Apocalypse of John by episode

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Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) in art by theme (iconography)

Table of contents




Many Apocalypse manuscripts include such illustrations in preface:

Saint John at Patmos (1:1…; 1:9)


St. John sitting in a cave in a rock with trees growing on it (representing the cave on the island of Patmos)

John receives his Revelation (1:1)


The angel gives the book to John

St. John woken by the angel

Saint John the Evangelist sleeping and angel; The angel waking John and asking him to write

Proclamation of the Return of Christ (1:7)


God appears to announce the return of Christ at the end of the world; He cometh with clouds

One Like a Son of Man (1:10-20)


John kisses the feet of Christ who is seated between 7 candlesticks; Son of Man between seven candlesticks. One like a son of man appears before John; Vision of the seven candlesticks (Among the lampstands); Vision of the appearance of the Son of Man; Living One touched me; When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead; He holds the keys; When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Et conversus vidi septem candelabra aurea

Seven churches and seven angels (1:20)


John writing to the seven churches

To the Church in Ephesus (2:1-7)


To the Church in Smyrna (2:8-11)


To the Church in Pergamum (2:12-17)


To the Church in Thyatira (2:18-29)


To the Church in Sardis (3:1-6)


To the Church in Philadelphia (3:7-13)


Key of David and the open door

Main gallery: Category:Key of David.

To the Church in Laodicea (3:14-22)


Jesus at the door (3:20)


Behold I stand at the door and knock; Knocking at the door; Light of the world; Backstairs Jesus; At heart's door; Jesus knocks the door

The Throne in Heaven (4:1-11)


Vision of Heaven; Christ enthroned with the twenty-four elders; Four living creatures; The court of Heaven

Open door

Four and twenty elders casting their crowns before the divine throne


Names of the worthy (5: 2-5)


John with an Elder, while the angel reads the names of the worthy; The strong angel proclaims ‘Who is worthy?’

The Lion of Judah (5:5)
Main gallery: Category:Lion of Judah.

Book with seven seals


The adoration of Christ, who is seated in a mandorla with a book. The Unopened Book.

The Lamb enthroned (5: 6)


Adoration of the lamb. The Lamb enthroned, surrounded by crowned Elders. The Vision of the Lamb in the Midst of the Four Living Creatures and the Twenty-Four Elders

The Lamb takes the book from Christ (5:8-9)

Elders with bowls of incense (5:8)

Opening of the book


The Lion of Judah crowned

Opening of the seven seals

Opening of the 1st seal (6: 1-2)

The man on the white horse with crown, bow and arrow (Victory). Vidi, quod aperuisset agnus...

Opening of the 2nd seal (6: 3-4)

The man on the red horse with a sword (War)

Opening of the 3rd seal (6: 5-6)

The man on the black horse with a pair of scales (Famine)

Opening of the 4th seal (6: 7-8)

The man on the pale horse with a scythe (Death)

Four Horsemen of Apocalypse

The Apocalyptic Riders

Opening of the 5th seal (6:9-11)
Souls of the martyrs receiving white robes

The Souls of the Martyrs. White robes are given to (the souls of) the martyrs under the altar; the souls of the martyrs under the alter are clothed in white

Opening of the 6th seal (6: 12-17)

A great earthquake, the sun turns black, the moon red as blood, and the stars fall on earth; mankind hiding in caves.

Angels holding the winds (7:1-8)


Four winds are restrained by four angels. Angels holding the winds and an Angel standing with a seal; the angel with the seal of the living God; Four angels staying the winds; Four angels suppress the four winds. The control of the four winds.

God's Servants Sealed (7:1-8)


Sealing of the tribes of Israel, the 144-thousand; Trumpets, and 144,000 sealed; Receiving the seal of God; 144000 sealed and the multitude in white robes; Angels staying the winds and the sealing of God's servants; The Blessedness of the Sealed; Designation of the Elect

Adoration of God and the Lamb (7:9-17)


The great multitude adore God and the Lamb

Opening of the 7th seal (8: 1-6)

Silence in heaven; Seventh Seal and the Silence (8:1); The seventh seal – the giving of the trumpets

Seven angels with trumpets (8:2-13)


Angels give trumpets and incense; The Distribution of Trumpets; The Seven Trumpets Are Given to the Angels; angels receiving seven trumpets; seven trombones, Angels taken tuba.

Angels give incense (8: 3-5)

The angel given incence censes the altar

The Emptying of the Censer (8:5)

The Emptying of the Censer; Incense poured on the Altar of Heaven and on the earth; An Angel Censing an Altar and Pouring the Censer over the Earth

Angel with the golden censer: smoke of the incense ascends with the prayers of the saints.

