Alexander Henry Haliday (1807–1870)

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Early Years




The eighteenth century heralded great gains for Britain. The Treaty of Utrecht, which ushered in the stable and characteristic period of Eighteenth-Century civilization, marked the end of danger to Europe from the old French monarchy, and it marked a change of no less significance to the world at large, – the maritime, commercial and financial supremacy of Great Britain and ensured Britains domination of the slave market . Britains command of Canada and the Mediterranean and entry into the Spanish New World. Free trade, advanced government led to the unfettering of productive power.This together with the worlds largest (by far) mercantile fleet led to Britains replacing France as the leading colonial power, but most trade remained with Ireland, whose elegant capital , Dublin, was Europe's third city.

In Dublin there are of public collections, the Ordnance Museum, Phoenix Park, good in various departments of Vertebrata and Invertebrata; the Royal College of Surgeons Museum in which Mr J. V. Thompson’s collection of Crustacea is preserved;Trinity College containing the late Mr Tardy’s fine collection of insects added to by Dr Coulter; Natural History Society [founded 1843] Zoophytes, etc.; Royal Dublin Society, Vertebrata and Invertebrata;Miss M. Ball’s Insects chiefly and Shells; Mr Warren’s, very fine in Shells and Birds; Dr Farran’s, also very fine in Shells and good in Birds; Dr Bellingham’s in Entozoa; Mr Egan’s in Insects; Dr George Allman’s in Freshwater Zoophytes and Mollusca Nudibranchiata and Mr O’Kelly’s in Shells.Natural History of Ireland 1843





Letters and manuscripts






yet it is a duty I owe to the public that my writings should be wound up and revised and clearly systematized. I am well aware that the time which you are able to set aside for entomology is already fully occupied yet I cannot refrain from requesting your assistance. My descriptions of Darwin’s Chalcides are printed and will be published immediately. I have all the specimens in my possession and I will forward them to you together with all my own collection and they will be speedily followed by all the remnants I have left. You are quite welcome to retain mine as long as you feel inclined and what I ask of you is in plain words that you will point out my errors, supply my omissions, reunite the species that I have cut up and divide into groups the over-populous and disordered genera. Your drawings of the genera would be most suitably accompanied by such an Essay …..letter Francis Walker to Haliday July 29 1839.

Collecting localities




Some Italian insects


Nevertheless it is not a week since Colias, Hipparchi, Vanessa, Polymmatus, Pterophorus, Xanthia and some Tineina were out, dragonflies hawking even over frozen pools, Locusts and Chrysopa, Hemerobius etc and Chrysomela americana and its larva to be found abroad on the Lavandula stoechas, now out in second bloom; while the spring flowers, janquils and pasque flowers, by the wayside are meeting the lingering flowers of Autumn. If the operation of moving and some other engagements leave me time I am tempted to take another flight up to Abetone , the pass on the Appenines into the Modenese to see what the fir and beech-woods are like in their greatcoat of snow which peeps so brilliantly over the lower range of the Emiliano intervening there and Lucca.



Note Thomas Coulter’s main interests were botanical (he was Curator of the Herbarium at Trinity College but entomological leanings are evidenced by a list of Irish Diptera made out by Alexander Haliday for his use (now in the entomological library of the National Museum), in references to him in letters to Haliday from London entomologists and by his small collection in Trinity College.Also a letter from Thomas Coulter to the Rev Dr McDonnell, Bursar of Trinity College refers to an evident purchase thus ‘Cummings collection of 487 Phillipine shells at £100; Curtis’ cabinet of British Insects of 7,656 specimens with their cabinet, £162.2.0;Tardy’s cabinets of Irish insects of about 10,000 specimens. £160.14.6’. Of these collections Coulter says ‘These three collections are unequalled in Ireland and it would be a matter of great satisfaction tome if the Provost and Board would visit them and the Herbarium. The insects are in a finished state and on the authority of the two best entomologists in Britain - Mr Curtis and Mr Haliday -and amount to18,000 specimens.

Charles Darwin


Mr Darwin (grandson of the celebrated doctor Darwin) who has been travelling for the few past years through the E and W coasts of South America and the Pacific Isles and N. Holland and has made numerous interesting discoveries in geology and zoology—has lately returned to England with his collections—He has entrusted the insects to Waterhouse who will describe the Coleoptera. I was so interested in the chalcidites that I have acceded to W's request that I should describe them. He is at a loss what to do with the Muscidae, Ichneum adscits, Thrips (of which there are some titans half an inch long) etc—and wishes me to offer them to you to describe in whatever Ent work you please, he would like to have an answer soon. I think you will find them very interesting and we can easily send them to you. Francis Walker Arnos Grove Southgate 8 March 1837 ... to Haliday.

