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<nowiki>Adviento; Adwynt; Aðventa; Adven; Advent; адвент; Adven; Advent; آمد مسیح; Advento; Advent; адвент; 將臨期; Advento; Avventu; 대림절; Advent; Advento; advent; Aviento; Adwańt; avent; Advent; Došašće; adwent; Mùa Vọng; Advente; Advėnts; Адвент; Advento; Advent; advent; advent; Advent; مجيء المسيح; Azvent; 將臨期; advent; Abendualdi; Advent; Advent; Advent; Aidbhint; جشن ظهور; 將臨期; advent; ადვენტი; アドベント; Advento; Avent; مجيء المسيح; הציפייה; Adventus; Majilio; 将临期; adventti; Avéns; Адвент; Δευτέρα Έλευση; திருவருகைக் காலம்; Avvento; Advent; Advent; Advänt; адвэнт; Advent; Avent; Avento; адвент; Aidmheint; адвент; Advento; adven; advent; Advent; adventas; advent; Adbiyento; advent; Advent; Adbyento; Adwent; ആഗമനകാലം; advent; Advent; Advent; Adfent; Krist-yenneacho kall; Advento; Advent; 将临期; Avënt; tiempo litúrgico cristiano antes de la Navidad; période précédant Noël; название предрождественского периода, принятое в среде христиан католической церкви и некоторых протестантских деноминаций; хрысьціянскае сьвята; fjórir síðustu sunnudagarnir fyrir jóladag í Kristni; Christelike liturgiese seisoen wat Kersfees voorafgaan; indledende periode på den kristne kirke år; temps de preparació espiritual per a la celebració del naixement de Jesús; joulua edeltävä ajanjakso kirkkovuodessa; Beginn des Kirchenjahres, Liturgische Vorweihnachtszeit; celebração religiosa cristã; inledande period i det kristna kyrkoåret; مسیحیت; богослужебен период; a̱cak lita̱ji Krista ka̱ bai a̱zaghyi Kisi̱mat a̱ni; perioada celor patru săptămâni de dinaintea Crăciunului; Panahon ng simbahang Kristiyano; a karácsonyt előkészítő időszak; Masa sebelum Natal; Ufank vum Kierchejoer a Virbereedungszäit op Chrëschtdag; periodo liturgico cristiano che precede il Natale; назва періоду в літургійному році, що передує Різдву Христовому; periode van vier weken ter voorbereiding op Kerstmis; časť liturgického roka rímskokatolíckej cirkvi; mùa phụng vụ chuẩn bị cho sự giáng sinh của Chúa Giêsu; de Aafang vom Chilejohr, vier Sünntig vor Wienachte; 성탄과 재림을 기다리는 기독교 절기; Christian liturgical season preceding Christmas; kristana liturgia sezono antaŭ Kristnasko; začátek liturgického roku; započatk cyrkwinskeho lěta; štyri njedźele do hód; Tempo di Avvento; Tempo d'Avvento; Dimanche de l'Avent; Temps de l'Avent; Avènement du Christ; Adventsszeit; Vorweihnachtszeit; Adventszeit; Adventzeit; Advent; An Azvent; Advent; Masa Adven; Advent; Adventstiet; Adventstied; Pagdating; adwentny čas; dohodowny čas; Advento de Jesus; Advendiaeg; Advendipühapäev; Adventes laiks; Adventa laiks; Advents; Tiempo de Adviento; Bai; Bwuok; adventna nedelja; adventni čas; アドヴェント; 降臨節; 待降節; julfastan; adventus; adventstida; Adventné obdobie; אדוונט; Adventus; advent (periode); 降臨期; 待降節; ádvent; úrjövet; Σαρανταήμερο; 대림 시기; 대강절; 강림절; Abiento; leliumai; 降临期; 待降节; ஆகமன காலம்</nowiki>
Christian liturgical season preceding Christmas
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Wikidata Q83012
GND ID: 4000537-9
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85001060
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11933371j
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 18651
NL CR AUT ID: ph114004
J9U ID: 987007292811805171
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Advent, anglicized from the Latin word


meaning "coming", is a season observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday, called Levavi. The Eastern churches' equivalent of Advent is called the Nativity Fast, but it differs both in length and observances and does not begin the church year, which starts instead on September 1.

Religious services

Main categories: Advent Mass and Advent vespers


Main category: Advent music

Advent traditions and decorations


Advent calendars

Main category: Advent calendars

Advent wreaths

Main category: Advent wreaths

Advent candles

Main category: Advent candles

Advent lanterns

Main category: Advent lanterns

Advent floristry

Main category: Advent floristry

Churches named Advent

Main category: Advent churches

Advent Sunday

Main category: Advent Sunday