1st trumpet (8:6-7)

Fire rains on the earth; rain of fire on the earth. Hail, fire and blood is cast upon the earth; Hail and fire fall from heaven; Hail and Fire mingled with blood fall upon the Earth

2nd trumpet (8:8)

Fire on the sea. A great burning mountain is cast into the sea; The Burning Mountain in the Sea

3rd trumpet (8:10)

A burning star falls from Heaven. A great burning star (Wormwood) poisons the rivers and fountains; The Burning Star Falls into the River; Whe waters become wormwood

4th trumpet (8:12-13)

the sun and moon are darkened. The sun, the moon and the stars are partially darkened; eclipse of one third of the moon, sun, and stars; The Darkening of a Third of the Celestial Bodies; The light of the earth is extinguished

The lament of the eagle (8:13)

The lament of the eagle; Eagle Crying Woe; The Woeful Eagle

5th trumpet (9:1-12)

The falling star opens up the bottomless pit: smoke comes out. The Angel of Destruction and the Locusts. Opening of the abyss, causing smoke and locusts to issue forth - Abadon, the angel king of the abyss, and his army, all locusts, looking like horses arrayed for battle. Star Falls from the Sky; the Bottomless Pit is Opened with a Key; Emerging from the Smoke; The First Woe

The locusts come up from the pit (9:3-10)

The locusts come up from the pit; Locusts Come Upon the Earth; The Locusts emerging from the pit

The locusts riding (9: 7-11)
Abaddon leading Locusts

Torment the Deathless

6th trumpet (9:13-15)

The Angel at the Euphrates; The angels Bound in the Euphrates are released; Four angels of destruction are released (9:13-21). Four Angels with swords and shields; The sixth trumpet – the unbinding of the four angels in the Euphrates.

The Horsemen on Fire-Breathing Horses (9:17; 9:16-21)

The horsemen attack the people. An army of horsemen who are breathing fire and smoke and riding horses with heads as lions; The horsemen destroy the people. Third of all Men Massacred

Angel with the book

The Angel with the book; The Angel with the Scroll. Mighty angel with the little open book in his hands: he is wrapped in a cloud; his legs are pillars of fire, which stand one on land and one in the sea.

Angel with the Seven Thunders (10: 1-4)

The Angel Preventing Saint John from Recording the Words of the Seven Thunders; The seven thunders and the great angel. The Mighty Angel and John Forbidden to Write

John eats the book (10:1-2)


John takes the little book from the angel and eats it. John eats the book and is commanded to prophesy.

John measuring the temple (11:1-2)


The angel gives John the rod to measure the temple

Flowering reed

Two witnesses of God (11:1-14)

Main gallery: Category:Two witnesses.

Two witnesses of God prophesy (Enoch and Elijah); Two Witnesses Evangelizing the World

The witnesses breathe fire and prophesy to the people, Two witnesses of God kill their enemies with fire (11: 5-6)

The death of the witnesses (11: 7-8)

The Massacre of the Two Witnesses by the Beast; Two witnesses of God are slain by the beast and the people rejoice over their death; The Massacre of the Two Witnesses by the Beast; Antichrist beheads Enoch and Elijah, earthquake killing 7,000

The Unburied Bodies of the Two Witnesses (11:8)

The people rejoice at the death of the witnesses (11: 9-10)

Resurrection and ascension of the two witnesses of God (11:12-13)

The Breath of Life enters the Witnesses (11:8-12). The Wintesses Ascend. Resurrection and ascension of the two witnesses of God; The Removal of the Two Witnesses and the Destruction of the City (11:11)

Second Woe (11:14)


7th trumpet (11:15-19)


Adoration in heaven; Praise of the judgment of God in Heaven; The Twenty-Four Elders Adoring the Throne of God; The Elders give thanks; The Seventh Angel of the Apocalypse Proclaiming the Reign of the Lord; Christ proclaimed by the elders

Judgment (11:18)

Shown resurrection of the dead

The Temple of God (11:19)

The Temple of God with the Tabernacle in the Sky; The Temple of God and the Ark of His Testament; The temple in heaven opened

Woman Clothed in the Sun (12:1)


The Woman Clothed in the Sun; A pregnant woman, clothed with the sun and standing on the moon, appears. The appearance of the woman clothed with the sun

Woman and the dragon (12: 3-4)

The dragon menaces the woman

Her child is taken up to heaven (12:5)
The woman escapes into the desert (12:6)

The dragon persecutes the woman and she flies into the desert. An Angel comes to her aid.

Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon (12:7-9)


War in heaven. Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and his followers; the dragon (Devil, Satan) is cast out of heaven

Dragon cast into the earth (12: 9)
The blood of the Lamb (12:11)

The woman flying (12:14)


The Woman flying; Woman receiving the wings; the woman of the Apocalypse receives her crown from an angel and then flies to the mountains; The Dragon Pursues the Woman Clothed in the Sun Who Receives the Wings of an Eagle

The Dragon hurls water (12:15)

The Dragon Hurls Water after the Woman Clothed in the Sun; The dragon vomiting water; the dragon spews water from his mouth in attempt to drown her; The serpent cast out of his mouth water

The dragon wages war (12:17-18)


The seed of the woman fight the dragon; Servants of God fighting with the dragon; The dragon makes war on the woman’s seed; Dragon making war; Dragon Fighting the Just; Dragon battles woman's offspring

Beast from of the sea (13:1-3)


Beast out of the sea, Beast of the sea. Leopard-like beast with seven heads comes out of the sea

Dragon giving the sceptor of power to the Beast from the Sea (13:2)

The Beast of the Sea and the Dragon worshiped; The dragon delegates power to the beast who came from the sea; The dragon gives power to the beastl and is worshipped together with the dragon

Wounded head of the Beast (13:3)
Adoration of the Dragon (13:4)
Adoration of the Beast from the Sea (13:4)

The worship of the beast

Beast enthroned (13:5)
The beast slays the saints (13:7)

The Beast wages war against the saints; Beast makes war with the Saints, Beast out of the sea makes war with the saints

Beast from the earth (13:11-13)


Beast out of the earth, Beast of the earth; The false prophet rises from the earth; The Devil from the Earth

Beast maketh fire come down from heaven (13:13)

The Beast from the Earth makes Fire from Heaven; The false prophet rises calls down fire and orders the worship of the beast;

Image of the Beast from the sea (13:14-15)


An Image of the Beast of the Sea fashioned.

Mark of the Beast (13:16-18)

The Worshipers of the Beast receive his mark; People are marked on their hands or foreheads; The Beast from the Earth Killing People and People Receiving the Mark of the Beast; The followers of the beast are marked on their foreheads; The false prophet causes men to be marked (13: 16-17)

Adoration of the Lamb on Mount Sion by the 144-thousand (14:1-5)


The Lamb adored on Mount Sion

The elders around the throne (14: 2-5)

The New Song (14:3)


New Song before the Throne

Three angels proclaiming the Day of judgement (14:6-13)

1st Angel (14:6-7)

The First Angel; 1st Angel predicts victory; Angel with the Eternal Gospel; The Angel with the Everlasting Gospel

2nd Angel (14:8)

The Second angel predicts the fall of Babylon; An Angel Announces the Fall of Babylon

3rd Angel (14:9-12)

The Third Angel and the Ban to Adore the Beast; Third angel and the Lamb; The third angel – judgement on those who worship the beast; The angel warns followers of the beast of the threatening wrath of God.

John commanded to write (14:13)


The blessed dead (14:13)


Those who died believing in God are blessed; Blessed are they who die in the Lord; The dream of the justes

The Last Harvest (14:14-20)


Son of Man (Christ) with the sickle; The Reaper and Vision of Armageddon; The Harvest of the Earth Reaped; The Harvest of the World; Christ throws his sickle down on the earth; he Harvest of the Earth and the Vintage of the Wrath of God

The Harvest of the Earth (14:14-16)
The Harvest of Grapes (14:17-18/20)

The vine of the earth; The Harvest of Grapes; The vine of the earth, An Angel gathers the vintage of the earth, An angel thrusts his sickle into the earth, and gathers the vine

The Treading in the Winepress (14:20)

The vine of the earth is cast into the wine-press of the wrath of God, blood is squeezed out; The wine press of the wrath of God; The vintage and the blood from the winepress;

The Bowls of God's Wrath (15:1; 15:5-16:21)

Plague Angels and the Harpers (15: 1–2)

The seven angels and harpers on the sea of glass; The Sea of glass; Conquerors of the beast, holding harps, stand on the sea of glass

Angels receiving seven bowls

Seven bowls; Seven vials; Seven vessels; Vessels with the Seven Last Plagues, Angels with seven jars containing the wrath of God. Seven plagues. The Vials Of The Wrath Of God. Plague from the seventh vial; Seven angels with the seven golden vials; Angel with seven jars containing the wrath of God; The Angels and the plagues. Seven angels with the seven vials, bringing disasters and destruction upon the earth and mankind.

