<nowiki>Arco de Jano; Ianus íve; Janoren arkua; Арка Януса; Janusbogen; Arco de Jano; Арка Януса; Арка на Янус; ヤヌス門; Janusbågen; Łuk Janusa; Арка Януса; Ianus Quadrifrons; arc de Janus; Boog van Janus; arc de Janus; Arch of Janus; Arco di Giano; Αψίδα του Ιανού; 雅努斯拱門; monumento della Roma antica; antikes Bauwerk in Rom; ancient building in Rome; tetrapylon i Rom; موقع أثري في روما، إيطاليا; αρχαία ρωμαϊκή αψίδα στη Ρώμη; triomfboog in Rome, Italië</nowiki>
It was set up at a crossroads at the northeastern limit of the Forum Boarium, close to the Velabrum, over the Cloaca Maxima drain that went from the Forum to the River Tiber. It was built in the early 4th century CE, using spolia, i.e. material from earlier buildings, including bricks, together with pottery shards, and was covered with white marble, also from earlier buildings.
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