russia.
The claim pertains to the inclusion of the Vlasovskie forces, being soviet citizens, among the German complementary forces alike the Italo-Repubblican forces and organizations. He asked also the inclusion of the soviet military equipments.
(Pag.1) Motivation of the claim on the already signed Intrument of Surrender.
(Pag.2) Further requests following the main claim.