The Giving of the Seven Bowls of Wrath (15: 7, 16: 1). The Eagle Giving the Vessels with the Seven Last Plagues to the Seven Angels. Seven golden vials full of the wrath of God are distributed to seven angels by the lion, one of the four living creatures

Adoration of God and the Lamb (15:2-4)

The opening of the tabernacle of the temple of the testimony (15: 5-6)

1st bowl - on the earth (16:2)

The First Vessel - Ulcerous Wounds; Pouring out the first vial: bearers of the mark of the beast are afflicted with sores; poured on the earth

2nd bowl - on the sea (16:3)

The Second Vessel - Death in the Sea; poured into the sea

3rd bowl - on the rivers (16:4-7)

The Rivers Turn to Blood; poured on the fountains and rivers

4th bowl - on the sun (16:8-9)

The Fourth Vial poured on the sun; The Sun's heat burning humanity

5th bowl - on the Beast's seat (16: 10-11)

The Fifth Vial poured on the Beast's seat and darkness descends; Slandering of God; poured on the seat of the beast

6th bowl - on the Euphrates (16:12)

The Sixth Vial poured on the Euphrates; The Desiccation of the Euphrates

The Unclean Spirits (16:13-14)

The Unclean Spirits; Frogs come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet. John sees three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouths of a dragon, a beast and a false prophet; Unclean Spirits Issuing from the Mouths of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet

The kings of the earth gathered together (16:14-16)
7th bowl - on the air (16: 17-21)

The Seventh Vial: the earthquake and destruction on earth. An angel pours the seventh vial into the air, a voice from the temple announces the end of time; cities split into parts and huge hailstones rain down on men

The Whore of Babylon


Scarlet woman, the whore of Babylon.

The Harlot seated on the waters (17:1)

The Harlot who sits upon many waters; The great whore seated on the waters

The Harlot seated on the Beast (17:3-6)

Woman on the Beast. She is usually sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. The great whore seated on the beast

Drunken Harlot (17:6)

The Drunken Harlot; The Harlot drunk with the blood of the Saints; The great whore drunk with the blood of the saints

Ten kings make war against the Lamb (17:14)

Ten kings make war against the Lamb: the Lamb is victorious over the kings; Victory of the Lamb

Whore of Babylon is cast into the flames (17:16)

Harlot is cast into the flames; Destruction of the great whore in flames; The punishment of the whore of Babylon, Heaven triumphs and the Harlot is cast into the flames, Song of Praise in Heaven over the Fall of the Whore of Babylon

An angel announces the fall of Babylon (18:1-3)

Ravens and wild beasts among the ruins of Babylon (18:1)
The people instructed to leave the city (18:4-8)

The People of God Leaving Babylon

Lament over the fall of Babylon (18: 9-19)


The lament over the sins of Babylon; The Fall of Babylon bewailed; Where kings or merchants lament for Babylon. The lament of the kings and merchants

Lament of the kings (18: 9-10)

Kings mourning about Babylon;

Lament of the merchants (18: 11-17)

Merchants Lamenting Babylon; Merchants Mourn the Fall of Babylon.

Lament of the shipmasters and mariners (18: 17-19)

Angel casting a millstone into the sea (18:21-24)


A mighty angel casting a great (mill)stone into the sea; The Angel casts the millstone into the sea; A Stone cast into the Sea

Jubilation Over Fall Of Babylon (18:20)


The fall of Babylon (18:21-24)


Rejoicing in Heaven (19:1-5)


Heaven triumphs; Rejoicing in Heaven; Praise of the judgement of God in heaven; The elders worship God (19:1–4)

The marriage of the Lamb (19:7-9)


Wedding of the Lamb

Lamb with The Bride (19:7)
The Bride of the Lamb (19:7-8)
Supper of the Lamb (19:9)

The marriage feast of the Lamb; Supper of the Lamb

John records the marriage supper (19:9)

The Angel asks John to write; The angel bids St John write

John kneels before the Angel (19: 10)

Christ on the White Horse (19:11-16)


The Rider on the White Horse; The Divine Warrior; The horseman whose name was Faithful and True (Christ) with his heavenly army; Christ on the White Horse; The army of heaven and Christ in the winepress; Horseman's triumph

Christ on the White Horse and the Winepress (19:15)


He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God

An Angel Standing in the Sun (19:17)
Angel standing in the Sun called the birds of prey (19:17-18)

The flesh of men attacked; The birds eating the flesh of kings and all men; An Angel Standing in the Sun and Birds Invited to the Repast; The Angel in the Sun calling the Birds of Prey; An angel summons the birds of prey to devour the flesh of men; An angel summons the birds to the Supper of God.

The battle with the Beast (19:19)

The Divine armies attack; The battle with the Beast; Battle between the beast (Antichrist), the false prophet, and the horseman with his army; The battle with the army of the beast; The King of Kings and his armies fight the beast

The Defeat of the Beast (19:20)

The beast taken; The beast and the false prophet conquered

The defeated cast into the pool of fire (19:20-21)

The defeated beast and false prophet cast into the pool of fire; The punishment of the beast

Satan chained in the bottomless pit (20:1-3)


The Dragon enchained; An angel with a key and a chain binds the dragon (Satan) and casts him into the pit. The Dragon is captured by angels and locked away in the bottomless pit; The dragon chained and imprisoned for a thousand years; Angel throws the devil into the abyss

The thousand year realm (20:4-6)


The Thousand Years

Judges (20:4-6)

The judges seated on a throne; Judgement for the first Resurrrection

First resurrection of the dead (20:4-6)

The first resurrection of those who had been beheaded for the sake of God;

Satan released from prison (20:7)


Satan returns. After a thousand years, Satan is released from prison; The dragon, who is Satan, comes forth again

The attack on the Holy City (20: 9)

Gog and Magog besieges the Holy City; Satan's host attack the City of Saints; Satan loosed with Gog and Magog; Satan returns and attacks the Holy City; Siege of Jerusalem

Fire from heaven devours Satan, Gog and Magog
The Dragon is cast into Lake of Fire (20:10)

Satan is cast into the pit of Hell, Lake of fire; Judgement of Satan (Antichrist); Satan is cast into a lake of fire

Last Judgment (20:11-21:1)

Main gallery: Category:Last Judgment.

The Day of Judgement

Judge on the great white throne (20:11)
The dead rising for Judgement (20: 12)
Book of Life
The saved (20: 12)
The damned (20: 12)
Sea gave up the dead (20:13)

And the Sea Gave Up the Dead Which Were in It

Death and Hell are cast into the lake of fire (20:14)

The New Heaven and the New Earth (21:1-8)


The Holy City comes down from heaven; The Holy City comes down and John is instructed to write.

New Jerusalem (21:2-8)

Main gallery: Category:New Jerusalem.
New Jerusalem as bride of the lamb (21:2)

New Jerusalem sent down by God from heaven, clothed like a bride adorned to meet her husband (21.2).

God shall wipe away all Tears from their eyes (21:4)
Christ promising new life (21: 5-8)

I am Alpha and Omega

John is shown the New Jerusalem by the Angel (21:9-27)

An angel shows John the New (Heavenly) Jerusalem coming down from heaven; sometimes Christ is shown leading his lambs to the city; John led to the Jerusalem; John shown the new Jerusalem by the angel

New Jerusalem measured (21: 15-17)

The angel measures the city

Lamb is the light thereof (21:23)

The River of Life (22:1)

Main gallery: Category:River of Life.

The Angel shows Saint John the Fountain of Living Water; Angel leads John to the River of Life which flows from the throne of God, where He sits caressing the Lamb

Tree of Life (22:2)


The tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit

Prophets assembling in the city (22:6)


Come, Lord Jesus! (22:7-21)


John worships the angel (22:8-9)


John worshipping at the feet of the Angel; John and the angel; John adoring the angel after the Revelation

Christ in Majesty (22: 9–13)


John before the Lord (22:10-21)


John is addressed by Christ enthroned; Christ instructing John; John comes before Christ who explains to him the importance of his visions (22: 16-19).

The Spirit and the Bride say Come (22:12)


Christ promising his reward



‘Blessed are they who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb’ (22: 13-15)



Illustrations that could be added into "Apocalypse of John" manuscripts

  • The raising of Drusiana
  • John changes sticks and stones to precious gems
  • The raising of Stacteus
  • Aristodemus challenges John to drink poison
  • John drinks from the poisoned cup
  • Two men who have drunk poison are revived by Aristodemus using John's cloak
  • A young man is presented to a bishop by John and becomes his cup-bearer
  • the young man, riding a white horse, joins a band of robbers and they kill and steal
  • John is told this by the bishop and rides out to bring the young man back to him
  • John's vision of Christ and the Apostles
  • John says farewell
  • John says Mass and later lies dead in his tomb
  • The tomb is found empty, containing only manna from Heaven.